CLI and Python API

You can use the CHYT CLI and the CHYT Python API to run your clique or send a query to CHYT from a program or the command line. They can be obtained as part of the ytsaurus-client.

The command line utility accepts two environment variables: YT_PROXY and CHYT_ALIAS. You can use the former to specify the YTsaurus cluster, and the latter to specify the used clique.

For example, you can use the following command for Linux and macOS to set environment variables and no longer pass the --proxy <cluster_name> and --alias ch_public parameters to all subsequent calls:

export YT_PROXY=<cluster_name> CHYT_ALIAS=ch_public


To ensure compatibility with older versions, a clique alias can be specified with an asterisk at the beginning. In this case, it is ignored.

The process that launches the clique can sometimes be informally called a launcher.


The main way to get started with YTsaurus is to install the ytsaurus-client package. For more information, see Python Wrapper.

The package includes yt. In order to use the CHYT features, you can run any command as yt clickhouse [command].

For example, you can make a test query to the public clique ch_public as follows:

yt clickhouse execute "select 'Hello world'" --alias ch_public

The package additionally contains the CHYT Python API available in the yt.clickhouse module:

Python 3.7.3 (default, Oct  7 2019, 12:56:13)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import yt.clickhouse as chyt
>>> import yt.wrapper as yt
>>> client = yt.YtClient("<cluster_name>")
>>> list(chyt.execute("select * from `//home/user/sample_table`", alias="ch_public", client=client))
[{'a': 100}, {'a': 101}, {'a': 102}, {'a': 205}, {'a': 206}, {'a': 1100}]

The library is available for Python 3.

For more detailed specification of the Python API and CLI features, see Executing queries.