
To use the features of YTsaurus, you can use the C++ client.

See Usage examples.


The C++ client is currently provided as is, so:

  • The client interface may undergo non-backward compatible changes.
  • The current version only supports static linking.
  • Contact if you have any questions about building the client.


  • The entire code is in the NYT namespace.
  • All the interfaces that the user might need can be found here.
  • The implementation of all the interfaces is available here. Libraries need to be linked with interface, and executable binaries must be linked with client.
  • ISomethingPtr is usually defined as TIntrusivePtr for interfaces.
  • All mandatory parameters are explicitly present in the signatures of the corresponding functions. All optional command parameters are presented as auxiliary structures within TOptions. These structures have a builder-like interface that allows for specifying parameters as TWhateverOptions().Parameter1(value1).Parameter2(value2) for single-line writing, if convenient.


Logging is toggled with the YT_LOG_LEVEL environment variable, which can take one of the following values: ERROR, WARNING (equivalent to ERROR for compatibility with the Python API), INFO, DEBUG.
In addition, you need to call the NYT::Initialize() function at the start of the program (see the next section).

If possible, saving logs at the DEBUG level is recommended, especially for production processes. Should any issues occur, such logs will make fixing them much easier and faster. Attaching these logs to emails about API-related problems is recommended.


You need to call the Initialize method before starting client actions.

This function performs initialization of required subsystems (logging, etc), it also checks if binary is launched on the YTsaurus Node inside the job and if it is the case function switches execution into the job mode.

The client entry point is the CreateClient(serverName) function, which returns a pointer to the IClient interface.

Example of a minimum program (main.cpp file):

#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/client.h>
int main()
    auto client = NYT::CreateClient("cluster_name");
    client->Create("//tmp/table", NYT::NT_TABLE);

If you need to have clients working under different authorization tokens within the same program, you can use the following options:

auto client = CreateClient(serverName, TCreateClientOptions().Token(userToken));


There are two interfaces (IClient and ITransaction) that have almost the same set of methods inherited from IClientBase. In the first case, the corresponding commands are executed without any client transaction; in the second case, they are executed under a transaction of the specified class. To get an ITransaction instance, use the IClientBase::StartTransaction() method. When using the YT_TRANSACTION environment variable, evenIClient starts working under the parent transaction.

Example of working with transactions:

#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/client.h>
int main()
    auto client = NYT::CreateClient("cluster_name");
    auto tx = client->StartTransaction();

The transaction has explicit methods Commit() and Abort(). If the transaction is destroyed without one of these methods being explicitly called, an attempt will be made in the destructor to call Abort(), but without guarantees that the method will actually execute.

Transactions can be hierarchical:

auto tx = client->StartTransaction();
auto innerTx = tx->StartTransaction();
innerTx->Create("//tmp/double", NT_DOUBLE);

The ITransaction::GetId() method returns TGUID — the ID of this transaction.

The transaction created using StartTransaction() is automatically pinged and managed by the C++ client.

In order to work with externally created transaction you can use IClient::AttachTransaction(transactionId) method. It returns transaction object that can be used to execute commands with specified transactionId, but this transaction is not pinged by the client.

For more information on transactions, see the Transactions section.


TNode is the main class that provides for a dynamic DOM representation of YSON documents. It is used for working with Cypress, transferring additional operation specifications, as one of the ways to encode table rows, and more.

Usage examples:

TNode i = 1; // all signed types -> int64
TNode u = 8u; // all unsigned types -> uint64
TNode b = true; // boolean
TNode d = 2.5; // double
TNode s = "foo"; // string

TNode l = TNode::CreateList();
Cout << l[1].AsBool() << Endl;

TNode m = TNode::CreateMap();
m["abc"] = 255u;
m("foo", "bar");
Cout << m["foo"].AsString() << Endl;

TNode e = TNode::CreateEntity();
if (e.IsEntity()) {
    Cout << "entity!" << Endl;
  • Values of primitive types are retrieved using the TNode::AsType() methods.
  • Types can be checked using the TNode::IsType() methods.

By default, the constructor creates TNode with the TNode::Undefined type: such an object cannot be serialized in YSON without explicit initialization.

For shortening purposes, the methods for inserting in map and list immediately change TNode to the right type:

auto mapNode = TNode()("key1", "value1")("key2", "value2");
auto listNode = TNode().Add(100).Add(500);

Working with Cypress

For more information about the commands, see Working with the meta information tree. Implemented as the ICypressClient interface, from which IClientBase is inherited.

Usage examples:

TString node("//tmp/node");

client->Create(node, NYT::NT_STRING);

Cout << client->Exists(node) << Endl;

client->Set(node, "foo");
Cout << client->Get(node).AsString() << Endl;

TString otherNode("//tmp/other_node");
client->Copy(node, otherNode);

client->Link(node, otherNode);

Example of working with table attributes:

client->Set("//tmp/table/@user_attr", 25);

Cout << client->Get("//tmp/table/@row_count").AsInt64() << Endl;
Cout << client->Get("//tmp/table/@sorted").AsBool() << Endl;


Create a node. See the CLI equivalent.

TNodeId Create(
    const TYPath& path,
    ENodeType type,
    const TCreateOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Node path
type ENodeType - Type of node created:
NT_STRING — string (string_node);
NT_INT64 — signed integer (int64_node);
NT_UINT64 — unsigned integer (uint64_node);
NT_DOUBLE — double (decimal) (double_node);
NT_BOOLEAN — Boolean value (boolean_node);
NT_MAP — a Cypress dictionary (keys — strings, values — other nodes, map_node);
NT_FILEfile (file);
NT_TABLEtable (table);
NT_DOCUMENTdocument (document);
NT_REPLICATED_TABLEreplicated table (replicated_table);
NT_TABLE_REPLICA — (table_replica);
options — optional settings:
Recursive bool false Whether to create intermediate directories.
IgnoreExisting bool false If the node exists, do nothing and show no error.
Force bool false If the node exists, re-create it instead of an error.
Attributes TNode none Attributes of the created node.


Remove the node. See the CLI equivalent.

void Remove(
    const TYPath& path,
    const TRemoveOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Path to the node.
options — optional settings:
Recursive bool false Recursively remove the children of a composite node.
Force bool false Do not stop if the specified node is no longer there.


Checking the existence of the object at the specified path.

bool Exists(
    const TYPath& path)
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Path to the node.
options — optional settings


Get the contents of the Cypress node in TNode format. See the CLI equivalent.

TNode Get(
    const TYPath& path,
    const TGetOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Path to the node or attribute.
options — optional settings:
AttributeFilter TMaybe<TAttributeFilter> none List of attributes to be obtained.
MaxSize TMaybe<i64> none Limit on the number of children (for composite nodes).


Write new Cypress node content. See the CLI equivalent.

void Set(
    const TYPath& path,
    const TNode& value,
    const TSetOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Path to the node or attribute.
value TNode - Written subtree (content).
options — optional settings:
Recursive bool false Whether to create intermediate nodes.


Get a list of the node's descendants. See the CLI equivalent.

TNode::TListType List(
    const TYPath& path,
    const TListOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
path TYPath - Path to the node or attribute.
options — optional settings:
AttributeFilter TMaybe<TAttributeFilter> none List of attributes to be received with each node.
MaxSize TMaybe<i64> none Limit on the number of children (for composite nodes).


Copy the Cypress node to a new address. See the CLI equivalent.


Copying is always recursive. The Recursive parameter lets you specify whether to create intermediate directories for destinationPath or not.

TNodeId Copy(
    const TYPath& sourcePath,
    const TYPath& destinationPath,
    const TCopyOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
sourcePath TYPath - Path to source node.
destinationPath TYPath - Path for creating the copy (must not exist without the Force option).
options — optional settings:
Recursive bool false Whether to create intermediate directories for destinationPath.
Force bool false If destinationPath exists, replace with new content.
PreserveAccount bool false Whether to save the accounts of the source nodes.
PreserveExpirationTime bool false Whether to copy the expiration_time attribute.
PreserveExpirationTimeout bool false Whether to copy the expiration_timeout attribute.


Move the node to a new path. See the CLI equivalent.

TNodeId Move(
    const TYPath& sourcePath,
    const TYPath& destinationPath,
    const TMoveOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
sourcePath TYPath - Path to source node.
destinationPath TYPath - Path for creating the copy (must not exist without the Force option).
options — optional settings:
Recursive bool false Whether to create intermediate directories for destinationPath.
Force bool false If destinationPath exists, replace with new content.
PreserveAccount bool false Whether to save the accounts of the source nodes.
PreserveExpirationTime bool false Whether to copy the expiration_time attribute.
PreserveExpirationTimeout bool false Whether to copy the expiration_timeout attribute.

Create a symbolic link to the object at the new address. See the CLI equivalent.

TNodeId Link(
    const TYPath& targetPath,
    const TYPath& linkPath,
    const TLinkOptions& options)
Parameter Type Default value Description
targetPath TYPath - Path to the source node where the link will direct.
linkPath TYPath - Path where the link will be created (must not exist without the Force option).
options — optional settings
Recursive bool false Whether to create intermediate directories.
IgnoreExisting bool false If linkPath exists and constitutes a link, do nothing and show no error
Force bool false If the linkPath node exists, create a link again in its place.
Attributes TNode none Attributes for linkPath in the form of TNode are written if created.


Concatenate a set of files or tables (in the order in which their paths are listed). See the CLI equivalent.

The data merge takes place at the metadata level and exclusively on the Cypress master server.

void Concatenate(
    const TVector<TYPath>& sourcePaths,
    const TYPath& destinationPath,
    const TConcatenateOptions& options);
Parameter Type Default value Description
sourcePaths TVector<TYPath> - Paths to input files or tables.
destinationPath TYPath - Path to the combined file or table, must exist.
options — optional settings:
Append bool false Whether to keep the contents of destinationPath, add new data at the end. Without this flag, the old destinationPath content will disappear.

File reading and writing

To write a file to YT, you need to call the client/transaction method CreateFileWriter(filePath).
The returned IFileWriter interface is inherited from IOutputStream. If the file does not already exist, it will be created.

auto writer = client->CreateFileWriter("//tmp/file");
*writer << "something";

Reading utilizes the IFileReader interface, which provides the IInputStream methods.

auto reader = client->CreateFileReader("//tmp/file");
TString anything;
*reader >> anything;

Additional options are passed through the TFileWriterOptions and TFileReaderOptions structures.

Structures for representing table rows

There are several ways to represent individual table records in operations and during I/O.


To represent a record, TNode must have the map type and constitute the display of column names as YSON values.


For more information about Protobuf, see Protobuf representation of tables.

Here, it is possible to define a custom protobuf type. To display protobuf fields in column names, use the following extensions:

import "yt/yt_proto/yt/formats/extension.proto";
message TSampleProto {
    optional int64  a = 1 [(NYT.column_name) = "column_a"];
    optional double b = 2 [(NYT.column_name) = "column_b"];
    optional string c = 3 [(NYT.column_name) = "column_c"];

There is support for nested structures, in which case binary protobuf serialization is used: a row with binary protobuf serialization of the nested message is stored in a table column. Nested structures can have repeated fields, which undergo binary serialization along with the rest of the nested message.


You should not use the proto3 version. The proto3 implementation makes it so default field values are indistinguishable from missing fields. This results in value 0 of the int type, for example, not being written to the table.

Table reading and writing

See yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/io.h.

auto writer = client->CreateTableWriter<TNode>("//tmp/table");
writer->AddRow(TNode()("x", 1.)("y", 0.));
writer->AddRow(TNode()("x", 0.)("y", 1.));

Block writing. When AddRow() is called, the data is stored in the internal buffer, and if this buffer is larger than 64 MB, a separate thread is triggered that transmits the accumulated data.

The Finish() method is guaranteed to reset all the accumulated records or show an error. When destroying a writer without calling Finish(), a reset attempt will be made in the destructor without a guaranteed result. If the table did not exist before the creation of the writer, it will be created in the context of the same client or transaction with all the default attributes. If you need a different replication factor, you should create a table and give it the required attributes beforehand.

For reading, the main methods are GetRow(), IsValid(), Next():

auto reader = client->CreateTableReader<TYaMRRow>("//tmp/ksv_table");
for (; reader->IsValid(); reader->Next()) {
    auto& row = reader->GetRow();
    Cout << row.Key << "; " << row.SubKey << "; " << row.Value << Endl;

The object returned from GetRow() can only be used before calling Next().

The GetRowIndex() method allows you to get the absolute index of the current row.

Example with protobuf:

auto writer = client->CreateTableWriter<TSampleProto>("//tmp/table");
TSampleProto row;


The TRichYPath structure allows you to pass various flags along with the path to the table. This applies to read and write functions as well as to input and output operation tables.

If you need to write in append mode:


If you want the write result to be sorted, use the SortedBy attribute:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").SortedBy({"a", "b"});

Based on the protobuf message, you can create a table schema:

auto path = WithSchema("//tmp/table");

If you have a schema, you can no longer specify sorting with SortedBy. You can specify sorting when creating a schema:

auto path = WithSchema("//tmp/table", {"a", "b"});

Or sort the schema later: path.Schema_.SortBy({"a", "b"});

Additionally, during reading TRichYPath allows for setting horizontal and vertical selections:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").AddRange(TReadRange()

Synonymously, you can write:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").AddRange(TReadRange::FromRowIndices(10, 20));

If the table is sorted, you can set the range by key. To do that, use the TKey class, which is a sequence of key column values or their prefix. In the example below, the "//tmp/table" table is implied to have two key columns of types string and int64 (or more than two, in which case a lexicographic comparison also works).

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").AddRange(TReadRange()
    .LowerLimit(TReadLimit().Key({"foo", 100}))
    .UpperLimit(TReadLimit().Key({"foo", 200})));

If you need string(s) with a specific key or index, you can use TReadRange::Exact:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").AddRange(TReadRange()
    .Exact(TReadLimit().Key({"foo", 100})));

Vertical selection:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").Columns({"a", "b"});

Renaming columns:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table").RenameColumns({{"a", "b"}, {"c", "d"}});

The table column a will display under the name b, and column c — as d. The function resets the full list of renamed columns, so calling RenameColumns again will erase the results of the previous one. Columns is applied after RenameColumns, meaning in this case b and d will be suitable for Columns, while a and c — are not suitable.

You can still use unnormalized paths, for example:

auto path = TRichYPath("//tmp/table[#0:#100500]");

Format settings

There is a TFormatHints class for fine-tuning formats. You can pass it in the TTableReaderOptions::FormatHints and TTableWriterOptions::FormatHints fields when creating a reader/writer.
If this setting works for the requested format, it is applied; otherwise, an exception is made.

Available settings:

  • SkipNullValuesForTNode — do not create keys in the hash map for fields with the # value.
  • Type conversions when writing: EnableStringToAllConversion, EnableAllToStringConversion, EnableIntegralTypeConversion% (uint64 <-> int64, enabled by default), EnableIntegralToDoubleConversion, EnableTypeConversion (all of the above simultaneously).

Additional options

If you need even more precise read/write options, you can use the TTableWriterOptions and TTableReaderOptions structures. They contain the Config field, where additional settings can be passed in TNode format that correspond to the table_writer and table_reader parameters.

auto writer = client->CreateTableWriter<TNode>("//tmp/table",
    TTableWriterOptions().Config(TNode()("max_row_weight", 128 << 20)));

Parallel read

There is a library for parallel reading of tables.

Running operations

See link.

Running an operation that contains a custom code requires:

  • Inheriting from one of the interfaces (IMapper, IReducer).
  • Defining the Do() function that should contain the record handler.
  • Using one of the REGISTER_* macros.
  • Calling the client/transaction method corresponding to the operation type in the client code.

TheIMapper andIReducer interfaces accept the TTableReader<input record type> and TTableWriter<output record type> types as template parameters. The Do() function takes pointers to these types.

#include <yt/cpp/mapreduce/interface/operation.h>
class TExtractKeyMapper
    : public IMapper<TTableReader<TYaMRRow>, TTableWriter<TNode>>
    void Do(TTableReader<TYaMRRow>* input, TTableWriter<TNode>* output) override {
        for (; input->IsValid(); input->Next()) {
            output->AddRow(TNode()("key", input->GetRow().Key));

Next, you need to create a macro that registers the custom class:


There is no need to generate unique IDs — the type_info mechanism is used for identification. The job type will be explicitly displayed within the operation web interface in the custom job start string:

./cppbinary --yt-map "TExtractKeyMapper" 1 0

If the user wants to ID their jobs some other way, they need to ensure the names are unique within the same application and use the REGISTER_NAMED_* macros:

REGISTER_NAMED_MAPPER("The best extract key mapper in the world", TExtractKeyMapper);

The functions for running specific operation types are as follows:


  • IOperationPtr Map(
        const TMapOperationSpec& spec,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
        const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions())


  • IOperationPtr Reduce(
        const TReduceOperationSpec& spec,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
        const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions())


  • IOperationPtr JoinReduce(
        const TJoinReduceOperationSpec& spec,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
        const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions())


  • IOperationPtr MapReduce(
        const TMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
        const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions())
    IOperationPtr MapReduce(
        const TMapReduceOperationSpec& spec,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IMapperBase> mapper,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reduceCombiner,
        ::TIntrusivePtr<IReducerBase> reducer,
        const TOperationOptions& options = TOperationOptions())

You can specify a null pointer as mapper, which will make the operation skip the Map stage when running, and the function's second version will additionally start the reduce_combiner stage.

The operation start call parameters usually include:

  • Structure with the required specification parameters.
  • Pointers to instances of job classes.
  • Additional options (TOperationOptions).

Be sure to add paths (TRichYPath) to the input and output tables. Seeing how in general (in particular, in the protobuf backend) the types of table records can be different, the AddInput() and AddOutput() functions of the specification are templates:

TMapOperationSpec spec;

Whenever possible, the discrepancy between the specification types and the types specified in IMapper/IReducer will be detected at runtime.

A call without additional parameters looks like this:

client->Map(spec, new TExtractKeyMapper);

This is safe because TIntrusivePtr is created internally for the job object.

Transferring user files

The TUserJobSpec structure, which is part of the main specification, is used to transfer user files to the job's sandbox. File sets can vary for different job types in one operation:

TMapReduceOperationSpec spec;

To use files that are already in the system, call the TUserJobSpec::AddFile(fileName) method.

An important additional parameter is TOperationOptions::Spec. It is TNode, which can contain any specification parameters combined with the main specification generated by the client. Many of these options are described in the Operation types section.

Multiple input and output tables

If the operation writes to several output tables, the AddRow() method is used with two parameters:

writer->AddRow(row, tableIndex);

If the operation reads from multiple tables, the table index can be retrieved from TTableReader using the GetTableIndex() method.

Protobuf backend

When using protobuf, it is possible to specify different record types for input and output tables. In this case, the declaration of the job's basic class uses TTableReader or TTableWriter not from a specific custom protobuf class, but from the basic Message:

class TProtoReducer
    : public IReducer<TTableReader<Message>, TTableWriter<Message>>
{ ... }

You should not write AddInput/AddOutput() in the operation's specification. You must provide a specific type.

In this case, the GetRow() and AddRow() methods become templates and must use specific user-defined types. For reading, you can select the function to call by using GetTableIndex() of the current entry before calling GetRow(). For writing, AddRow(row, tableIndex) is called. Types are controlled to be in accord with table indexes.

Initializing and serializing jobs

The Start() and Finish() methods are similar to their general interface counterparts, taking as a parameter the pointer to the corresponding TTableWriter.

virtual void Save(IOutputStream& stream) const;
virtual void Load(IInputStream& stream);

Serialization is not tied to any frameworks. The content of a serialized job is stored in the sandbox in the jobstate file. If not a single byte was written during Save(), the file will be missing. That said, Load() in the job will be called from an empty stream.

There is a Y_SAVELOAD_JOB helper that wraps the serialization from util/ysaveload.h.

The order of calling methods in a job is as follows: default ctor; Load(); Start(); Do(); Finish().

Preparing an operation from a job class

The IJob class (the basic class for all jobs) has the virtual method void PrepareOperation(const IOperationPreparationContext& context, TJobOperationPreparer& preparer) const added, which can be overloaded in the user's jobs:

  • context allows you to get information about input and output tables and, in particular, their schemas.
  • preparer serves to control specification parameters.

You can set:

  • Output table schema: preparer.OutputSchema(tableIndex, schema).
  • Message types for the protobuf input and output formats: preparer.InputDescription<TYourMessage>(tableIndex) and preparer.OutputDescription<TYourMessage>(tableIndex).
  • Column filtering for input tables: preparer.InputColumnFilter(tableIndex, {"foo", "bar"}).
  • Ability to rename input table columns: preparer.InputColumnRenaming(tableIndex, {{"foo", "not_foo"}}). The renaming is applied after filtering.

All methods return *this, which enables chaining.

Usually, when using protobuf, specifying only .OutputDescription is sufficient, and the output table schema is inferred automatically.
If this is not the right behavior, you can set the second parameter (inferSchema) to false, such as preparer.OutputDescription<TRow>(tableIndex, false).
For jobs marking OutputDescription, you can use short variants to start operations, such as client->Map(new TMapper, input, output).

If there are several similar tables, their description can be combined into groups using the .(Begin|End)(Input|Output)Group methods.
.Begin(Input|Output)Group accepts the description of the table indexes that this group combines.
It can be either a [begin, end) pair or a container with int, for example:

        .ColumnFilter({"foo", "bar"})
        .ColumnRenaming({{"foo", "not_foo"}})
    .BeginOutputGroup(0, 7)


  • The IMapper::Do() function takes all the records from the job as input. This is different from the general interface logic.
  • The IReducer::Do() function accepts a range of records by one key, as before. In the case of the Reduce operation, this is determined by the ReduceBy specification parameter; in the case of JoinReduce, it is determined by JoinBy.
  • If the job class is a template based on user-defined parameters, REGISTER_* must be called for each instance that needs to be run on the cluster.

Getting information about operations and jobs


Get information about an operation.

TOperationAttributes GetOperation(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TGetOperationOptions& options)
Parameter Type Default value Description
operationId Operation ID.
options — optional settings:
AttributeFilter TMaybe<TOperationAttributeFilter> none Which attributes to return.


Get a list of operations that match the filters.

TListOperationsResult ListOperations(
    const TListOperationsOptions& options)
Parameter Type Default value Description
options — optional settings:
FromTime TMaybe<TInstant> none Start of the search time interval.
ToTime TMaybe<TInstant> none End of the search time interval.
CursorTime TMaybe<TInstant> none Cursor position (for pagination).
CursorDirection TMaybe<ECursorDirection> none Which end of the time interval to start listing operations from.
Filter TMaybe<TString> none "Text factors" (in particular, title and paths to input/output tables) of the operation include Filter as a substring.
Pool TMaybe<TString> none The operation was started in the Pool pool.
User TMaybe<TString> none The operation was started by User.
State TMaybe<TString> none The operation is in the State state.
Type TMaybe<EOperationType> none The operation has the Type type.
WithFailedJobs TMaybe<bool> none The operation has (WithFailedJobs == true) or does not have (WithFailedJobs == false) failed jobs
IncludeArchive TMaybe<bool> none Whether to search for operations in the operations archive.
IncludeCounters TMaybe<bool> none Whether to include statistics on the total number of operations (not just for the specified interval) in the response.
Limit TMaybe<i64> none Return no more than Limit operations (the current maximum value of this parameter is 100, which is also the default value).


Update the runtime parameters of the running operation.

void UpdateOperationParameters(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TUpdateOperationParametersOptions& options)
Parameter Type Default value Description
operationId Operation ID
options — optional settings:
Owner TVector<TString> none New operation owners.
Pool TMaybe<TString> none Move the operation to the Pool pool (applies to all the pool trees the operation is running for).
Weight TMaybe<double> none New operation weight (applies to all the pool trees the operation is running for).
SchedulingOptionsPerPoolTree TMaybe<TSchedulingOptionsPerPoolTree> none Scheduler options for each pool tree.


Get information about the job.

TJobAttributes GetJob(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TJobId& jobId,
    const TGetJobOptions& options)
Parameter Description
operationId Operation ID
jobId Job ID
options — optional settings:


Get jobs that match the specified filters.

TListJobsResult ListJobs(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TListJobsOptions& options)
Parameter Type Default value Description
operationId Operation ID.
options — optional settings:
Type TMaybe<EJobType> none The job has the Type type.
State TMaybe<EJobState> none The job is in the State state.
Address TMaybe<TString> none The job is running (or was run) on the Address node.
WithStderr TMaybe<bool> none Whether the job wrote anything to stderr.
WithSpec TMaybe<bool> none Whether the job specification was saved.
WithFailContext TMaybe<bool> none Whether the job's fail context was saved.
WithMonitoringDescriptor TMaybe<bool> none Whether the job was assigned a monitoring descriptor.
SortField TMaybe<EJobSortField> none The field jobs are sorted by in the response.
SortOrder TMaybe<ESortOrder> none Ascending or descending job sorting order.
DataSource TMaybe<EListJobsDataSource> none Where to look for jobs: in the controller agent and Cypress (Runtime), in the archive of jobs (Archive), automatically depending on whether the operation is in Cypress (Auto), or other (Manual).
IncludeCypress TMaybe<bool> none Whether to search for jobs in Cypress (the option factors into DataSource == Manual).
IncludeControllerAgent TMaybe<bool> none Search for jobs in the agent controller (the option factors into DataSource == Manual).
IncludeArchive TMaybe<bool> none Whether to search for jobs in the job archive (the option factors into DataSource == Manual).
Limit TMaybe<i64> none Return no more than Limit of jobs.
Offset TMaybe<i64> none Skip the first Offset jobs (in the sort order).


Get the input of a running or failed job.

IFileReaderPtr GetJobInput(
    const TJobId& jobId,
    const TGetJobInputOptions& options)
Parameter Description
jobId Job ID.
options — optional settings (none yet)


Get fail context of a failed job.

IFileReaderPtr GetJobFailContext(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TJobId& jobId,
    const TGetJobFailContextOptions& options)
Parameter Description
operationId Operation ID.
jobId Job ID.
options — optional settings (none yet)


Get stderr of a running or failed job.

IFileReaderPtr GetJobStderr(
    const TOperationId& operationId,
    const TJobId& jobId,
    const TGetJobStderrOptions& options)
Parameter Description
operationId Operation ID.
jobId Job ID.
options — optional settings (none yet)

Working with file cache

Clusters have a common file cache that stores files by key, which is their MD5 hash. It is currently
at //tmp/yt_wrapper/file_storage/new_cache.
You can use the PutFileToCache and GetFileFromCache methods to work with it.
The same methods can be used to work with your cache that is located at a different path (but you will also need to clean it yourself).


All commands for working with the file cache are non-transactional, so they encompass the IClient methods, but not IClientBase or ITransaction.


Copy the file to the cache. Returns a path to the cached file.

TYPath PutFileToCache(
        const TYPath& filePath,
        const TString& md5Signature,
        const TYPath& cachePath,
        const TPutFileToCacheOptions& options)
Parameter Description
filePath The path to the file in Cypress (the file must have the md5 attribute; for this, it must be written with the TFileWriterOptions::ComputeMD5 option).
md5Signature The file's MD5 hash.
cachePath The Cypress path to the file cache root.
options — optional settings (none yet)


Get a path to the cached file. Returns the path (or Nothing, if there is no file with this MD5).

TMaybe<TYPath> GetFileFromCache(
        const TString& md5Signature,
        const TYPath& cachePath,
        const TGetFileFromCacheOptions& options);
Parameter Description
md5Signature The file's MD5 hash.
cachePath The Cypress path to the file cache root.
options — optional settings (none yet)

Environment variables

Currently these settings are available only from environment variables and are the same for all IClient instances. However, we are going to redesign this functionality so that almost everything can be configured directly from the code and changed at the individual IClient level.

Variable Type Value
YT_TOKEN string Value of the custom token.
YT_TOKEN_PATH string Path to a file with the custom token.
YT_PREFIX string A path that is prefixed to all paths in Cypress.
YT_TRANSACTION guid External transaction ID. This parameter has CreateClient() create an IClient instance that runs in the context of the transaction.
YT_POOL string Pool for running user operations.
YT_FORCE_IPV4 bool Use only IPv4.
YT_FORCE_IPV6 bool Use only IPv6.
YT_CONTENT_ENCODING string HTTP header Content-Encoding: identity, gzip, y-lzo, y-lzf are supported.
YT_ACCEPT_ENCODING string HTTP header Accept-Encoding.
YT_USE_HOSTS bool Whether to use heavy proxies.
YT_HOSTS string Path in the heavy proxy list request.
YT_RETRY_COUNT int Number of attempts per HTTP request.
YT_START_OPERATION_RETRY_COUNT int The number of attempts to start the operation when the limit of simultaneously running operations is exceeded.
YT_VERSION string HTTP API version.
YT_SPEC json Specification added to each operation specification. Order: main specification, YT_SPEC, TOperationOptions::Spec.
YT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT seconds Socket connection timeout.
YT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT seconds Timeout for working the socket.
YT_TX_TIMEOUT seconds Transaction timeout.
YT_PING_INTERVAL seconds Interval between consecutive transaction pings.
YT_RETRY_INTERVAL seconds Interval between HTTP request attempts.
YT_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED_RETRY_INTERVAL seconds The interval between attempts if the request rate limit is exceeded.
YT_START_OPERATION_RETRY_INTERVAL seconds Interval between attempts to start the operation.

Thread safety

IClient and ITransaction have no variable state. Thread-safe.