
This section lists all the commands available in the YT system API and includes a full description of their options.


To put it simply, each command has the following structure:

  • Command name (string).
  • Description of the input and output formats (a YSON string with attributes).
  • Parameters of executed action (a YSON structure).
  • Input and output data streams.

Each command also defines the type of its input and output data. Below all the possible options for the input and output data:

  • No data (null).
  • The data is a binary stream. For example, file contents.
  • The data is structured (structured). For example, regular Cypress nodes.
  • The data is a binary stream. For example, table contents.

In addition to that, each command can be:

  • Mutating or not (whether it changes anything in the metastate or not).
  • Light or heavy (light commands only transmit command parameters within a query, but heavy commands write or read the data stream).


If your command works with structured or tabular data, you need to specify a format for it. For the input stream, use the input_format parameter, and for the output stream, use the output_format parameter, respectively.

For structured data formats, YSON (default) and JSON formats are supported. For tabular data, there exist many formats.


A command retry is an option to repeat the query in the event of transient (intermittent) errors. It is expected that the response to a query retry would be indistinguishable from the response to the original query, as if there were no transient errors. It doesn't mean, however, that the response to a retry will be totally identical to the original query response (that is, only standard isolation is guaranteed).

Availability of retry options and the mechanism of retries depends on the command properties.

Light commands

For non-mutating light commands, you can repeat the original query.

The mutating light commands change the system status. That's why you need to hint the system that such a query has already been made. To do this, before executing the command, generate the mutation_id for the command. This is a standard GUID that consists of four 32-bit numbers in the HEX format separated by a dash (-).

Specify the mutation_id generated both in the parameters of both the original query and in the retries. In addition, you need to add, to the original query, the retry parameter with the value of false. To the retried queries, add the retry parameter with the value of true. Some light mutating commands do not support retries (an example is concatenate). If you need to retry such commands, you can use transactions.


mutation_id are usually kept for 5-10 minutes.

Heavy commands

You can't retry heavy commands However, you can implement a retry mechanism by using transactions.


Transactions are an integral Cypress property. Many commands that interact with Cypress this way or another, are transactional. Each command or group of commands has a separate indication of whether it is transactional or not. If the command is transactional, it supports the following parameters:

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id No null-transaction-id Current transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.

Other query parameters

You can also specify prerequisites for your queries. Moreover, for light non-mutating queries, you can also specify where to read the data from. For more information, see Query parameters.

Working with transactions

For more information about transactions, see the Transactions article.


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Begin a new transaction in the context of the current transaction.
  • The new transaction is a nested (internal) transaction for the given one.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id No null-transaction-id ID of the current transaction (it will become a parent transaction for the transaction created by the command).
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping, when running the operation, all the parent transactions (to extend their TTL).
timeout No 15000 Transaction TTL since the last extension (in ms).
deadline No missing Deadline for the transaction execution time (in UTC).
attributes No missing Enables you to set attributes for the created transaction.
type No master Enables you to set the transaction type: master or tablet.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the new transaction.


PARAMETERS { "transaction_id" = "0-54b-1-36223d20" }
OUTPUT "0-54c-1-bb49086d"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Update the transaction.

Detailed description.

  • ping_tx pings the transaction on the server (including all the parent transactions if ping_ancestorsis specified). This way you can extend the TTL for the transaction.
  • If the transaction started at the time s with the timeout (TTL) of t, then the transaction will complete at s+t by default.
  • If you ping the transaction at the time r (s < r < s + t), it will be extended until r + t.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id Yes Parent transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "transaction_id" = "0-54b-1-36223d20" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Complete the transaction successfully.
  • While there are some incompleted internal transactions, the outer transaction can't complete.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id Yes Transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "transaction_id" = "0-54b-1-36223d20" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Abort the transaction.
  • All the active internal transactions are aborted as well.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id Yes Transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.
force No false Forcibly aborts the transaction even if this may result in consistency loss (in case of a tablet transaction and a two-phase commit).

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "transaction_id" = "0-54b-1-36223d20" }

Working with Cypress

For more information about the metainformation tree, see Cypress.


All the commands used to work with Cypress are transactional.


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Create a node of a specified type in Cypress.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. At default settings, the path should not exist.
type Yes Node type.
recursive No false Whether to create intermediate nodes recursively.
attributes No {} Enables you to set attributes for the created node.
ignore_existing No false If the created node exists already, it is not recreated. In particular, the transmitted attributes are ignored. Moreover, both the existing and created nodes must have the same type, otherwise the query will return an error.
lock_existing No false Set an exclusive lock on the specified node even if it already exists. This parameter is only used together with ignore_existing. If the lock couldn't be set, the command fails.
force No false If the specified node already exists, it is deleted and replaced with a new one. In this situation, the existing node can be of any type. When the node is recreated, its ID changes.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the created node.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/table" ; "type" = "table" }
OUTPUT "0-4-191-6c07cd58"
PARAMETERS { "type" = "user" ; attributes = { name = 'kulichek-robot' } }
OUTPUT "7727-417b1-1f5-d4f116ca"
PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/document" ; "type" = "document" ; attributes = { value = {} } }
OUTPUT "7727-417b1-1f5-d4f116ca"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Delete the Cypress node.
  • Deletes the node successfully, even if a non-empty subtree is growing from it.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. The path must exist.
recursive No false Enables you to delete the entire subtree in the case when the deleted node is a composite type.
force No false Enables you to treat the command as successfully executed if the deleted node is missing.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/table" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Write new content into the Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. If recursive == false, then the path must exist (except, probably, the last token).
recursive No false Create all non-existent intermediate nodes on the path.
force No false Enables you to modify any Cypress node instead of only attributes and documents.

Input data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: Node content.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
INPUT   "my_integer" = 4 ;
INPUT   "my_double" = 2.718281828 ;
INPUT   "map" = { "a" = 1 ; "b" = 2 } ;
INPUT   "list" = [ 1, 2, 3 ]


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Set several attributes at the specified path (if the attributes exist already, they are overwritten).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to attributes of a node in Cypress. The path must exist.

Input data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: A map-node including new attribute values.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node/@" }
INPUT   "attribute1" = 4 ;
INPUT   "attribute2" = "attribute2 value";


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get the content of the Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. The path must exist.
attributes No [] A list of attributes that need to be obtained along with each node.
max_size No missing Sets a limit on the number of children that will be issued in the case of virtual composite nodes (for regular map nodes, this option doesn't make sense).
ignore_opaque No false Ignore the opaque attribute when executing a query (never use this option without explicit advice from YT developers).

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: Node content.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
OUTPUT   "my_integer" = 4 ;
OUTPUT   "my_double" = 2.718281828 ;
OUTPUT   "map" = { "a" = 1 ; "b" = 2 } ;
OUTPUT   "list" = [ 1, 2, 3 ]


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get a list of descendants for the Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. The path must exist.
attributes No [] A list of attributes that need to be obtained along with each node.
max_size No missing Limits the number of descendants output.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured
  • Value: A list of the node's descendants.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
OUTPUT   "home" ;
OUTPUT   "sys" ;
OUTPUT   "statbox" ;
OUTPUT   "tmp"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Set a lock on the Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. The path must exist.
mode No exclusive Lock type (snapshot, shared, exclusive).
waitable No false In case of a conflict, it's doesn't fail but is enqueued. You can find out whether the lock was actually set using the state attribute of the lock object. See Transactions.
child_key No The key in the dictionary on which the lock is taken (for the shared type only).
attribute_key No The name of the attribute on which the lock is taken (for the shared type only).


Be sure to specify the transaction ID for this command.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the created lock and ID of the branched node.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
OUTPUT   "lock_id" = "0-1-3fe00c8-353e9ba4";
OUTPUT   "node_id" = "0-1-3fe012f-9ad48d90";



Locks are automatically removed at the end of the transaction. Do not use the unlock command unless absolutely needed. See Transactions.

Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Release all the locks set for the selected transaction on the Cypress node.
  • You can only release explicit locks.
  • This command releases both already taken and enqueued locks.
  • If the node is not locked, the command is considered successful.
  • If the locked node version includes any changes compared to the original version, the unlock fails.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress. The path must exist.


Be sure to specify the transaction ID for this command.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Copy the Cypress node to the new address.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
source_path Yes Path to the source node in Cypress. The path must exist.
destination_path Yes Path where the copy will be created. The path must not exist.
recursive No false Whether to create the skipped levels (map nodes) at the destination path.
ignore_existing No false If the node already exists at destination_path, do nothing (you can't use this parameter together with force = %true).
lock_existing No false Set an exclusive lock on the node at destination_path, even if it already exists. This parameter is only used together with ignore_existing. If the command fails to set a lock, it returns an error.
force No false Allows you to specify an existing node to be replaced, as the destination path.
preserve_account No false Whether to keep the accounts of the source nodes or use the account at the destination path.
preserve_expiration_time No false Whether the copy the expiration_time attribute or leave it empty.
preserve_expiration_timeout No false Whether the copy the expiration_timeout attribute or leave it empty.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the created node.


PARAMETERS   "source_path" = "//tmp/from" ;
PARAMETER    "destination_path" = "//tmp/to" ;
OUTPUT "0-4-191-6c07cd58"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Move the Cypress node to a new path.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
source_path Yes Path to the source node in Cypress. The path must exist.
destination_path Yes A new path in Cypress. The path must not exist.
recursive No false Whether to create the skipped levels (map nodes) at the destination path.
force No false Allows you to specify an existing node to be replaced, as the destination path.
preserve_account No false Whether to keep the accounts of the source nodes or use the account at the destination path.
preserve_expiration_timeout No false Whether the copy the expiration_timeout attribute or leave it empty.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS   "source_path" = "//tmp/from" ;
PARAMETER    "destination_path" = "//tmp/to" ;

Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Create a symbolic link to the object at the new path.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
link_path Yes Path where the link will be created. The path must not exist.
target_path Yes Path to the source node in Cypress. The path must exist.
attributes No missing Attributes of the node created as a result of the command.
recursive No false Whether to create intermediate nodes recursively.
ignore_existing No false Enables you to avoids operation failure if the node already exists and is a link. The call will return an error if the node exists but is not a link.
lock_existing No false Set an exclusive lock on the specified node even if it already exists. It's only used together with the ignore_existing parameter.
force No false Recreate the link if the path where the link is created already exists.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the created node.


PARAMETERS   "target_path" = "//tmp/from" ;
PARAMETER    "link_path" = "//tmp/to" ;
OUTPUT "0-4-191-6c07cd58"


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Checks what are the node exists.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the source node in Cypress.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: true or false string.


PARAMETERS   "path" = "//tmp/my_table/@_format" ;



  • Merge the set of files or tables (in the order in which their paths are listed).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id No null-transaction-id Current transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.
source_paths Yes The list of paths to input files or tables in Cypress. The paths must exist and all items at the paths should either be files or tables.
destination_path Yes Path to a file or table in Cypress. The path must exist.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS   "source_paths" = ["//tmp/file1"; "//tmp/file2"];
PARAMETERS   "destination_path" = "//tmp/file";

Access control

For more information about access permissions, see Access control.


This set of commands is not transactional.


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Add to a group a user or another group.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
member Yes The name of the user or group that needs to be added to the group.
group Yes The name of the group into which you are adding a user or another group.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS   "group" = "admins";
PARAMETERS   "member": "devs";


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Add to a group a user or another group.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
member Yes The name of the user or group that needs to be deleted from the group.
group Yes The name of the group that you are deleting a user or another group from.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS   "group" = "admins";
PARAMETERS   "member": "devs";


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Check if a user has a certain permission to access a certain Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the node in Cypress.
user Yes The name of the user that you are checking the permission for.
permission Yes The name of the permission checked.
columns No The list of columns the access to which should be checked.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//sys/accounts/statbox";
PARAMETERS   "permission": "use";
PARAMETERS   "user": "vasya";

Working with files

For more information about files, see the Files article.


All the commands used to work with files are transactional.


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Synonyms (supported, but not recommended).

  • upload.


  • Upload the content to the file.
  • The file must exist.
  • If the file path includes the append=%true attribute, the data is appended to the file; otherwise, the file is overwritten.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id No null-transaction-id Current transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.
path Yes Path to a file in Cypress. The path must exist.
compute_md5 No false Whether to calculate the MD5 sum for the file written; if both compute_md5=%true and append=%true, but the file does not have the md5 attribute (that is, previously it was written without compute_md5=%true), an error will occur.

Input data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: File content.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS {"path" = "//tmp/file"}
INPUT this is sample file content


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.

Synonyms (supported, but not recommended).

  • download.


  • Get the content of the Cypress node.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
transaction_id No null-transaction-id Current transaction ID.
ping_ancestor_transactions No false Whether to ping all the parent transactions while running the operation.
path Yes Path to a file in Cypress. The path must exist.
offset No 0 The position starting from which the data should be read.
length No The length of the data to be read; by default, the file is read to the end.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: File content.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/file" }
OUTPUT this is sample file content

Working with file cache

To learn more about the file cache, see the File cache section.


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Add the file to the cache.
  • Checks that, at the provided path, there's a file with the MD5 hash given in the command options.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the file in Cypress.
md5 Yes Expected MD5 hash for the file.
cache_path Yes Path to the file cache.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: Path to the cached file.


PARAMETERS   "path" = "//tmp/file";
PARAMETERS   "md5" = "a3dcb4d229de6fde0db5686dee47145d";
PARAMETERS   "cache_path" = "//tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage/new_cache";
OUTPUT "//tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage/new_cache/5d/a3dcb4d229de6fde0db5686dee47145d"


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get a path to the cached file.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
md5 Yes MD5 hash for the file.
cache_path Yes Path to the file cache.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: Path to the cached file.


PARAMETERS   "md5" = "a3dcb4d229de6fde0db5686dee47145d";
PARAMETERS   "cache_path" = "//tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage/new_cache";
OUTPUT "//tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage/new_cache/5d/a3dcb4d229de6fde0db5686dee47145d"

Working with tables

To learn more about static tables, see the Static tables section.

To learn more about dynamic tables, see the Dynamic tables section.


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Static tables.

Synonyms (supported, but not recommended).

  • write.


  • Add new entries to a static table.
  • The table must exist.
  • If the table path includes the append=%true attribute, the entries are appended to the table; otherwise, the table is overwritten.
  • If the table path includes the sorted_by attribute, the system checks that the data is sorted by the specified set of keys and the resulting table is labeled as sorted. You can write sorted data (with a sorted_by attribute specified) only if any new key is greater than or equal to any old key.
  • You can write unsorted data (that is, without the sorted_by attribute) to any table, but the table's sort flag will be removed.
  • The command can be nested in a transaction.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to a table in Cypress. The path must exist.
table_writer No From the driver configuration Table write options.

Input data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Table content.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS   "path" = "//tmp/node" ;
PARAMETERS   "table_writer" = { "codec_id" = "gzip" };
INPUT { "id" = 1; "value" = 1.125; };
INPUT { "id" = 2; "value" = 2.000; };
INPUT { "id" = 3; "value" = 3.850; };


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Static and dynamic tables.

Synonyms (supported, but not recommended).

  • read.


  • Retrieve entries from a Cypress table.
  • The command can be nested in a transaction.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to a table in Cypress. The path must exist.
table_reader No From the driver configuration Table's read options.
control_attributes No From the driver configuration Configuration of the control read attributes.
unordered No false Whether to read data in parallel, regardless of the entry order.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Table content.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
OUTPUT { "id" = 1; "value" = 1.125; };
OUTPUT { "id" = 2; "value" = 2.000; };
OUTPUT { "id" = 3; "value" = 3.850; };


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Static tables with binary data.


  • Get a binary data stream from a specific column in a Cypress table.
  • The command can be nested in a transaction.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to a table in Cypress. The path must exist.
table_reader No From the driver config file Table's read options.
part_index_column_name No part_index Name of the column that stores BLOB indexes.
data_column_name No data Name of the column that stores data.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: Contents of a data column in the table.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/node" }
OUTPUT "Hello world"


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Execute an SQL-like query for a dynamic table in accordance with the supported features.
  • The transaction can be executed against a data snapshot with a specified timestamp.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
query Yes Query string.
timestamp No sync last committed Which timestamp the query should run against.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Set of rows with the result.


PARAMETERS { "query" = "key, value from [//tmp/sometable]" }
OUTPUT { "key" = 1; "value" = "hello"; };
OUTPUT { "key" = 2; "value" = "world; };


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Write rows to a dynamic table.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
update No false If set to false, the columns missing in the input data will be written with the value of Null (overwriting the current value in the table). If set to true, such columns will preserve their previous value in the table.
aggregate No false If set to false, the aggregating columns will be overwritten by the new value. If set to true, such columns will apply the delta from the source data.
atomicity No full Supported values: none and full, learn more

Input data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Table content.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table" }
INPUT { "id" = 1; "value" = 1.125; };
INPUT { "id" = 2; "value" = 2.000; };
INPUT { "id" = 3; "value" = 3.850; };


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Delete all rows with the specified keys from the dynamic table.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.

Input data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Set of rows with the keys.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/sometable" }
INPUT { "id" = 1; };
INPUT { "id" = 2; };
INPUT { "id" = 3; };


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Lock writing to the rows in the dynamic table while the current transaction is running.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
locks Yes List of the involved lock groups from the table schema.
lock_type No shared strong Lock types: shared weak, shared strong, exclusive

A shared lock can be taken from multiple different transactions at the same time. An exclusive lock can be taken from a single transaction that usually updates this row.

When using read locks (in contrast to write locks), one row can be locked by multiple transactions. That's why, when there is a continuous stream of transactions that take a shared lock on a certain row, the row becomes locked permanently, and you won't be able to update it. This effect is referred to as write starvation. However this is never the case for write-write conflicts because they have an exclusive lock that is released every time a write transaction is complete.

To alleviate the effect of write starvation, you can decrease isolation of shared locks. For this, you can specify the weak or strong lock mode. The distinction of the weak mode is that when the transaction is complete, the timestamps until which the rows were locked by shared locks, aren't saved. The practical implication is that a write operation isn't locked if nested in a transaction that overlaps with the current transaction in time but completes later. However, if the write transaction completes earlier, the transaction with a shared lock isn't applied. In the weak mode, the shared lock becomes asymmetric.

Input data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Set of rows with the keys.


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Select the rows with the specified keys from the table.
  • The command can be executed against a data snapshot with a specified timestamp.
  • It is guaranteed that the relative order of rows retrieved in the response will be the same as the order of keys in the query.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table. The path should be simple (without columns, ranges, etc.)
column_names No Which columns to include in the response.
keep_missing_rows No false Whether to include the rows corresponding to the non-found keys. If set to true, the corresponding positions will include # (entity).
timestamp No sync last committed Which timestamp the query should run against.

Input data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: Set of rows with the keys.

Output data:

  • Type: tabular.
  • Value: A set of rows with the specified keys and queried columns.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/sometable" }
INPUT { "id" = 1; };
INPUT { "id" = 2; };
INPUT { "id" = 3; };
OUTPUT { "id" = 1; "value" = 1.125; };
OUTPUT { "id" = 2; "value" = 2.000; };
OUTPUT { "id" = 3; "value" = 3.850; };


Command properties: Mutating, Heavy.

Scope: Ordered dynamic tables.


  • Remove rows from the beginning of the tablet of an ordered dynamic table . After that, the deleted data can no longer be read by the select_rows command. Numbering of other rows is unchanged in this case.
  • The command is executed outside of transactions.


parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
tablet_index Yes Index of the truncated tablet.
trimmed_row_count Yes Number of deleted rows.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table"; tablet_index = 10; trimmed_row_count = 43 }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Mounts the tablets of the dynamic table.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first mounted tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last mounted tablet.
cell_id No If specified, the tablets are mounted to the specified cell. Otherwise, the system selects suitable cells (in most cases, you should delegate this choice to the system).
freeze No false If set to true, the tablets are mounted to a frozen state. See also the description of the freeze_table command.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Unmounts the tablets of the dynamic table.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first unmounted tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last unmounted tablet.
force No false Forcibly unmount the tablets. Using this flag poses a risk of data loss, so you need YT admin rights to use it.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table"; "first_tablet_index" = 10; "last_tablet_index" = 20; }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Enables you to update certain settings of dynamic tables without unmounting them.
  • In the case of such remounting, the table remains accessible for reading and writing.
  • The settings are taken from the table attributes and eventually reach the node where the tablets are processed.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first remounted tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last remounted tablet.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Changes the tablets of the dynamic table to a frozen state, flushing all the data to the disk. You can read data in this state, but you can't write new entries. However, all the other written data exist in chunks and are available to map-reduce operations, for example (even without using the enable_dynamic_store_read option).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first frozen tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last frozen tablet.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Unfreezes a table that was frozed (for example, by a freeze_table command), making the table write-accessible.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Path to the dynamic table.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first unfrozen tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last unfrozen tablet.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Dynamic tables.


  • Reshards the dynamic table (that is, changes the set of its tablets).
  • The resharded tablets must be unmounted.
  • Be sure to specify tablet_count for an ordered table. For a sorted table, you can specify both tablet_count and pivot_keys. The resharded tablets are replaced by a set of new tablets.
  • In the case of a sorted table:
    • When passing pivot_keys, the first key in pivot_keys must match the first key of the first resharded tablet. The number of pivot_keys is equal to the number of new tablets that the resharded tablets are split into.
    • When passing tablet_count, the system will select pivot keys based on the data available in the table as evenly as possible. If the table isn't large enough, you might get less tablets then requested as a result. At default settings, your resulting tablets can't be smaller than about 200 MB each. For smaller slicing, use the optionenable_slicing.
    • If the first key column of the table has an integer type, then along with tablet_count, you can use uniform=True. In this case, uniform values from the range of the appropriate type will be selected as pivot keys. 0, 2^64/n, 2^64\*2/n, ... for an unsigned 64-bit type and -2^63, -2^63 + 2^64/n, -2^63 + 2^64\*2/n, ... for a signed 64-bit type.
  • For an ordered table, table_count specifies the number of new tablets that the sharded tablets are split into. In this case, if the resulting tablets are higher in numbers than the old ones, new empty tablets are created. If the resulting tablets are smaller in numbers, the corresponding number of source trailing tablets are merged into a single tablet in their natural order.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Table path.
first_tablet_index No 0 Index of the first resharded tablet.
last_tablet_index No tablet_count - 1 Index of the last resharded tablet.
pivot_keys No Pivot keys for the new tablets (for a sorted table).
tablet_count No Number of new tablets.
uniform No false Uniformly reshard tablets based on an integer key column.
enable_slicing No false Use sampling to increase granularity (for a more precise splitting into tablets) when pivot keys are selected automatically. This might help if you have many entries on one key and few entries on another key.
slicing_accuracy No 0.05 Tolerance acceptable for uniform regarding into a given number of tablets.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table"; "schema" = [{"name" = "key"; type = "int64"; "sort_order" = "ascending"}; {"name" = "value"; type = "string"}]; }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Sorted dynamic tables.


  • Forces an iteration of a background tablet balancer, that is, reshards the tablets that go beyond the min_tablet_sizemax_tablet_size interval.
  • In contrast to reshard_table, it can work with mounted tables. In the process of its operation, it can amount tablets.
  • It's started asynchronously by default, but if you specify keep_actions, it returns a list of IDs that you can use to track the progress. Most APIs do it automatically when passed the sync=True flag.
  • The command does not support replicated tables (you can use it independently on different replicas, however).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Table path.
keep_actions No false If set to true, respond with a list of IDs to track the progress.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: A list of tablet_action_id if keep_actions=True. Otherwise, it returns an empty list.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table"; }
OUTPUT     "11-22-33-44";


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Static and dynamic tables.


  • Changes the scheme and other table settings (both static and dynamic).
  • You can usually use alter_table to change the settings that require complex joint validation. The attributes are used to change the recommended settings that only affect new data.
  • Changing the schema involves various validation checks because the system has to make sure that the existing data matches the schema.
  • You can change a static table to a dynamic table, but not vice versa.
  • You can change the schema of a dynamic table, as well as upstream_replica_id, only if the table is unmounted.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes Table path.
schema No If specified, it sets a new schema for the table.
dynamic No If specified, it changes a static table to a dynamic table. This setting can only be changed outside a transaction.
upstream_replica_id No If specified, it changes the ID of the replica object on the metacluster. For more information, see Replicated dynamic tables.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//home/user/table"; "schema" = [{"name" = "key"; type = "int64"; "sort_order" = "ascending"}; {"name" = "value"; type = "string"}]; }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.

Scope: Replicated dynamic tables.


  • Changes the replica's properties: enables/disables it or changes its mode.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
replica_id Yes Replica ID.
enabled No Doesn't change the enabled/disabled status of the replica If set to true, enables the table. If set to false, disables the table.
mode No Doesn't change the replica's mode Changes the replica mode sync/async.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "replica_id" = "730e-8611b-3ff02c5-f647333f"; "enabled" = %true; }


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.

Scope: Static and dynamic tables.


  • Get statistics on the set of columns in the given set of tables (taken completely or partially, by ranges).
  • The statistics includes:
    • The total data_weight for each of the requested columns.
    • The total data_weight for all the old chunks (that the metainformation about each column hasn't been saved to because the chunk has been generated before column-by-column statistics were supported).
    • The total weight of all the timestamps of rows in a dynamic table.
  • The paths should always include the column selectors.
  • The command can be nested in a transaction.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
paths Yes A list of paths to tables in Cypress. The tables must exist. The paths must include column selectors.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Values: Column-by-column statistics for the requested columns.


PARAMETERS   "paths" = ["//tmp/table1{a,b,c}"; "//tmp/table2{a,b,c}"];
PARAMETERS   "transaction_id" = "1234-abcd-abcd-7890"
OUTPUT    "column_data_weights" = {
OUTPUT        "a" = 8124;
OUTPUT        "b" = 124241241;
OUTPUT        "c" = 3121414;
OUTPUT    };
OUTPUT    "legacy_chunks_data_weight" = 100242;
OUTPUT    "timestamp_total_weight" = 50056;

Running operations

For more information about running data processing operations, see Data processing.

All the operations are run asynchronously, the specified commands only launch them. To find out whether the operation is complete or not, request the operation status using the get_operation command.
All the commands used to work with operations are also transactional. It means that everything you do with tables in an operation will be executed within the specified transaction when you run the operation. The node responsible for the operation (//sys/operations/<OP_ID>) is updated by the scheduleroutside of any transactions.


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Run the operation of the specified type.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_type Yes Operation type (can be one of these: map, reduce, map_reduce, join_reduce, remote-copy, erase, sort, merge, vanilla).
spec Yes Operation specification. For more information, see Setting up operations.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS {  "operation_type" = "map_reduce";
PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_path" = "//tmp/table_out"
OUTPUT "37878b-ba919c15-cdc97f3a-8a983ece"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.



Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification.
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_path] Yes Output table.
spec[mode] No unordered Merging mode ( unordered, ordered, sorted).

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_path" = "//tmp/table_out"
OUTPUT "37878b-ba919c15-cdc97f3a-8a983ece"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.



Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification.
spec[table_path] Yes An input table with the specified row selector. The same table will be used for output.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "table_path" = "//tmp/table[#0:#500]" ;
OUTPUT "3f9e62-ce8d2965-6350842b-3e4628d2"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Run the map operation on the source tables, writing the output to the output tables.
  • Detailed description of all specification parameters.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_paths] Yes List of output tables.
spec[mapper][command] Yes The command that runs the mapper.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "mapper" = {
PARAMETERS          "command" = "cat"
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths"  = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_out" ]
OUTPUT "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Run the reduce operation on the source tables, writing the output to the output tables.
  • Detailed description of all specification parameters.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_paths] Yes List of output tables.
spec[reduce_by] Yes Columns that reduce runs against.
spec[reducer][command] Yes Command that runs the reducer.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "reducer" = {
PARAMETERS          "command" = "cat" ;
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths"  = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_out" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "reduce_by"          = [ "my_key" ] ;
OUTPUT "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"



In the upcoming versions, we'll discontinue support for Join Reduce. Instead of the Join Reduce operation, you need to use the Reduce operation with the enable_key_guarantee option.

Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Run the join_reduce operation on the source tables, writing the output to the output tables.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_paths] Yes List of output tables.
spec[join_by] Yes Columns that join runs against.
spec[reducer][command] Yes Command that runs the reducer.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "reducer" = {
PARAMETERS          "command" = "cat" ;
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths"  = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_out" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "join_by"          = [ "my_key" ] ;
OUTPUT "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.



Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_path] Yes Output table.
spec[sort_by] Yes And non-empty set of column names that make up the sort key.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_path" = "//tmp/table_out" ;
PARAMETERS      "sort_by"           = [ "mykey" ];
OUTPUT "37878b-ba919c15-cdc97f3a-8a983ece"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.



Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_paths] Yes List of output tables.
spec[mapper][command] No The command that runs the mapper.
spec[sort_by] No A non-empty set of column names by which the data for reduces will be sorted.
spec[reduce_by] Yes Columns that reduce runs against.
spec[reducer][command] Yes Command that runs the reducer.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "mapper" = {
PARAMETERS          "command" = "cat"
PARAMETERS      "reducer" = {
PARAMETERS          "command" = "cat" ;
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_path" = "//tmp/table_out" ;
PARAMETERS      "reduce_by" = [ "my_key" ] ;
OUTPUT "37878b-ba919c15-cdc97f3a-8a983ece"


Command properties: Mutating, Light.



Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
spec Yes Operation specification (see the relevant fields below).
spec[input_table_paths] Yes List of input tables.
spec[output_table_paths] Yes List of output tables.
spec[cluster_name] Yes Cluster with the source tables.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Value: ID of the running operation.


PARAMETERS    "spec" = {
PARAMETERS      "input_table_paths" = [ "//tmp/table_in", "//tmp/table_in" ] ;
PARAMETERS      "output_table_path" = "//tmp/table_out" ;
PARAMETERS      "cluster_name"           = <cluster-name>;
OUTPUT "37878b-ba919c15-cdc97f3a-8a983ece"

Working with operations


All the commands used to work with the operations are non-transactional.


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get a list of operations that match the filters.


Parameter Type Mandatory Default value Description
attributes list<string> No Null List of operation attributes that need to be returned in the response.
from_time ISO 8601 string No Null Bottom limit for the time interval for operation selection (by the time when the operation began).
to_time ISO 8601 string No Null Top limit for the time interval for operation selection (by the time when the operation began).
cursor_time ISO 8601 string No Null Time beginning from which a list of operation should be returned.
cursor_direction {past, future} No past Time direction used to list the operations.
user string No Null Username to filter for.
state string No Null Operation state used to filter data.
type string No Null Type of filtering operation.
filter string No Null Substring that the operation's filter_factors should include.
pool string No Null Pool used for filtering.
with_failed_jobs bool No Null Return only the operations that have jobs with the failed status.
access map No Null Dictionary with the mandatory fields subject (a string) and permissions (a list of strings) that set a filter by access rights. If specified, only the operations for which a subject has every right in the permissions list, are returned.
include_archive bool No false Whether to request operations from the archive.
include_counters bool No true Whether to return statistics for the requested operations.
limit int No 100 List of operations that need to be returned in the response.
enable_ui_mode bool No false Whether to return the response in the old UI-compatible format.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Returns a dictionary with the following fields:
    • operations: List with explicit descriptions of operations. Each operation described is a dictionary that includes the selected operation attributes: id, type, state, authenticated_user, brief_progress, brief_spec, start_time, suspended, weight. The weight, brief_progress, and brief_spec attributes are optional.
    • incomplete: Whether the list of operations is complete (that is, whether all the operations in the range from_timeto_time are listed).
    • pool_counts: Statistics on pools.
    • user_counts: Statistics on users.
    • state_counts: Statistics on operation states.
    • type_counts: Statistics on operation type.
    • failed_jobs_count: Count of failed jobs for the operations.


OUTPUT     "operations" = [
OUTPUT         {
OUTPUT             "id" = "7001208d-fef089b3-3fe03e8-453d99a1";
OUTPUT             "type" = "remote-copy";
OUTPUT             "state" = "initializing";
OUTPUT             "authenticated_user" = "user-name";
OUTPUT             "brief_progress" = {};
OUTPUT             "brief_spec" = {
OUTPUT                 ...
OUTPUT             };
OUTPUT             "start_time" = "2018-02-06T11:06:34.200591Z";
OUTPUT             "suspended" = %false;
OUTPUT             "weight" = 1.;
OUTPUT         };
OUTPUT     ];
OUTPUT     "incomplete" = %true;
OUTPUT     "pool_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "pool-counts-example" = 2;
OUTPUT         "user-name-1" = 2;
OUTPUT         ...
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "user_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "yql" = 52;
OUTPUT         "user-name-1" = 2;
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "state_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "materializing" = 10;
OUTPUT         "pending" = 763;
OUTPUT         "running" = 1848;
OUTPUT         "completed" = 6654;
OUTPUT         "aborted" = 37;
OUTPUT         "failed" = 98;
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "type_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "map" = 4294;
OUTPUT         "merge" = 1337;
OUTPUT         "erase" = 97;
OUTPUT         "sort" = 1126;
OUTPUT         "reduce" = 886;
OUTPUT         "map_reduce" = 1609;
OUTPUT         "remote-copy" = 24;
OUTPUT         "join_reduce" = 37;
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "failed_jobs_count" = 109;


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get information about an operation.


Parameter Type Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id GUID Yes Operation ID.
attributes list No [] Operation attributes.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • Returns a dictionary with the requested operation attributes.
Field Type Description
id string String representation of the operation ID (for example, d840bb39-3d893e5b-3fe03e8-f009b1fb).
type string Operation type (for example, map, reduce, map_reduce).
state string Current operation state (for example, completed, running,failed).
authenticated_user string User that ran the operation.
start_time ISO 8601 string Start time.
finish_time ISO 8601 string End time (if the operation completed).
brief_progress map Summarized statistics on jobs.
progress map Full statistics on jobs.
brief_spec map Part of the specification with light fields.
spec map Specification given by the user at the beginning of the operation.
full_spec map Specification where all the fields omitted by the user are populated by defaults.
unrecognized_spec map Specification fields that were entered by the user but not recognized by the scheduler.
controller_agent_address string Address of the controller agent (host:port) responsible for the operation.
events list<map> List of events (state changes) that occurred with the operation.
alerts map Alerts (in the format of a dictionary <alert_name> : <map_with_attributes>) set up for the operation at the moment.
result map A map with an error field that can include an error if the operation failed.
committed bool Whether the operation results were committed.
suspended bool Whether the operation is currently suspended.


PARAMETERS {  "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"; attributes = [ "state" ] }
OUTPUT     "state" = "running";


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Abort the operation.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Instantly complete the operation, saving the currently calculated result.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Suspend the operation.
  • This command is executed instantly. After that, no more jobs are started for the operation, and the running jobs are optionally aborted.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.
abort_running_jobs No false Whether to abort the running operation jobs.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Resume the suspended operation.
  • This command is executed instantly.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Update the parameters of a running operation.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.
parameters Yes Dictionary with the operation parameters.
parameters[owners] No (deprecated, will be removed) List of new owners of the operation.
parameters[acl] No New ACL of the operation (it overlaps the base ACL).
parameters[pool] No Name of the pool to which the operation has to be switched over in all its trees.
parameters[weight] No New weight of the operation in all the trees.
parameters[scheduling_options_per_pool_tree] No Dictionary {tree name: scheduler settings for this tree}. The settings are described below. To learn more about the scheduler, see Scheduler and pools.

Scheduler settings for the tree:

Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
weight No Weight of the operation in the tree.
pool No Pool of the operation in the tree.
resource_limits No Dictionary { resource name: limit}. Resource limits in the tree.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS {"`operation_id`" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"; "parameters" = {"pool" = "username"; "scheduling_options_per_pool_tree" = {"physical" = {"weight" = 2; "resource_limits" = { "user_slots" = 1; "cpu" = 0.5; "network" = 10; "memory" = 1000000000}}}}}

Working with jobs


All the commands used to work with jobs are non-transactional.


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Getting information about a job. The command can run both for running and completed jobs (if information about the jobs was saved).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID
job_id Yes Job ID

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured. Map with the job's attributes.
Field Type Description
job_id string String representation of the job ID (for example, d840bb39-3d893e5b-3fe03e8-f009b1fb).
operation_id string String representation of the operation ID (for example, d840bb39-3d893e5b-3fe03e8-f009b1fb).
type string Job type (for example, vanilla, map, partition_reduce).
state string Current job state (for example, running, failed, completed).
address string Address of the node (host:port) that ran the job.
task_name string Name of the task that the job responds to.
start_time ISO 8601 string Start time.
finish_time ISO 8601 string End time.
pool string Name of the pool where the job was run.
pool_tree string Name of the pool tree where the job was run.
progress float in [0,1] Evaluation of the share of work executed by the job by the current moment.
stderr_size integer Size of the saved stderr of the job (you can get stderr using the command get_job_stderr).
error map Dictionary with an error description (for a failed job).
statistics map Dictionary with the job's statistics
brief_statistics map Dictionary with brief statistics.
input_paths list<YPath> List of parts to tables (with row ranges) processed by the job.
core_infos list<map> List of dictionaries describing the core dumps saved by the job.
events list<map> List of dictionaries describing events (changes in state or phase) that occurred to the job.
is_stale bool Whether the information about the job is outdated (if %true, some fields might need update). Information about the job is considered outdated if it hasn't been updated for a long time. The information in the job archive is updated by the node running the job. The update process is asynchronous. If the node restarts for some reason (for example, as a result of an update), the information about the final job state (completed, failed, or aborted) could fail to be archived, and the job is always returned as stale as a result. Despite the running status, such jobs have usually been executed for a long time, and you should ignore them.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "e13c5406-e5dd6f5d-3fe03e8-fe05f0d3"; "job_id" = "f11ae559-a0375703-3fe0384-8f1"}
OUTPUT     "operation_id" = "e13c5406-e5dd6f5d-3fe03e8-fe05f0d3";
OUTPUT     "job_id" = "f11ae559-a0375703-3fe0384-8f1";
OUTPUT     "state" = "completed";
OUTPUT     "start_time" = "2018-02-06T09:37:02.858492Z";
OUTPUT     "finish_time" = "2018-02-06T09:42:19.185525Z";
OUTPUT     "address" = "<cluster-name>:9012";
OUTPUT     "statistics" = {
OUTPUT         "data" = {
OUTPUT              ...
OUTPUT         };
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "events" = [
OUTPUT         ...
OUTPUT     ];



This command can create a significant load on the cluster.

Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get all the jobs that match the filters for a given operation.


Parameter Type Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id GUID Yes Operation ID.
type (job_type) EJobType No Null When you specify the parameter, the response will only include the jobs with the specified job_type.
state (job_state) EJobState No Null When you specify the parameter, the response will only include the jobs with the specified job_state.
address string No Null When you specify the parameter, the response will only include the jobs with the specified address.
with_stderr bool No Null At Null, all the jobs are returned. At True, only the jobs with a non-null stderr are returned. At False, only the jobs with a null stderr are returned.
with_fail_context bool No Null At Null, all the jobs are returned. At True, only the jobs for the saved fail_context are returned. At False, only the jobs that do not have fail_context are returned.
sort_field {none,type,state,start_time,finish_time,address,duration,progress,id} No none Sort fields.
sort_order {ascending,descending} No ascending Sorting order.
limit int No 1000 Limit on the number of returned jobs.
offset int No 0 Offset by the given number of jobs.
data_source EDataSource No auto Data source, acceptable values: runtime, archive, and auto.

The job_type, job_state, address, and has_stderr parameters define the job filter. The response will only include the jobs that meet the filtering criteria.

The sort_field andsort_order define the order of jobs in the response. In this case, the limit and offset parameters define the slice (subset) of jobs in the response: the first offset jobs are skipped, and then limit of the remaining jobs is selected.

The data_source parameter regulates the source of data from which the jobs are taken:

  • In the runtime mode, jobs are retrieved from the controller agent and Cypress and then merged.
  • In the archive mode, jobs are retrieved from the archive and the controller agent and then merged.
  • The auto mode automatically determines the source of jobs based on availability of operations in the controller agent.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.

  • Structure with the fields jobs, cypress_job_count, controller_agent_job_count, and archive_job_count.

  • *_count fields: Counter of jobs found for a given operation in the appropriate data sources, without filtering. If all three numbers are zeros, it means that there's no information about the operation's jobs. If all the three numbers aren't zeros, but the jobs response is empty, it means that all the jobs were filtered out. If you get null instead of a number, the corresponding data source wasn't polled.

  • jobs field: List of structures that describe each job. Each job can have the following fields:

    • id (guid), type (string), state (string), address (string): Required fields.
    • start_time (instant), finish_time (instant), progress (double), stderr_size (int): Optional fields.
    • error, brief_statistics, input_paths, core_infos: Optional fields.


PARAMETERS {operation_id" = "4505e8eb-28fa88e2-3fe03e8-c6fcd8fa"; }
OUTPUT     "jobs" = [
OUTPUT         {
OUTPUT             "id" = "55aff293-7ef14284-3fe0384-3e07";
OUTPUT             "type" = "map";
OUTPUT             "state" = "failed";
OUTPUT             "address" = "";
OUTPUT             "start_time" = "2018-05-05T00:41:27.433832Z";
OUTPUT             "finish_time" = "2018-05-05T00:49:04.288196Z";
OUTPUT             "fail_context_size" = 973230u;
OUTPUT             "error" = {
OUTPUT                 "code" = 1205;
OUTPUT                 "message" = "User job failed";
OUTPUT                 ...
OUTPUT             };
OUTPUT             ...
OUTPUT         };
OUTPUT         ...
OUTPUT         {
OUTPUT             "id" = "69ae20a7-887b25ab-3fe0384-3cff";
OUTPUT             "type" = "map";
OUTPUT             "state" = "running";
OUTPUT             "address" = "";
OUTPUT             "start_time" = "2018-05-07T13:04:03.339873Z";
OUTPUT             "progress" = 0.;
OUTPUT             "brief_statistics" = <
OUTPUT                 "timestamp" = "2018-05-07T13:04:08.431740Z";
OUTPUT             > {
OUTPUT                 "processed_input_compressed_data_size" = 0;
OUTPUT                 "processed_input_data_weight" = 0;
OUTPUT                 "processed_output_uncompressed_data_size" = 0;
OUTPUT                 "processed_output_compressed_data_size" = 0;
OUTPUT                 "processed_input_uncompressed_data_size" = 0;
OUTPUT                 "processed_input_row_count" = 0;
OUTPUT             };
OUTPUT         };
OUTPUT     ];
OUTPUT     "cypress_job_count" = 200;
OUTPUT     "scheduler_job_count" = 208;
OUTPUT     "archive_job_count" = #;
OUTPUT     "type_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "map" = 408;
OUTPUT     };
OUTPUT     "state_counts" = {
OUTPUT         "running" = 208;
OUTPUT         "failed" = 200;
OUTPUT     };


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Abort the job and consider that its input data was processed successfully.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
job_id Yes Job ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff" }


Command properties: Mutating, Light.


  • Abort the job, and let it later be restarted by the scheduler (as any aborted operation job).


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
job_id Yes Job ID.
interrupt_timeout No A timeout for successful completion of the job after it stops receiving input data.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff" }


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Get the input context of the job.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
job_id Yes Job ID.
path Yes A path where to save the set of input parameters received by the job. The path's components should exist (except for the file itself).

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: null.


PARAMETERS { "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff"; "path" = "//tmp/input_context" }


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.


  • Get the full input for the job. The command is used both with running and failed jobs with a saved specification and all the input data available.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
job_id Yes Job ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: Job input.


PARAMETERS { "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff"}


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.


  • Get the fail context of the job. The command is used with failed jobs.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.
job_id Yes Job ID.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: Fail context of the job.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"; "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff"}


Command properties: Non-mutating, Heavy.


  • Get the stderr of the job. The command is used with failed jobs.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
operation_id Yes Operation ID.
job_id Yes Job ID.
offset No Offset in bytes.
limit No Limit in bytes.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: binary.
  • Value: The stderr of the job.


PARAMETERS { "operation_id" = "33ab3f-bf1df917-b35fe9ed-c70a4bf4"; "job_id" = "1225d-1f2fb8c4-f1075d39-5fb7cdff"; "offset" = 500; "limit" = 100 }
OUTPUT   "total_size" = 1000;
OUTPUT   "end_offset" = 600;



Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Perform parsing of the passed YPath by putting all IDs of the complex YPath into attributes.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
path Yes The path that needs to be parsed.

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured.


PARAMETERS { "path" = "//tmp/table[#1:#2]" }
OUTPUT { "path" = "<ranges=[{lower_limit={row_index=1};upper_limit={row_index=2}}]>//tmp/table" }


Command properties: Mutating if the set includes mutating commands, Light.


  • Use a single query to execute the set of commands passed in the parameters.
  • The command can (and will be) executed in parallel. It means that if a set includes both writing to and reading from the node, the reading result can either be the older value or the updated one.
  • The set can only include light commands.
  • The set can only include commands with the input type of null or structured.
  • The set can only include commands with the output type of null or structured.


Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
requests Yes Description of executed queries.
concurrency No 50 A numeric parameter that sets the maximum number of commands running on the cluster in parallel. Use this parameter to avoid exhausting your request rate limit.

Input data:

  • Type: structured.
  • The queries executed are listed in the requests parameter, which is a list.
  • Each element in this list is a dictionary including the following fields:
Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
command Yes Command name.
parameters Yes Dictionary with the command parameters.
input No Input for the query (for the commands with the structured input type, for example, set).

Output data:

  • Type: structured.
  • The output produces a list of the same length as at the input.
  • Each list item describes the result of a single query execution. This is a dictionary of the following format:
Parameter Mandatory Description
error No Error that arose during the query execution (if any).
output No Output for the query (for the successful commands with the structured input type, for example, get).


PARAMETERS    "requests" = [
PARAMETERS        "command" = "set";
PARAMETERS        "parameters" = {"path" = "//tmp/a"};
PARAMETERS        "input" = "value_a";
PARAMETERS        "command" = "get";
PARAMETERS        "parameters" = {"path" = "//tmp/b"};
PARAMETERS        "command" = "get";
PARAMETERS        "parameters" = {"path" = "//nonexisting"};
OUTPUT   { };
OUTPUT   { output = "value_b"; };
OUTPUT   { error = {...} };


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Returns a dictionary with the features field describing elementary data types, compression codecs, erasure codecs, and other features supported by the cluster.


  • No

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured. The features key in the response includes a dictionary with the following fields.
Key Value type Description
primitive_types list of rows Primitive types.
erasure_codecs list of rows Erasure codecs.
compression_codecs list of rows Compression codecs.


OUTPUT   "features" = {
OUTPUT     "primitive_types" = ["int8"; "int16"; ... ];
OUTPUT     "erasure_codecs" = ["lrc_12_2_2"; "reed_solomon_6_3"; ... ];
OUTPUT     "compression_codecs" = ["none"; "snappy"; "brotli_1"; ... ];


Command properties: Non-mutating, Light.


  • Generates a monotonous timestamp.


  • No

Input data:

  • Type: null.

Output data:

  • Type: structured. The timestamp key in the response stores a uint64 value.


OUTPUT   "timestamp" = 1723665447133469427u;