YTsaurus CLI Commands

Cypress commands


concatenates cypress nodes. This command applicable only to files and tables

usage: yt concatenate [-h] [--params PARAMS] --src SOURCE_PATHS --dst DESTINATION_PATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--src (Required) Source paths Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) Destination paths


copies Cypress node

usage: yt copy [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--source-path SOURCE_PATH] [--destination-path DESTINATION_PATH] [--preserve-account | --no-preserve-account] [--preserve-owner | --no-preserve-owner]
               [--preserve-creation-time] [--preserve-modification-time] [--preserve-expiration-time] [--preserve-expiration-timeout] [--preserve-acl | --no-preserve-acl] [-r] [-i] [-l] [-f]
               [source_path] [destination_path]

Positional Arguments

source_path source address, path must exist. See also: YPATH

destination_path destination address, path must not exist. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--source-path source address, path must exist. See also: YPATH

--destination-path destination address, path must not exist. See also: YPATH





--preserve-creation-time preserve creation time of node

--preserve-modification-time preserve modification time of node

--preserve-expiration-time preserve expiration time of node

--preserve-expiration-timeout preserve expiration timeout of node



-r, --recursive

-i, --ignore-existing

-l, --lock-existing

-f, --force



creates Cypress node

usage: yt create [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--type TYPE] [--path PATH] [-r] [-i] [-l] [-f] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES] [type] [path]

Positional Arguments

type one of table, file, document, account, user, list_node, map_node, string_node, int64_node, uint64_node, double_node, …

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--type one of table, file, document, account, user, list_node, map_node, string_node, int64_node, uint64_node, double_node, …

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

-r, --recursive

-i, --ignore-existing

-l, --lock-existing

-f, --force

--attributes structured attributes in yson format


. creates account

usage: yt create-account [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--name NAME] [--parent-name PARENT_NAME] [--resource-limits RESOURCE_LIMITS] [-i] [--allow-children-limit-overcommit] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES] [name]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format



--resource-limits structured resource-limits in yson format

-i, --ignore-existing


--attributes structured attributes in yson format


. creates scheduler pool

usage: yt create-pool [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--name NAME] [--pool-tree POOL_TREE] [--parent-name PARENT_NAME] [--weight WEIGHT] [--mode MODE] [--fifo-sort-parameters FIFO_SORT_PARAMETERS]
                      [--max-operation-count MAX_OPERATION_COUNT] [--max-running-operation-count MAX_RUNNING_OPERATION_COUNT] [--forbid-immediate-operations] [--resource-limits RESOURCE_LIMITS]
                      [--min-share-resources MIN_SHARE_RESOURCES] [--create-ephemeral-subpools] [--ephemeral-subpool-config EPHEMERAL_SUBPOOL_CONFIG] [-i] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES]
                      [name] [pool_tree]

Positional Arguments



Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format





--mode fifo or fair_share

--fifo-sort-parameters structured fifo-sort-parameters in yson format




--resource-limits structured resource-limits in yson format

--min-share-resources structured min-share-resources in yson format


--ephemeral-subpool-config structured ephemeral-subpool-config in yson format

-i, --ignore-existing

--attributes structured attributes in yson format


checks if Cypress node exists

usage: yt exists [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync] [--read-from READ_FROM] [--cache-sticky-group-size CACHE_STICKY_GROUP_SIZE] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync suppress transaction coordinator sync

--read-from Can be set to «cache» to enable reads from system cache

--cache-sticky-group-size Size of sticky group size for read_from=»cache» mode


externalize cypress node

usage: yt externalize [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] --cell-tag CELL_TAG [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--cell-tag (Required)


searches for some nodes in Cypress subtree

usage: yt find [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--name NAME] [--type TYPE] [--account ACCOUNT] [--owner OWNER] [--follow-links] [--attribute-filter ATTRIBUTE_FILTER] [--depth DEPTH] [-l]
               [--recursive-resource-usage] [--time-type {access_time,modification_time,creation_time}] [--read-from READ_FROM] [--cache-sticky-group-size CACHE_STICKY_GROUP_SIZE]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--name, -name pattern of node name, use shell-style wildcards:


, ?, [seq], [!seq]

--type one of table, file, document, account, user, list_node, map_node, string_node, int64_node, uint64_node, double_node, …



--follow-links follow links

--attribute-filter yson map fragment with filtering attributes, e.g. k1=v1;k2=v2

--depth recursion depth (infinite by default)

-l, --long-format print some extra information about nodes

--recursive-resource-usage use recursive resource usage for in long format mode

--time-type Possible choices: access_time, modification_time, creation_time

type of time to use in long-format, default: «modification_time»

--read-from Can be set to «cache» to enable reads from system cache

--cache-sticky-group-size Size of sticky group size for read_from=»cache» mode


gets Cypress node content (attribute tree)

usage: yt get [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--max-size MAX_SIZE] [--format FORMAT] [--attribute ATTRIBUTES] [--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync] [--read-from READ_FROM]
              [--cache-sticky-group-size CACHE_STICKY_GROUP_SIZE]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--max-size maximum size of entries returned by get; if actual directory size exceeds that value only subset of entries will be listed (it’s not specified which subset); default value is enough to list any nonsystem directory.

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»

--attribute desired node attributes in the response Accepted multiple times.

--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync suppress transaction coordinator sync

--read-from Can be set to «cache» to enable reads from system cache

--cache-sticky-group-size Size of sticky group size for read_from=»cache» mode


internalize cypress node

usage: yt internalize [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] --cell-tag CELL_TAG [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--cell-tag (Required)

makes link to Cypress node

usage: yt link [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--target-path TARGET_PATH] [--link-path LINK_PATH] [-r] [-i] [-l] [-f] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES] [target_path] [link_path]

Positional Arguments

target_path address of original node to link, path must exist. See also: YPATH

link_path address of resulting link, path must not exist. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--target-path address of original node to link, path must exist. See also: YPATH

--link-path address of resulting link, path must not exist. See also: YPATH

-r, --recursive create parent nodes recursively

-i, --ignore-existing

-l, --lock-existing

-f, --force force create link even if destination already exists (supported only on cluster with 19+ version)

--attributes structured attributes in yson format


lists directory (map_node) content. Node type must be «map_node»

usage: yt list [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [-l] [--format FORMAT] [--attribute ATTRIBUTES] [--max-size MAX_SIZE] [--recursive-resource-usage] [--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync]
               [--read-from READ_FROM] [--cache-sticky-group-size CACHE_STICKY_GROUP_SIZE] [--absolute]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

-l, --long-format print some extra information about nodes

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats

--attribute node attributes to add into response Accepted multiple times.

--max-size maximum size of entries returned by list; if actual directory size exceeds that value only subset of entries will be listed (it’s not specified which subset); default value is enough to list any nonsystem directory.

--recursive-resource-usage use recursive resource usage for in long format mode

--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync suppress transaction coordinator sync

--read-from Can be set to «cache» to enable reads from system cache

--cache-sticky-group-size Size of sticky group size for read_from=»cache» mode

--absolute print absolute paths


moves (renames) Cypress node

usage: yt move [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--source-path SOURCE_PATH] [--destination-path DESTINATION_PATH] [--preserve-account | --no-preserve-account] [--preserve-owner | --no-preserve-owner]
               [--preserve-creation-time] [--preserve-modification-time] [--preserve-expiration-time] [--preserve-expiration-timeout] [-r] [-f] [--no-pessimistic-quota-check]
               [source_path] [destination_path]

Positional Arguments

source_path old node address, path must exist. See also: YPATH

destination_path new node address, path must not exist. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--source-path old node address, path must exist. See also: YPATH

--destination-path new node address, path must not exist. See also: YPATH





--preserve-creation-time preserve creation time of node

--preserve-modification-time preserve modification time of node

--preserve-expiration-time preserve expiration time of node

--preserve-expiration-timeout preserve expiration timeout of node

-r, --recursive

-f, --force



removes Cypress node

usage: yt remove [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [-r] [-f] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

-r, --recursive

-f, --force


removes attribute at given path

usage: yt remove-attribute [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [-r] [path] name

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

-r, --recursive


sets new value to Cypress node

usage: yt set [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--format FORMAT] [-r] [-f] [--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync] [--value VALUE] [path] [value]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

value new node attribute value, in yson format. You can specify in bash pipe: «cat file_with_value | yt set //tmp/my_node»

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «yson»

-r, --recursive

-f, --force

--suppress-transaction-coordinator-sync suppress transaction coordinator sync

--value new node attribute value, in yson format. You can specify in bash pipe: «cat file_with_value | yt set //tmp/my_node»


sets attribute at given path

usage: yt set-attribute [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [-r] [path] name value

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


value structured value in yson format

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

-r, --recursive

File commands


downloads file from path in Cypress to local machine

usage: yt download [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--file-reader FILE_READER] [--offset OFFSET] [--length LENGTH] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--file-reader structured file-reader in yson format

--offset offset in input file in bytes, 0 by default

--length length in bytes of desired part of input file, all file without offset by default


downloads file from path in Cypress to local machine

usage: yt read-file [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--file-reader FILE_READER] [--offset OFFSET] [--length LENGTH] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--file-reader structured file-reader in yson format

--offset offset in input file in bytes, 0 by default

--length length in bytes of desired part of input file, all file without offset by default


uploads file to destination path from stream on local machine

usage: yt upload [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--destination DESTINATION] [--file-writer FILE_WRITER] [--compressed] [--executable] [--compute-md5] [--no-compression] [destination]

Positional Arguments

destination address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--destination address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--file-writer structured file-writer in yson format

--compressed expect stream to contain compressed file data. Warning! This option disables retries. Data is passed directly to proxy without recompression.

--executable do file executable

--compute-md5 compute md5 of file content

--no-compression disable compression


uploads file to destination path from stream on local machine

usage: yt write-file [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--destination DESTINATION] [--file-writer FILE_WRITER] [--compressed] [--executable] [--compute-md5] [--no-compression] [destination]

Positional Arguments

destination address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--destination address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--file-writer structured file-writer in yson format

--compressed expect stream to contain compressed file data. Warning! This option disables retries. Data is passed directly to proxy without recompression.

--executable do file executable

--compute-md5 compute md5 of file content

--no-compression disable compression

Table commands


performs schema and other table meta information modifications

usage: yt alter-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--schema [SCHEMA]] [--dynamic | --static] [--upstream-replica-id UPSTREAM_REPLICA_ID] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--schema new schema value, in yson format.



--upstream-replica-id upstream replica id


creates temporary table by given path with given prefix and return name

usage: yt create-temp-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--name-prefix NAME_PREFIX] [--expiration-timeout EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path path where temporary table will be created. See also: YPATH

--name-prefix prefix of table name

--expiration-timeout expiration timeout in ms

--attributes structured attributes in yson format


Upload/download to file system commands

usage: yt dirtable [-h] dirtable_command ...

Positional Arguments

dirtable_command Possible choices: upload, download, list-files, append-single-file



Upload directory to YT

yt dirtable upload [-h] --directory DIRECTORY [--part-size PART_SIZE] [--recursive] [--no-recursive] --yt-table YT_TABLE [--process-count PROCESS_COUNT] [--force] [--prepare-for-sky-share]
Named Arguments


--part-size Default: 4194304




--process-count Default: 4




Download directory from YT

yt dirtable download [-h] --directory DIRECTORY --yt-table YT_TABLE [--process-count PROCESS_COUNT] [--exact-filenames EXACT_FILENAMES] [--filter-by-regexp FILTER_BY_REGEXP]
                     [--exclude-by-regexp EXCLUDE_BY_REGEXP]
Named Arguments



--process-count Default: 4

--exact-filenames Files to extract (separated by comma)

--filter-by-regexp Files with name matching that regexp will be extracted

--exclude-by-regexp Files with name matching that regexp will not be extracted


List files from YT

yt dirtable list-files [-h] --yt-table YT_TABLE
Named Arguments



Append single file to table

yt dirtable append-single-file [-h] --yt-table YT_TABLE --yt-name YT_NAME --fs-path FS_PATH [--process-count PROCESS_COUNT]
Named Arguments




--process-count Default: 4


gets columnar statistics of tables listed in paths

usage: yt get-table-columnar-statistics [-h] [--params PARAMS] --path PATHS

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path (Required) Path to source table. See also: YPATH Accepted multiple times.


reads rows from table and parse (optionally)

usage: yt read [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--table-reader TABLE_READER] [--control-attributes CONTROL_ATTRIBUTES] [--unordered] [--as-json-list] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format output format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--table-reader structured table-reader in yson format

--control-attributes structured control-attributes in yson format


--as-json-list In case of JSON format output stream as JSON list instead of JSON lines format


reads file from blob table

usage: yt read-blob-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--part-index-column-name PART_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME] [--data-column-name DATA_COLUMN_NAME] [--part-size PART_SIZE] [--table-reader TABLE_READER]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--part-index-column-name name of column with part indexes

--data-column-name name of column with data

--part-size size of each blob

--table-reader structured table-reader in yson format


reads rows from table and parse (optionally)

usage: yt read-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--table-reader TABLE_READER] [--control-attributes CONTROL_ATTRIBUTES] [--unordered] [--as-json-list] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format output format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--table-reader structured table-reader in yson format

--control-attributes structured control-attributes in yson format


--as-json-list In case of JSON format output stream as JSON list instead of JSON lines format


writes rows from input_stream to table

usage: yt write [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--table-writer TABLE_WRITER] [--compressed] [--no-compression] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format input format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--table-writer structured table-writer in yson format

--compressed expect stream to contain compressed file data. Warning! This option disables retries. Data is passed directly to proxy without recompression.

--no-compression disable compression


writes rows from input_stream to table

usage: yt write-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--table-writer TABLE_WRITER] [--compressed] [--no-compression] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format input format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--table-writer structured table-writer in yson format

--compressed expect stream to contain compressed file data. Warning! This option disables retries. Data is passed directly to proxy without recompression.

--no-compression disable compression

Dynamic table commands


changes mode and enables or disables a table replica or replicated table tracker for table replica

usage: yt alter-table-replica [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--enable | --disable] [--enable-replicated-table-tracker | --disable-replicated-table-tracker] [--mode MODE] replica_id

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--enable enable table replica

--disable disable table replica

--enable-replicated-table-tracker enable replicated table tracker for table replica

--disable-replicated-table-tracker disable replicated table tracker for table replica

--mode alternation mode, can be «sync» or «async»


reassign tablets evenly among tablet cells

usage: yt balance-tablet-cells [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--bundle BUNDLE] [--tables [TABLES ...]] [--sync] [bundle]

Positional Arguments

bundle tablet cell bundle

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--bundle tablet cell bundle

--tables tables to balance. If omitted, all tables of bundle will be balanced



. Use "delete-rows" instead of "delete"

usage: yt delete [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


deletes rows with keys from input_stream from dynamic table

usage: yt delete-rows [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--atomicity {full,none}] [--durability {sync,async}] [--require-sync-replica | --no-require-sync-replica] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format input format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--atomicity Possible choices: full, none

--durability Possible choices: sync, async




explains a SQL-like query on dynamic table

usage: yt explain-query [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--query QUERY] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP] [--input-row-limit INPUT_ROW_LIMIT] [--output-row-limit OUTPUT_ROW_LIMIT] [--allow-full-scan | --forbid-full-scan]
                        [--allow-join-without-index | --forbid-join-without-index] [--execution-pool EXECUTION_POOL] [--format FORMAT] [--syntax-version SYNTAX_VERSION]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format













freezes the table

usage: yt freeze-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [--sync] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH





returns dynamic table tablet and replication errors

usage: yt get-tablet-errors [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--limit LIMIT] [--format FORMAT] [path]

Positional Arguments

path path to dynamic table. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path path to dynamic table. See also: YPATH

--limit number of tablets with errors

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


returns various runtime tablet information

usage: yt get-tablet-infos [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--tablet-indexes TABLET_INDEXES [TABLET_INDEXES ...]] [--format FORMAT] [path]

Positional Arguments

path path to dynamic table. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path path to dynamic table. See also: YPATH


--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


. Use "insert-rows" instead of "insert"

usage: yt insert [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


inserts rows from input_stream to dynamic table

usage: yt insert-rows [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--atomicity {full,none}] [--durability {sync,async}] [--require-sync-replica | --no-require-sync-replica] [--update | --no-update]
                      [--aggregate | --no-aggregate] [--lock_type LOCK_TYPE]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format input format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--atomicity Possible choices: full, none

--durability Possible choices: sync, async









. Use "lookup-rows" instead of "lookup"

usage: yt lookup [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


lookups rows in dynamic table

usage: yt lookup-rows [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--format FORMAT] [--versioned] [--column-name COLUMN_NAMES] [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format input format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--versioned return all versions of the requested rows

--column-name column name to lookup Accepted multiple times.


mounts the table

usage: yt mount-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [--freeze] [--sync]
                      [--cell-id CELL_ID | --target-cell-ids TARGET_CELL_IDS [TARGET_CELL_IDS ...]]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH





--cell-id tablet cell id where the tablets will be mounted to, if omitted then an appropriate cell is chosen automatically

--target-cell-ids tablet cell id for each tablet in range [first-tablet-index, last-tablet-index]. Should be used if exact destination cell for each tablet is known.


remounts the table

usage: yt remount-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH




changes pivot keys separating tablets of a given table

usage: yt reshard-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [--tablet-count TABLET_COUNT] [--sync] [--uniform] [--enable-slicing]
                        [--slicing-accuracy SLICING_ACCURACY]
                        [path] [pivot_keys ...]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH









automatically balance tablets of a mounted table according to tablet balancer config

usage: yt reshard-table-automatic [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--sync] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH



. Use "select-rows" instead of "select"

usage: yt select [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


executes a SQL-like query on dynamic table

usage: yt select-rows [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--query QUERY] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP] [--input-row-limit INPUT_ROW_LIMIT] [--output-row-limit OUTPUT_ROW_LIMIT] [--verbose-logging]
                      [--enable-code-cache | --disable-code-cache] [--allow-full-scan | --forbid-full-scan] [--allow-join-without-index | --forbid-join-without-index] [--execution-pool EXECUTION_POOL]
                      [--format FORMAT] [--print-statistics] [--syntax-version SYNTAX_VERSION]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

















trim rows of the dynamic table

usage: yt trim-rows [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [path] tablet_index trimmed_row_count

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH



Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


unfreezes the table

usage: yt unfreeze-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [--sync] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH





unmounts the table

usage: yt unmount-table [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--first-tablet-index FIRST_TABLET_INDEX] [--last-tablet-index LAST_TABLET_INDEX] [--force] [--sync] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH





Run operation commands


erases table or part of it

usage: yt erase [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--print-statistics] [--async] [--spec SPEC] [table]

Positional Arguments

table path to table to erase. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table path to table to erase. See also: YPATH


--async do not track operation progress

--spec structured spec in yson format


runs join-reduce operation

usage: yt join-reduce [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--binary command] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE [--file YT_FILES] [--local-file LOCAL_FILES] [--job-count JOB_COUNT]
                      [--memory-limit MEMORY_LIMIT] [--spec SPEC] [--format FORMAT] [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--print-statistics] [--async] --join-by JOIN_BY

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--file > Accepted multiple times.

--local-file > Accepted multiple times.


--memory-limit in MB

--spec structured spec in yson format





--async do not track operation progress

--join-by (Required) Columns to join by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"


runs map operation

usage: yt map [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--binary command] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE [--file YT_FILES] [--local-file LOCAL_FILES] [--job-count JOB_COUNT]
              [--memory-limit MEMORY_LIMIT] [--spec SPEC] [--format FORMAT] [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--print-statistics] [--async] [--ordered]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--file > Accepted multiple times.

--local-file > Accepted multiple times.


--memory-limit in MB

--spec structured spec in yson format





--async do not track operation progress

--ordered Force ordered input for mapper.


runs map (optionally), sort, reduce and reduce-combine (optionally) operations

usage: yt map-reduce [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--mapper MAPPER] --reducer REDUCER [--reduce-combiner REDUCE_COMBINER] --src SOURCE_TABLE --dst DESTINATION_TABLE [--map-file MAP_YT_FILES]
                     [--map-local-file MAP_LOCAL_FILES] [--reduce-file REDUCE_YT_FILES] [--reduce-local-file REDUCE_LOCAL_FILES] [--reduce-combiner-file REDUCE_COMBINER_YT_FILES]
                     [--reduce-combiner-local-file REDUCE_COMBINER_LOCAL_FILES] [--mapper-memory-limit MAPPER_MEMORY_LIMIT] [--reducer-memory-limit REDUCER_MEMORY_LIMIT]
                     [--reduce-combiner-memory-limit REDUCE_COMBINER_MEMORY_LIMIT] --reduce-by REDUCE_BY [--sort-by SORT_BY] [--spec SPEC] [--format FORMAT] [--map-input-format MAP_INPUT_FORMAT]
                     [--map-output-format MAP_OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--reduce-input-format REDUCE_INPUT_FORMAT] [--reduce-output-format REDUCE_OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--reduce-combiner-input-format REDUCE_COMBINER_INPUT_FORMAT]
                     [--reduce-combiner-output-format REDUCE_COMBINER_OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--async]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--reducer (Required)


--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--map-file > Accepted multiple times.

--map-local-file > Accepted multiple times.

--reduce-file > Accepted multiple times.

--reduce-local-file > Accepted multiple times.

--reduce-combiner-file > Accepted multiple times.

--reduce-combiner-local-file > Accepted multiple times.

--mapper-memory-limit, --map-memory-limit in MB

--reducer-memory-limit, --reduce-memory-limit in MB

--reduce-combiner-memory-limit in MB

--reduce-by (Required) Columns to reduce by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"

--sort-by Columns to sort by. Must be superset of reduce-by columns. By default is equal to –reduce-by option. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"

--spec structured spec in yson format

--format (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats

--map-input-format see –format help

--map-output-format see –format help

--reduce-input-format see –format help

--reduce-output-format see –format help

--reduce-combiner-input-format see –format help

--reduce-combiner-output-format see –format help

--async do not track operation progress


merges source tables to destination table

usage: yt merge [-h] [--params PARAMS] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE [--mode {unordered,ordered,sorted,auto}] [--print-statistics] [--async] [--spec SPEC]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) path to destination table. For append mode add <append=true> before path. See also: YPATH

--mode Possible choices: unordered, ordered, sorted, auto

use sorted mode for saving sortedness. unordered mode by default, ordered for saving order of chunks. Mode auto chooses from sorted and unordered modes depending on sortedness of source tables., default: «auto»


--async do not track operation progress

--spec structured spec in yson format


runs reduce operation

usage: yt reduce [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--binary command] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE [--file YT_FILES] [--local-file LOCAL_FILES] [--job-count JOB_COUNT]
                 [--memory-limit MEMORY_LIMIT] [--spec SPEC] [--format FORMAT] [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT] [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--print-statistics] [--async] [--reduce-by REDUCE_BY]
                 [--sort-by SORT_BY] [--join-by JOIN_BY]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--file > Accepted multiple times.

--local-file > Accepted multiple times.


--memory-limit in MB

--spec structured spec in yson format





--async do not track operation progress

--reduce-by Columns to reduce by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"

--sort-by Columns to sort by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"

--join-by Columns to join by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"


copies source table from remote cluster to destination table on current cluster

usage: yt remote-copy [-h] [--params PARAMS] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE --cluster CLUSTER_NAME [--network NETWORK_NAME] [--copy-attributes] [--print-statistics] [--async]
                      [--cluster-connection CLUSTER_CONNECTION] [--spec SPEC]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--src (Required) path to source tables in remote cluster Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required) path to destination table in current cluster

--cluster (Required) remote cluster proxy, like smith


--copy-attributes specify this flag to coping node attributes too


--async do not track operation progress

--cluster-connection structured cluster-connection in yson format

--spec structured spec in yson format


shuffles table randomly

usage: yt shuffle [-h] [--params PARAMS] --table TABLE [--temp-column-name TEMP_COLUMN_NAME] [--print-statistics] [--async]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table (Required)



--async do not track operation progress


sorts source tables to destination table

usage: yt sort [-h] [--params PARAMS] --src SOURCE_TABLE [SOURCE_TABLE ...] --dst DESTINATION_TABLE --sort-by SORT_BY [--print-statistics] [--async] [--spec SPEC]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--src (Required) Accepted multiple times.

--dst (Required)

--sort-by (Required) Columns to sort by. In order to choose descending sort order, provide a map of form "{name=foo; sort_order=descending}"


--async do not track operation progress

--spec structured spec in yson format


run vanilla operation

usage: yt vanilla [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--print-statistics] [--async] [--tasks TASKS] [--spec SPEC]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--async do not track operation progress

--tasks task descriptions. structured tasks in yson format

--spec structured spec in yson format

Operation commands


aborts operation

usage: yt abort-op [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--reason REASON] [--operation OPERATION] [operation]

Positional Arguments

operation operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--reason abort reason

--operation operation id


completes operation

usage: yt complete-op [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION] [operation]

Positional Arguments

operation operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id


get operation attributes through API

usage: yt get-operation [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--attribute ATTRIBUTES] [--include-scheduler] [--operation OPERATION_ID] [--format FORMAT] [operation_id]

Positional Arguments

operation_id operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--attribute desired attributes in the response Accepted multiple times.

--include-scheduler request runtime operation information

--operation operation id

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


list operations that satisfy given options

usage: yt list-operations [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--user USER] [--state STATE] [--type TYPE] [--filter FILTER] [--pool-tree POOL_TREE] [--pool POOL] [--with-failed-jobs | --without-failed-jobs]
                          [--from-time FROM_TIME] [--to-time TO_TIME] [--cursor-time CURSOR_TIME] [--cursor-direction CURSOR_DIRECTION] [--include-archive] [--no-include-counters] [--limit LIMIT]
                          [--format FORMAT]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--user filter operations by user

--state filter operations by state

--type filter operations by operation type

--filter filter operation by some text factor. For example, part of the title can be passed to this option

--pool-tree filter operations by pool tree

--pool filter operations by pool. If –pool-tree is set, filters operations with this pool in specified pool tree

--with-failed-jobs show only operations with failed jobs

--without-failed-jobs show only operations without failed jobs

--from-time lower limit for operations start time. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--to-time upper limit for operations start time. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--cursor-time cursor time. Used in combination with –cursor-direction and –limit. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--cursor-direction cursor direction, can be one of («none», «past», «future»). Used in combination with –cursor-time and –limit

--include-archive include operations from archive in result

--no-include-counters do not include operation counters in result

--limit maximum number of operations in output

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


continues operation after suspending

usage: yt resume-op [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION] [operation]

Positional Arguments

operation operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id


suspends operation

usage: yt suspend-op [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION] [--abort-running-jobs] [operation]

Positional Arguments

operation operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id

--abort-running-jobs abort running jobs


synchronously tracks operation, prints current progress and finalize at the completion

usage: yt track-op [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION] [operation]

Positional Arguments

operation operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id


updates operation runtime parameters

usage: yt update-op-parameters [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION_ID] [operation_id] parameters

Positional Arguments

operation_id operation id

parameters structured parameters in yson format

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id

Job commands


interrupts running job with preserved result

usage: yt abort-job [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--interrupt-timeout INTERRUPT_TIMEOUT] job_id

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--interrupt-timeout try to interrupt job before abort during timeout (in ms)


get job of operation

usage: yt get-job [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--job-id JOB_ID] [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [--format FORMAT] [job_id] [operation_id]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

operation_id operation id, for example: 876084ca-efd01a47-3e8-7a62e787

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--job-id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

--operation-id operation id, for example: 876084ca-efd01a47-3e8-7a62e787

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


get full input of the specified job

usage: yt get-job-input [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--job-id JOB_ID] [job_id]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--job-id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437


get input paths of the specified job

usage: yt get-job-input-paths [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--job-id JOB_ID] [job_id]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--job-id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437


get spec of the specified job

usage: yt get-job-spec [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--job-id JOB_ID] [--omit-node-directory | --no-omit-node-directory] [--omit-input-table-specs | --no-omit-input-table-specs]
                       [--omit-output-table-specs | --no-omit-output-table-specs]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--job-id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

--omit-node-directory Whether node directory should be removed from job spec (true by default)

--no-omit-node-directory Whether node directory should be removed from job spec (true by default)

--omit-input-table-specs Whether input table specs should be removed from job spec (false by default)

--no-omit-input-table-specs Whether input table specs should be removed from job spec (false by default)

--omit-output-table-specs Whether output table specs should be removed from job spec (false by default)

--no-omit-output-table-specs Whether output table specs should be removed from job spec (false by default)


gets stderr of the specified job

usage: yt get-job-stderr [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--job-id JOB_ID] [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [job_id] [operation_id]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

operation_id operation id, for example: 876084ca-efd01a47-3e8-7a62e787

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--job-id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437

--operation-id operation id, for example: 876084ca-efd01a47-3e8-7a62e787


list jobs of operation

usage: yt list-jobs [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation OPERATION_ID] [--job-type JOB_TYPE] [--job-state JOB_STATE] [--address ADDRESS] [--job-competition-id JOB_COMPETITION_ID]
                    [--sort-field {type,state,start_time,finish_time,address,duration,progress,id}] [--sort-order SORT_ORDER] [--limit LIMIT] [--offset OFFSET] [--with-spec] [--with-stderr] [--with-fail-context]
                    [--with-competitors] [--with-monitoring-descriptor] [--include-cypress] [--include-runtime] [--include-archive] [--data-source {auto,runtime,archive,manual}] [--format FORMAT]

Positional Arguments

operation_id operation id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation operation id

--job-type filter jobs by job type

--job-state filter jobs by job state

--address filter jobs by node address

--job-competition-id filter jobs by job competition id

--sort-field Possible choices: type, state, start_time, finish_time, address, duration, progress, id

field to sort jobs by

--sort-order sort order. Can be either «ascending» or «descending»

--limit output limit

--offset offset starting from zero




--with-competitors with competitive jobs


--include-cypress include jobs from Cypress in result. Have effect only if –data-source is set to «manual»

--include-runtime include jobs from controller agents in result. Have effect only if –data-source is set to «manual»

--include-archive include jobs from archive in result. Have effect only if –data-source is set to «manual»

--data-source Possible choices: auto, runtime, archive, manual

data sources to list jobs from

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


runs interactive shell in the job sandbox

usage: yt run-job-shell [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--shell-name SHELL_NAME] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--command COMMAND] job_id [command]

Positional Arguments

job_id job id, for example: 5c51-24e204-384-9f3f6437


Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--shell-name name of the job shell to start

--timeout inactivity timeout in milliseconds after job has finished, by default 60000 milliseconds


Transaction commands


aborts transaction. All changes will be lost

usage: yt abort-tx [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--transaction TRANSACTION] [transaction]

Positional Arguments

transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437


saves all transaction changes

usage: yt commit-tx [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--transaction TRANSACTION] [transaction]

Positional Arguments

transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437


tries to lock the path

usage: yt lock [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [--mode {snapshot,shared,exclusive}] [--waitable] [--wait-for WAIT_FOR] [--child-key CHILD_KEY] [--attribute-key ATTRIBUTE_KEY] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--mode Possible choices: snapshot, shared, exclusive

blocking type, exclusive by default

--waitable wait for lock if node is under blocking

--wait-for wait interval in milliseconds

--child-key child key of shared lock

--attribute-key attribute key of shared lock


prolongs transaction lifetime

usage: yt ping-tx [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--transaction TRANSACTION] [transaction]

Positional Arguments

transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--transaction transaction id, for example: 5c51-24e204-1-9f3f6437


starts transaction

usage: yt start-tx [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--attributes ATTRIBUTES] [--timeout TIMEOUT]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--attributes structured attributes in yson format

--timeout transaction lifetime since last ping in milliseconds


tries to unlock the path

usage: yt unlock [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--path PATH] [path]

Positional Arguments

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

ACL (permission) commands


adds member to Cypress node group

usage: yt add-member [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--member MEMBER] [--group GROUP] [member] [group]

Positional Arguments



Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format




checks permission for Cypress node

usage: yt check-permission [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--user USER] [--permission PERMISSION] [--path PATH] [--read-from READ_FROM] [--cache-sticky-group-size CACHE_STICKY_GROUP_SIZE] [--columns COLUMNS]
                           [--format FORMAT]
                           [user] [permission] [path]

Positional Arguments


permission one of read, write, administer, create, use

path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


--permission one of read, write, administer, create, use

--path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--read-from Can be set to «cache» to enable reads from system cache

--cache-sticky-group-size Size of sticky group size for read_from=»cache» mode

--columns structured columns in yson format

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»


issues a new token for user

usage: yt issue-token [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--password PASSWORD] user

Positional Arguments

user user to issue token

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--password user password


lists sha256-encoded user tokens

usage: yt list-user-tokens [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--password PASSWORD] user

Positional Arguments

user user to revoke token

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--password user password


removes member from Cypress node group

usage: yt remove-member [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--member MEMBER] [--group GROUP] [member] [group]

Positional Arguments



Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format




revokes user token

usage: yt revoke-token [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--password PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [--token-sha256 TOKEN_SHA256] user

Positional Arguments

user user to revoke token

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--password user password

--token token to revoke

--token-sha256 sha256-encoded token to revoke


updates user password

usage: yt set-user-password [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--current-password CURRENT_PASSWORD] [--new-password NEW_PASSWORD] user

Positional Arguments

user user to set password

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--current-password current user password

--new-password new user password



downloads core dump for a given operation_id and job_id from a given core_table_path. Tool for downloading job core dumps

usage: yt download-core-dump [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [--core-table-path CORE_TABLE_PATH] [--job-id JOB_ID] [--core-index CORE_INDICES] [--output-directory OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--operation-id Operation id (should be specified if proper core file naming is needed)

--core-table-path A path to the core table

--job-id Id of a job that produced core dump. If not specified, an arbitrary job with core dumps is taken

--core-index Indices of core dumps to download (indexing inside single job). Several indices may be specified. If not specified, all core dumps will be downloaded. Requires –job-id to be specified Accepted multiple times.

--output-directory A directory to save the core dumps. Defaults to the current working directory, default: «.»


Tool helps to debug user job code by preparing job environment on local machine.

It downloads all necessary job files, fail context (small portion of job input data)
and prepares run script.

usage: yt job-tool [-h] [--params PARAMS] command ...

Positional Arguments

command Possible choices: prepare-job-environment, run-job

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format



prepare all necessary stuff for job

yt job-tool prepare-job-environment [-h] [--operation-id OPERATION_ID] [--job-id JOB_ID] [--job-path JOB_PATH] [--run] [--full-input | --context] [operation_id] [job_id]
Positional Arguments



Named Arguments



--job-path output directory to store job environment. Default: <cwd>/job_<job_id>

--run run job when job environment is prepared

--full-input, --full download input context of a job

--context download fail context of a job


runs job binary

yt job-tool run-job [-h] [--job-path JOB_PATH] [--env ENV] [job_path]
Positional Arguments

job_path path to prepared job environment

Named Arguments

--job-path path to prepared job environment

--env environment to use in script run in YSON format

Parquet commands


dump parquet into a file from table with a strict schema

usage: yt dump-parquet [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] --output-file OUTPUT_FILE [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--output-file (Required)


upload parquet from a file into a table that must be created with a strict schema

usage: yt upload-parquet [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] --input-file INPUT_FILE [table]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--input-file (Required)



advances consumer offset for the given queue

usage: yt advance-consumer [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--consumer-path CONSUMER_PATH] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] --partition-index PARTITION_INDEX [--old-offset OLD_OFFSET] --new-offset NEW_OFFSET
                           [consumer_path] [queue_path]

Positional Arguments

consumer_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

queue_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--consumer-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--queue-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--partition-index (Required)


--new-offset (Required)


lists queue consumer registrations

usage: yt list-queue-consumer-registrations [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] [--consumer-path CONSUMER_PATH] [--format FORMAT]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--queue-path Path to queue in Cypress; cluster may be specified. See also: YPATH

--consumer-path Path to consumer in Cypress; cluster may be specified. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


reads rows from a single partition of a queue (i.e. any ordered dynamic table) with authorization via consumer

usage: yt pull-consumer [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--consumer-path CONSUMER_PATH] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] --offset OFFSET --partition-index PARTITION_INDEX [--max-row-count MAX_ROW_COUNT]
                        [--max-data-weight MAX_DATA_WEIGHT] [--replica-consistency {none,sync}] [--format FORMAT]
                        [consumer_path] [queue_path]

Positional Arguments

consumer_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

queue_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--consumer-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--queue-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--offset (Required)

--partition-index (Required)



--replica-consistency Possible choices: none, sync

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


reads rows from a single partition of a queue (i.e. any ordered dynamic table)

usage: yt pull-queue [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] --offset OFFSET --partition-index PARTITION_INDEX [--max-row-count MAX_ROW_COUNT] [--max-data-weight MAX_DATA_WEIGHT]
                     [--replica-consistency {none,sync}] [--format FORMAT]

Positional Arguments

queue_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--queue-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--offset (Required)

--partition-index (Required)



--replica-consistency Possible choices: none, sync

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


registers queue consumer

usage: yt register-queue-consumer [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] [--consumer-path CONSUMER_PATH] (--vital | --non-vital) [--partitions [PARTITIONS ...]] [queue_path] [consumer_path]

Positional Arguments

queue_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

consumer_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--queue-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--consumer-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--vital Whether the consumer is vital

--non-vital Whether the consumer is vital



unregisters queue consumer

usage: yt unregister-queue-consumer [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--queue-path QUEUE_PATH] [--consumer-path CONSUMER_PATH] [queue_path] [consumer_path]

Positional Arguments

queue_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

consumer_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--queue-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--consumer-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Query tracker


abort query

usage: yt abort-query [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--message MESSAGE] [--stage STAGE] query_id

Positional Arguments

query_id query id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--message optional abort message

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»


get query

usage: yt get-query [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--attribute ATTRIBUTES] [--stage STAGE] [--format FORMAT] query_id

Positional Arguments

query_id query id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--attribute desired attributes in the response Accepted multiple times.

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


get query result

usage: yt get-query-result [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--result-index RESULT_INDEX] [--stage STAGE] [--format FORMAT] query_id

Positional Arguments

query_id query id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--result-index index of query result, defaults to 0

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


list operations that satisfy given options

usage: yt list-queries [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--user USER] [--engine ENGINE] [--state STATE] [--filter FILTER] [--from-time FROM_TIME] [--to-time TO_TIME] [--cursor-time CURSOR_TIME]
                       [--cursor-direction CURSOR_DIRECTION] [--limit LIMIT] [--attribute ATTRIBUTES] [--stage STAGE] [--format FORMAT]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--user filter queries by user

--engine filter queries by engine

--state filter queries by state

--filter filter queries by some text factor. For example, part of the query can be passed to this option

--from-time lower limit for operations start time. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--to-time upper limit for operations start time. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--cursor-time cursor time. Used in combination with –cursor-direction and –limit. Time is accepted as unix timestamp or time string in YTsaurus format

--cursor-direction cursor direction, can be one of («none», «past», «future»). Used in combination with –cursor-time and –limit

--limit maximum number of operations in output

--attribute desired attributes in the response Accepted multiple times.

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


read query result

usage: yt read-query-result [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--result-index RESULT_INDEX] [--stage STAGE] [--format FORMAT] query_id

Positional Arguments

query_id query id

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--result-index index of query result, defaults to 0

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»

--format output format. (yson string), one of «yson», «json», «yamr», «dsv», «yamred_dsv», «schemaful_dsv» with modifications. See also: Formats


start query

usage: yt start-query [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--settings SETTINGS] [--files FILES] [--access-control-object ACCESS_CONTROL_OBJECT] [--stage STAGE] engine query

Positional Arguments

engine engine of a query, one of «ql», «yql», «chyt», «spyt»

query query text

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--settings additional settings of a query in structured form. structured settings in yson format

--files query files, a YSON list of files, each of which is represented by a map with keys «name», «content», «type».Field «type» is one of «raw_inline_data», «url». structured files in yson format

--access-control-object optional access control object name

--stage query tracker stage, defaults to «production»

Other commands


Administer commands

usage: yt admin [-h] admin_command ...

Positional Arguments

admin_command Possible choices: switch-leader



Switch master cell leader

yt admin switch-leader [-h] [--cell-id CELL_ID] [--new-leader-address NEW_LEADER_ADDRESS]
Named Arguments




ClickHouse over YTsaurus commands

usage: yt chyt [-h] clickhouse_command ...

Positional Arguments

clickhouse_command Possible choices: start-clique, execute, ctl



starts a CHYT clique consisting of a given number of instances

yt chyt start-clique [-h] --instance-count INSTANCE_COUNT [--alias ALIAS] [--cypress-ytserver-clickhouse-path CYPRESS_YTSERVER_CLICKHOUSE_PATH]
                     [--cypress-clickhouse-trampoline-path CYPRESS_CLICKHOUSE_TRAMPOLINE_PATH] [--cypress-ytserver-log-tailer-path CYPRESS_YTSERVER_LOG_TAILER_PATH]
                     [--cypress-base-config-path CYPRESS_BASE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cpu-limit CPU_LIMIT] [--cypress-geodata-path CYPRESS_GEODATA_PATH] [--abort-existing] [--artifact-path ARTIFACT_PATH]
                     [--skip-version-compatibility-validation] [--spec SPEC] [--clickhouse-config CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG] [--memory-config MEMORY_CONFIG]
Named Arguments

--instance-count (Required)

--alias, --operation-alias Alias for clique; may be also specified via CHYT_PROXY env variable




--cypress-base-config-path Default: «//sys/clickhouse/config»



--abort-existing Abort existing operation under same alias

--artifact-path path for artifact directory; by default equals to //sys/clickhouse/kolkhoz/<operation_alias>

--skip-version-compatibility-validation (For developer use only)

--spec structured spec in yson format

--clickhouse-config ClickHouse configuration patch. structured clickhouse-config in yson format

--memory-config Memory configuration. structured memory-config in yson format


executes ClickHouse query in given CHYT clique

yt chyt execute [-h] [--alias ALIAS] [--query QUERY] [--format FORMAT] [--setting SETTING] [query]
Positional Arguments

query Query to execute; do not specify FORMAT in query, use –format instead

Named Arguments

--alias, --operation-alias Alias for clique; may be also specified via CHYT_PROXY env variable

--query Query to execute; do not specify FORMAT in query, use –format instead

--format ClickHouse data format; refer to; default is TabSeparated, default: «TabSeparated»

--setting Add ClickHouse setting to query in format =. Accepted multiple times.


CHYT controller

yt chyt ctl [--address ADDRESS] command ...
Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--address controller service address


ClickHouse over YTsaurus commands

usage: yt clickhouse [-h] clickhouse_command ...

Positional Arguments

clickhouse_command Possible choices: start-clique, execute, ctl



starts a CHYT clique consisting of a given number of instances

yt clickhouse start-clique [-h] --instance-count INSTANCE_COUNT [--alias ALIAS] [--cypress-ytserver-clickhouse-path CYPRESS_YTSERVER_CLICKHOUSE_PATH]
                           [--cypress-clickhouse-trampoline-path CYPRESS_CLICKHOUSE_TRAMPOLINE_PATH] [--cypress-ytserver-log-tailer-path CYPRESS_YTSERVER_LOG_TAILER_PATH]
                           [--cypress-base-config-path CYPRESS_BASE_CONFIG_PATH] [--cpu-limit CPU_LIMIT] [--cypress-geodata-path CYPRESS_GEODATA_PATH] [--abort-existing] [--artifact-path ARTIFACT_PATH]
                           [--skip-version-compatibility-validation] [--spec SPEC] [--clickhouse-config CLICKHOUSE_CONFIG] [--memory-config MEMORY_CONFIG]
Named Arguments

--instance-count (Required)

--alias, --operation-alias Alias for clique; may be also specified via CHYT_PROXY env variable




--cypress-base-config-path Default: «//sys/clickhouse/config»



--abort-existing Abort existing operation under same alias

--artifact-path path for artifact directory; by default equals to //sys/clickhouse/kolkhoz/<operation_alias>

--skip-version-compatibility-validation (For developer use only)

--spec structured spec in yson format

--clickhouse-config ClickHouse configuration patch. structured clickhouse-config in yson format

--memory-config Memory configuration. structured memory-config in yson format


executes ClickHouse query in given CHYT clique

yt clickhouse execute [-h] [--alias ALIAS] [--query QUERY] [--format FORMAT] [--setting SETTING] [query]
Positional Arguments

query Query to execute; do not specify FORMAT in query, use –format instead

Named Arguments

--alias, --operation-alias Alias for clique; may be also specified via CHYT_PROXY env variable

--query Query to execute; do not specify FORMAT in query, use –format instead

--format ClickHouse data format; refer to; default is TabSeparated, default: «TabSeparated»

--setting Add ClickHouse setting to query in format =. Accepted multiple times.


CHYT controller

yt clickhouse ctl [--address ADDRESS] command ...
Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--address controller service address


usage: yt detect-porto-layer [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


. execute your command

usage: yt execute [-h] [--params PARAMS] command_name execute_params

Positional Arguments


execute_params structured execute_params in yson format

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


executes requests in parallel as one batch request

usage: yt execute-batch [-h] [--params PARAMS] requests [requests ...]

Positional Arguments

requests Request description

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


usage: yt explain-id [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--local] id

Positional Arguments

id id (GUID like string)

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--local Do not gather info from cluster


YT Flow commands

usage: yt flow [-h] flow_command ...

Positional Arguments

flow_command Possible choices: start-pipeline, stop-pipeline, pause-pipeline, get-pipeline-spec, set-pipeline-spec, remove-pipeline-spec, get-pipeline-dynamic-spec, set-pipeline-dynamic-spec, remove-pipeline-dynamic-spec



start YTsaurus Flow pipeline. Start YTsaurus Flow pipeline

yt flow start-pipeline [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


stop YTsaurus Flow pipeline. Stop YTsaurus Flow pipeline

yt flow stop-pipeline [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


pause YTsaurus Flow pipeline. Pause YTsaurus Flow pipeline

yt flow pause-pipeline [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH


get YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec. Get YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec

yt flow get-pipeline-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»

--spec-path Path to part of the spec


set YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec. Set YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec

yt flow set-pipeline-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--expected-version EXPECTED_VERSION] [--force] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [--value VALUE] [pipeline_path] [value]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

value new spec attribute value

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «yson»

--expected-version Pipeline spec expected version

--force Set spec even if pipeline is paused

--spec-path Path to part of the spec

--value new spec attribute value


remove YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec. Remove YTsaurus Flow pipeline spec

yt flow remove-pipeline-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--expected-version EXPECTED_VERSION] [--force] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»

--expected-version Pipeline spec expected version

--force Remove spec even if pipeline is paused

--spec-path Path to part of the spec


get YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec. Get YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec

yt flow get-pipeline-dynamic-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»

--spec-path Path to part of the spec


set YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec. Set YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec

yt flow set-pipeline-dynamic-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--expected-version EXPECTED_VERSION] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [--spec SPEC] [pipeline_path] [spec]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

spec new spec attribute value

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «yson»

--expected-version Pipeline spec expected version

--spec-path Path to part of the spec

--spec new spec attribute value


remove YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec. Remove YTsaurus Flow pipeline dynamic spec

yt flow remove-pipeline-dynamic-spec [-h] [--pipeline-path PIPELINE_PATH] [--format FORMAT] [--expected-version EXPECTED_VERSION] [--spec-path SPEC_PATH] [pipeline_path]
Positional Arguments

pipeline_path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--pipeline-path address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats, default: «<format=pretty>yson»

--expected-version Pipeline spec expected version

--spec-path Path to part of the spec


generates timestamp

usage: yt generate-timestamp [-h] [--params PARAMS]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


retrieves supported cluster features (data types, codecs etc.). Get cluster features (types, codecs etc.)

usage: yt get-features [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--format FORMAT]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--format response or input format: yson or json, for example: «<format=binary>yson». See also: Formats


Jupyter over YTsaurus commands

usage: yt jupyt [-h] jupyter_command ...

Positional Arguments

jupyter_command Possible choices: ctl



JUPYT controller

yt jupyt ctl [--address ADDRESS] command ...
Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

--address controller service address


. Run command under lock

usage: yt run-command-with-lock [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--shell] [--poll-period POLL_PERIOD] [--conflict-exit-code CONFLICT_EXIT_CODE] [--set-address] [--address-path ADDRESS_PATH] [--recursive]
                                path command [command ...]

Positional Arguments

path Path to the lock in Cypress

command Command to execute

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--shell Run command in subshell

--poll-period Poll period for command process in seconds, default: 1.0

--conflict-exit-code Exit code in case of lock conflict, default: 1

--set-address Set address of current host (in lock attribute by default)

--address-path Path to set host address

--recursive Create lock path recursively


Gets input table and recompresses it in all available codecs.

For each codec prints compression ratio, cpu_write and cpu_read.

usage: yt run-compression-benchmarks [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--table TABLE] [--all-codecs] [--sample-size SAMPLE_SIZE] [--format {json,csv}] [--max-operations MAX_OPERATIONS] [--time-limit-sec TIME_LIMIT_SEC]

Positional Arguments

table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--table address in Cypress. See also: YPATH

--all-codecs benchmark every level of codecs with levels

--sample-size approximate table’s sample fragment size in bytes, default: 1000000000

--format Possible choices: json, csv

output format, default: «json»

--max-operations max count of parallel operations, default: 10

--time-limit-sec time limit for one operation in seconds, default: 200


returns default configuration of python API

usage: yt show-default-config [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--with-remote-patch] [--only-remote-patch]

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--with-remote-patch with patch from cluster

--only-remote-patch show only patch from cluster


shows available spec options of the operation

usage: yt show-spec [-h] [--params PARAMS] operation

Positional Arguments

operation operation type

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format


Spark over YTsaurus commands

usage: yt spark [-h] spark_command ...

Positional Arguments

spark_command Possible choices: start-cluster, find-cluster



start Spark Standalone cluster in YTsaurus Vanilla Operation. See About Spark section. Start Spark Standalone cluster in YTsaurus Vanilla Operation

yt spark start-cluster [-h] --spark-worker-core-count SPARK_WORKER_CORE_COUNT --spark-worker-memory-limit SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT --spark-worker-count SPARK_WORKER_COUNT
                       [--spark-worker-timeout SPARK_WORKER_TIMEOUT] [--operation-alias OPERATION_ALIAS] [--discovery-path DISCOVERY_PATH] [--pool POOL] [--spark-worker-tmpfs-limit SPARK_WORKER_TMPFS_LIMIT]
                       [--spark-master-memory-limit SPARK_MASTER_MEMORY_LIMIT] [--spark-history-server-memory-limit SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER_MEMORY_LIMIT] [--dynamic-config-path DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATH]
                       [--operation-spec OPERATION_SPEC]
Named Arguments

--spark-worker-core-count (Required) Number of cores that will be available on Spark worker

--spark-worker-memory-limit (Required) Amount of memory that will be available on Spark worker

--spark-worker-count (Required) Number of Spark workers

--spark-worker-timeout Worker timeout to wait master start, default: «5m»

--operation-alias Alias for the underlying YTsaurus operation

--discovery-path Cypress path for discovery files and logs, the same path must be used in find-spark-cluster. SPARK_YT_DISCOVERY_PATH env variable is used by default

--pool Pool for the underlying YTsaurus operation

--spark-worker-tmpfs-limit Limit of tmpfs usage per Spark worker, default: «150G»

--spark-master-memory-limit Memory limit on Spark master, default: «2G»

--spark-history-server-memory-limit Memory limit on Spark History Server, default: «8G»

--dynamic-config-path YTsaurus path of dynamic config, default: «//sys/spark/bin/releases/spark-launch-conf»

--operation-spec YTsaurus Vanilla Operation spec. structured operation-spec in yson format, default: {"annotations": {"is_spark": True}, "max_failed_job_count": 5, "max_stderr_count": 150}


print Spark urls. Print URLs of running Spark cluster

yt spark find-cluster [-h] [--discovery-path DISCOVERY_PATH]
Named Arguments

--discovery-path Cypress path for discovery files and logs, the same path must be used in start-spark-cluster. SPARK_YT_DISCOVERY_PATH env variable is used by default


Spark over YTsaurus commands

usage: yt spyt [-h] spark_command ...

Positional Arguments

spark_command Possible choices: start-cluster, find-cluster



start Spark Standalone cluster in YTsaurus Vanilla Operation. See About Spark section. Start Spark Standalone cluster in YTsaurus Vanilla Operation

yt spyt start-cluster [-h] --spark-worker-core-count SPARK_WORKER_CORE_COUNT --spark-worker-memory-limit SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT --spark-worker-count SPARK_WORKER_COUNT
                      [--spark-worker-timeout SPARK_WORKER_TIMEOUT] [--operation-alias OPERATION_ALIAS] [--discovery-path DISCOVERY_PATH] [--pool POOL] [--spark-worker-tmpfs-limit SPARK_WORKER_TMPFS_LIMIT]
                      [--spark-master-memory-limit SPARK_MASTER_MEMORY_LIMIT] [--spark-history-server-memory-limit SPARK_HISTORY_SERVER_MEMORY_LIMIT] [--dynamic-config-path DYNAMIC_CONFIG_PATH]
                      [--operation-spec OPERATION_SPEC]
Named Arguments

--spark-worker-core-count (Required) Number of cores that will be available on Spark worker

--spark-worker-memory-limit (Required) Amount of memory that will be available on Spark worker

--spark-worker-count (Required) Number of Spark workers

--spark-worker-timeout Worker timeout to wait master start, default: «5m»

--operation-alias Alias for the underlying YTsaurus operation

--discovery-path Cypress path for discovery files and logs, the same path must be used in find-spark-cluster. SPARK_YT_DISCOVERY_PATH env variable is used by default

--pool Pool for the underlying YTsaurus operation

--spark-worker-tmpfs-limit Limit of tmpfs usage per Spark worker, default: «150G»

--spark-master-memory-limit Memory limit on Spark master, default: «2G»

--spark-history-server-memory-limit Memory limit on Spark History Server, default: «8G»

--dynamic-config-path YTsaurus path of dynamic config, default: «//sys/spark/bin/releases/spark-launch-conf»

--operation-spec YTsaurus Vanilla Operation spec. structured operation-spec in yson format, default: {"annotations": {"is_spark": True}, "max_failed_job_count": 5, "max_stderr_count": 150}


print Spark urls. Print URLs of running Spark cluster

yt spyt find-cluster [-h] [--discovery-path DISCOVERY_PATH]
Named Arguments

--discovery-path Cypress path for discovery files and logs, the same path must be used in start-spark-cluster. SPARK_YT_DISCOVERY_PATH env variable is used by default


transfers resources between accounts

usage: yt transfer-account-resources [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--source-account SOURCE_ACCOUNT] [--destination-account DESTINATION_ACCOUNT] [--resource-delta RESOURCE_DELTA] [source_account] [destination_account]

Positional Arguments



Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--source-account, --src

--destination-account, --dst

--resource-delta structured resource-delta in yson format


transfers resources between pools

usage: yt transfer-pool-resources [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--source-pool SOURCE_POOL] [--destination-pool DESTINATION_POOL] [--pool-tree POOL_TREE] [--resource-delta RESOURCE_DELTA]
                                  [source_pool] [destination_pool] [pool_tree]

Positional Arguments




Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--source-pool, --src

--destination-pool, --dst


--resource-delta structured resource-delta in yson format


transforms source table to destination table writing data with given compression and erasure codecs

usage: yt transform [-h] [--params PARAMS] [--src SOURCE_TABLE] [--dst DESTINATION_TABLE] [--erasure-codec ERASURE_CODEC] [--compression-codec COMPRESSION_CODEC] [--optimize-for OPTIMIZE_FOR]
                    [--desired-chunk-size DESIRED_CHUNK_SIZE] [--check-codecs] [--spec SPEC]
                    [source_table] [destination_table]

Positional Arguments

source_table source table

destination_table destination table (if not specified source table will be overwritten)

Named Arguments

--params specify additional params. structured params in yson format

--src source table

--dst destination table (if not specified source table will be overwritten)

--erasure-codec desired erasure codec for table

--compression-codec desired compression codec for table

--optimize-for desired chunk format for table. Possible values: [«scan», «lookup»]

--desired-chunk-size desired chunk size in bytes

--check-codecs check if table already has proper codecs before transforming

--spec structured spec in yson format

In this article: