Updating YTsaurus server components

Selecting an image and starting the update

The service regularly receives new releases as well as fixes to the existing stable releases. For more information about existing releases, see this section. Docker images with stable releases follow the format ghcr.io/ytsaurus/ytsaurus:23.N.M (for example, ghcr.io/ytsaurus/ytsaurus:23.2.1).

A Kubernetes operator supports updates to Docker images used for server components. To update them, change coreImage in the YTsaurus specification and push it to K8s using the command kubectl apply -f my_ytsaurus_spec.yaml -n <namespace>.


You can only update to more recent versions. If you try to roll back to an older image, you won't be able to deploy the masters. You also can't roll back successful upgrades to the latest version.

We strongly advise against upgrading to a dev version compiled from the current main branch since those YTsaurus versions aren't stable and haven't been properly tested. Moreover, rolling back to the latest stable release will be impossible for the reasons described above.


Before updating YTsaurus, you first need to update the operator to the latest release. Functionality isn't guaranteed for new stable images with outdated operators or for operators with unstable YTsaurus versions like dev. You can find a list of stable images on the Releases page.

Update status

You can monitor the update status using the Ytsaurus resource status:

$ kubectl get ytsaurus -n <namespace>
minisaurus   Updating          WaitingForPodsRemoval

Once the update starts, the cluster enters the Updating state (CLUSTERSTATE), at which point you can start monitoring the update state (UPDATESTATE). You can get more detailed information about the update progress by running kubectl describe ytsaurus -n <namespace>.

After the update finishes, the cluster goes back to the Running state:

$ kubectl get ytsaurus -n <namespace>
minisaurus   Running        None

Full and partial updates

In the Ytsaurus specification, you can set one image for all server components (coreImage) or different images for different components (in the components' image field). You only need to set individual images in rare cases, and it's recommended that you discuss this with the YTsaurus team beforehand. If a component has its own image, it will be used. Modifying the image initiates a cluster update, though this only updates some of the components.

Updating static configs

The operator generates static component configs according to the Ytsaurus specification. Some modifications (like a change to locations, for example) may require you generating the config again and restarting the pods for that component. For this reason, config modifications also trigger an update.

Inability to update

There are a number of situations where it may not be safe to run an update. Because of this, the operator performs a number of checks before initiating an update, including checking the health of all tablet cell bundles. If the operator decides the update is impossible based on the check results, it sets the update state to ImpossibleToStart.

$ kubectl get ytsaurus -n <namespace>
minisaurus   Updating       ImpossibleToStart

You can find out why in the Ytsaurus status by running kubectl describe ytsaurus -n<namespace> and checking Conditions in UpdateStatus.

Sample reason why the update couldn't start
$ kubectl describe ytsaurus -n <namespace>
  Update Status:
      Last Transition Time:  2023-09-26T09:18:11Z
      Message:               Tablet cell bundles ([sys default]) aren't in 'good' health
      Reason:                Update
      Status:                True
      Type:                  NoPossibility
    State:                   ImpossibleToStart

If that happens, restore the previous specification value to prevent the component images from changing and to ensure that the operator generates the same static configs according to the specification as before. Next, the operator cancels the update and rolls YTsaurus back to the Running state.

Manual intervention

There are various issues that can potentially occur during an update, which may require manual intervention. When that happens, set the isManaged=false flag in the Ytsaurus specification. This prevents the operator from performing any operations on the cluster, so you can take whatever manual measures are necessary.


If unforeseen problems occur during the update process, we recommend consulting with the YTsaurus team before doing anything manually.

Updating the operator


Before updating the operator, make sure the cluster is healthy. For example, it shouldn't have any LVCs, and all tablet cell bundles must be alive.


  1. Launch the chart update: helm upgrade ytsaurus --install oci://ghcr.io/ytsaurus/ytop-chart --version <new-version>
  2. Make sure the old operator's substations have been deleted and new ones have been created:
$ kubectl get pod -n <namespace>
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
ytsaurus-ytop-chart-controller-manager-6f67fd5d5c-6bbws   2/2     Running       0          21s
ytsaurus-ytop-chart-controller-manager-7478f9b6cb-qr8wd   2/2     Terminating   0          23h

$ kubectl get pod -n <namespace>
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ytsaurus-ytop-chart-controller-manager-6f67fd5d5c-6bbws   2/2     Running   0          25s

Possible automated cluster update

Different operator versions may generate different configs for the same components (for example, a new field may be added in the new operator version). In that case, the cluster update is initiated immediately after starting the operator.

If an update is impossible, the cluster remains in the Updating state, and the update status is set to ImpossibleToStart. If that happens, you can roll back the operator to cancel the update, and the cluster will enter the Running state. Alternatively, you can set the enableFullUpdate = false flag in the Ytsaurus specification, which also cancels the update and stops the new operator from trying to initiate another cluster update. You can then restore the cluster to a healthy state and retry the update by setting the enableFullUpdate = true flag.