Getting the YTsaurus specification ready

You can find an example of the minimum specification here.

Sample specification
kind: Ytsaurus
  name: ytdemo
  coreImage: ytsaurus/ytsaurus:stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
  uiImage: ytsaurus/ui:stable

    name: ytadminsec

    instanceCount: 1

    instanceCount: 3
    cellTag: 1
      - name: master-data
        mountPath: /yt/master-data
      - locationType: MasterChangelogs
        path: /yt/master-data/master-changelogs
      - locationType: MasterSnapshots
        path: /yt/master-data/master-snapshots

      - metadata:
          name: master-data
          accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
              storage: 20Gi

    - serviceType: NodePort
      instanceCount: 3

    - serviceType: LoadBalancer
      instanceCount: 3

    - instanceCount: 3
        - name: node-data
          mountPath: /yt/node-data

        - locationType: ChunkStore
          path: /yt/node-data/chunk-store

        - metadata:
            name: node-data
            accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
                storage: 50Gi

    - instanceCount: 3
          cpu: 3
          memory: 5Gi

        - name: node-data
          mountPath: /yt/node-data

        - name: node-data
            sizeLimit: 40Gi

        - locationType: ChunkCache
          path: /yt/node-data/chunk-cache
        - locationType: Slots
          path: /yt/node-data/slots

    - instanceCount: 3

    instanceCount: 1

    instanceCount: 1

    instanceCount: 1

    instanceCount: 1

    serviceType: NodePort
    instanceCount: 1

Table 1 shows some general Ytsaurus settings. Full description: YtsaurusSpec.

Table 1 — Basic Ytsaurus specification fields

Field Type Description
coreImage string Image for the main server components (for example, ytsaurus/ytsaurus:stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo).
uiImage string An image for the UI like ytsaurus/ui:stable.
imagePullSecrets array<LocalObjectReference> Secrets needed to pull images from a private registry. Learn more here.
configOverrides optional<LocalObjectReference> A ConfigMap for overriding generated static configs. It should only be used in rare cases.
adminCredentials optional<LocalObjectReference> A secret with the login/password for the admin account.
isManaged bool A flag that lets you disable all operator actions on this cluster in order to manually work with the cluster where needed.
enableFullUpdate bool A flag that lets you prohibit the launch of a full cluster update.
useIpv6 bool Use IPv6 or IPv4
bootstrap BootstrapSpec Settings for initially deploying the cluster (for example, tablet cell bundle parameters)

Selecting a set of components

Clusters can be created with different sets of components. Let's take a brief look at the components that can be configured in the Ytsaurus specification.

You can read more about components in this section.

At a minimum, the cluster must have masters and discovery services configured in the primaryMasters and discovery fields, respectively.

Schedulers and controller agents are required to start operations, and they are configured respectively in the schedulers and controllerAgents fields.

To make requests to the cluster from the CLI and SDKs, you need proxies. There are two types of proxies: HTTP and RPC. They are configured in the httpProxies and rpcProxies fields, respectively.

For a convenient UI you can use to work with a cluster, you need to configure it in the ui field.

dataNodes are used to store data, while execNodes launch operation jobs.

If you plan to query data using an SQL-like query language, add queryTrackers and yqlAgents to the specification.

To use CHYT, you need to run a special controller. It can be configured in the strawberry field.

For dynamic tables to work (they're needed for system tables of components like query tracker), tabletNodes needs to be raised.

Docker image

At the first step, select the main Docker image for the server components.

Most of the server components are released from a separate (release) branch. Currently, the latest stable branch is stable/23.2. We strongly recommend using an image compiled from a stable release branch.

The names of Docker images built from the release branch follow the format ytsaurus/ytsaurus:stable-23.2.N or ytsaurus/ytsaurus:stable-23.2.N-relwithdebinfo. The difference between the images is that all the binary files in the second one are built with debug symbols.

If the server components crash, the stack trace is printed to the stderr components, and a coredump is retrieved from the K8s node (if this is configured in your K8s cluster). This provides detailed information on what exactly happened to the component. With that in mind, we recommend using relwithdebinfo images even though they take up more space. Without debug symbols, the YTsaurus team probably won't be able to help you if you encounter any problems.

The image provided has everything you need for almost every component. For components not included in the main Docker image, we push separate images. Table 2 shows the recommended image for each component.

The image for each component is taken primarily from the component's image field. If an image isn't listed, coreImage is taken from the top level of the specification.

Table 2 — Component images

Field Docker repository Recommended stable release tag
discovery ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
primaryMasters ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
httpProxies ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
rpcProxies ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
dataNodes ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
execNodes ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
tabletNodes ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
schedulers ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
controllerAgents ytsaurus/ytsaurus stable-23.2.0-relwithdebinfo
queryTrackers ytsaurus/query-tracker 0.0.4-relwithdebinfo
yqlAgents ytsaurus/query-tracker 0.0.4-relwithdebinfo
strawberry ytsaurus/strawberry 0.0.11
ui ytsaurus/ui stable

In addition, a common image is provided for all server components at once (except ui). You only need to specify it once in coreImage, without explicitly specifying anything in the component's image field.


A proper logging configuration is essential for diagnosing problems and facilitating support. For recommendations on setting up logging, see this page.


There are recommendations for disk layout and location configuration on a separate page.

Job environment

Exec Nodes are able to execute jobs in isolated containers to handle operation option docker_image. Required configurations are located in sections jobResources and jobEnvironment in ExecNodeSpec. See sample cluster config.

Setting up tablet cell bundles

The operator automatically creates multiple tablet cell bundles: sys and default.

For tablet cell bundles, you can set up mediums for storing logs and snapshots. By default, logs and snapshots are stored in the default medium.

We recommend setting bundles up such that logs and snapshots are stored on the SSD, otherwise the bundles could become inoperable.

For bundles that have already been created, you can set the @options/snapshot_primary_medium and @options/changelog_primary_medium attributes:

yt set //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle-name>/@options/snapshot_primary_medium '<medium-name>'
yt set //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle-name>/@options/changelog_primary_medium '<medium-name>'

When initializing a cluster, the operator can set up mediums for bundles automatically. To configure a bundle, enter the names of the mediums in the bootstrap section at the top level of the specification. In the same section, specify the number of tablet cells in the bundle. You can change the number of tablet cells after initializing the cluster by setting the attribute //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle-name>/@tablet_cell_count.

Sample bootstrap sections:

            snapshotMedium: ssd_medium
            changelogMedium: ssd_medium
            tabletCellCount: 3
            snapshotMedium: ssd_medium
            changelogMedium: ssd_medium
            tabletCellCount: 5

Once the cluster is deployed, the operator won't process changes in the bootstrap field. Further configuration must be done manually using the specified attributes.