YTsaurus Airflow Provider

Apache Airflow is a platform for creating, scheduling, and monitoring workflows. YTsaurus Airflow Provider allows you to integrate Airflow with YTsaurus and efficiently manage data processing tasks.

This section provides instructions on how to connect to a YTsaurus cluster in Apache Airflow and how to use operators to interact with Cypress, work with static tables, and execute queries in Query Tracker.



The current package version requires:

  • Python 3.8+
  • Airflow 2.9.0+
  1. Install the Python client from the PyPi repository:

    pip install ytsaurus-airflow-provider
    If you encounter an error 'Building wheel for xmlsec (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.'

    Install the packages required to build xmlsec:

    sudo apt install libxmlsec1-dev pkg-config build-essential python3-dev
  2. Verify that the provider installation was successful:

    $ python3 -c "import ytsaurus_airflow_provider; print(ytsaurus_airflow_provider.__version__)"

As a result, the following will be available:

  • Python library for writing DAGs;
  • provider for Apache Airflow;
  • tools ytsaurus-client and ytsaurus-yson.

Getting Started

In the Apache Airflow web interface, create a connection to the YTsaurus cluster:

  1. Admin -> Connections -> +
  2. Connection Id: ytsaurus_cluster_default
  3. Connection Type: YTsaurus Cluster
  4. Cluster Proxy: Cluster proxy
  5. Cluster Token: Cluster connection token
  6. Extra: Optionally, you can specify Client Config:
        "client_config": {
            "create_table_attributes": {
                "compression_codec": "brotli_3"

If necessary, you can create a connection to object storage:

  1. Admin -> Connections -> +
  2. Connection Id: aws_default
  3. Connection Type: Amazon Web Service
  4. AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key: Object storage keys

How to specify a connection

Each operator accepts an optional parameter ytsaurus_conn_id, which by default is set to ytsaurus_cluster_default. If you need to use a different connection, you should specify it in the ytsaurus_conn_id parameter.


All operators, except for the read operator with specified ObjectStorage, write data to XCom. It is not recommended to pass large volumes of data through XCom. Below is a description of which operators write data to which XComs.


All operators use the Python SDK. If errors occur during operator execution, refer to the Python SDK documentation.

Working with Cypress


Operator for retrieving the contents of a Cypress node. Implements the functionality of get from the Python SDK.


  • path: str | YPath
  • max_size: None | int = None
  • attributes: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • read_from: None | str = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path
  • return_value


Operator for writing new content to a Cypress node. Implements the functionality of set from the Python SDK.


  • path: str | YPath
  • value: Any
  • set_format: None | str | Format = None
  • recursive: bool = False
  • force: None | bool = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path


Operator for removing a Cypress node. Implements the functionality of remove from the Python SDK.


  • path: str | YPath
  • recursive: bool = False
  • force: bool = False
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path


Operator for creating an empty Cypress node of type node_type with attributes attributes. Implements the functionality of create from the Python SDK.


  • node_type: Literal["table", "file", "map_node", "document", "string_node", "int64_node", "uint64_node", "double_node", "list_node", "boolean_node", "link"]
  • path: str | YPath
  • recursive: bool = False
  • ignore_existing: bool = False
  • lock_existing: None | bool = None
  • force: None | bool = None
  • attributes: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • ignore_type_mismatch: bool = False
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • object_id
  • path


Operator for getting a list of descendants of the path node. The absolute option enables output of absolute paths instead of relative ones. Implements the functionality of list from the Python SDK.


  • path: str | YPath
  • max_size: None | int = None
  • absolute: None | bool = None
  • attributes: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • sort: bool = True
  • read_from: None | str = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path
  • return_value

Working with tables


Operator for writing data to a static table. Implements the functionality of write_table from the Python SDK.

Input data can be passed through the input_data parameter or through the object_storage_path parameter, which is an object of type ObjectStorage. It is not possible to pass both input_data and object_storage_path simultaneously. When writing data from object storage, you need to specify the corresponding object_storage_format (see Table data representation formats).


  • path: str | YPath
  • input_data: Any | None = None
  • object_storage_path: None | UPath = None
  • object_storage_format: None | str | Format = None
  • table_writer: dict[str, Any] | None = None
  • max_row_buffer_size: int | None = None
  • force_create: None | bool = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path
  • object_storage_path (if writing through object_storage_path)


Operator for reading data from a static table. Implements the functionality of read_table from the Python SDK.

It can write data to object storage if the object_storage_path parameter is provided, which is an object of type ObjectStorage. Otherwise, the table will be written to XCom. When writing data to object storage, you need to specify the desired object_storage_format (see Table data representation formats).


  • path: str | YPath
  • object_storage_path: None | UPath = None
  • object_storage_format: None | str | Format = None
  • table_reader: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • control_attributes: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • unordered: None | bool = None
  • response_parameters: None | dict[str, Any] = None
  • enable_read_parallel: None | bool = None
  • omit_inaccessible_columns: None | bool = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • path
  • object_storage_path (if writing to object_storage_path)
  • return_value (if writing to XCom)

Query Tracker


Operator for executing queries in Query Tracker with different syntax. You can read more about Query Tracker here. Implements the functionality of run_query from the Python SDK.

It can be run in asynchronous mode, in which case the operator will not wait for the query to complete.

Query execution results can be written to XCom and object storage. If the query returns 3 results, and [None, ObjectStorage("s3://bucket/path"), None] is passed as object_storage_paths, then results #1 and #3 will be written to XCom, and result #2 will be written to object storage.


  • engine: Literal["ql", "yql", "chyt", "spyt"]
  • query: str
  • settings: None | dict[str, Any] | yt.yson.yson_types.YsonType = None
  • files: None | list[dict[str, Any]] | list[yt.yson.yson_types.YsonType] = None
  • stage: None | str = None
  • annotations: None | dict[str, Any] | yt.yson.yson_types.YsonType = None
  • access_control_objects: None | list[str] = None
  • sync: bool = True
  • object_storage_paths: list[None | UPath] | None = None
  • ytsaurus_conn_id: str = "ytsaurus_cluster_default"


  • meta
  • query_id
  • result_{i}, where i is the number of the returned result, counted from 0. If object_storage_paths[i] is passed for the i-th result, the result will not be written to result_{i}.


Examples of working with operators are presented in ready-made DAGs example_dags.