CHYT powered by ClickHouse is a technology that enables you to create a cluster of ClickHouse servers directly on YTsaurus compute nodes.

ClickHouse is created within a Vanilla operation and works with the data in YTsaurus. This operation is called a clique (for more information, see Concepts). Cliques can be public (available to all users) and private (available to a user or a team). The public clique ch_public is a basic public clique running on each YTsaurus cluster.

Main advantages

The vast majority of built-in ClickHouse features are available in CHYT. To learn more about various features of ClickHouse, see the official documentation.

Besides that, there are the following advantages:

  • You don't need to copy data from YTsaurus to ClickHouse.
  • You can use the computing quota in YTsaurus for fast computations.
  • You can quickly perform computations on YTsaurus data of small and medium size (up to 1 TB) up to 100 times faster than running MapReduce operations.
  • Working with static and dynamic tables is supported.


Processed tables must be schematized.