Clique configuration

The entire clique configuration is described by a single YSON document called a speclet.

The clique speclet is stored in Cypress at //sys/strawberry/chyt/<alias>/speclet. You can also retrieve it by running the CLI command yt clickhouse ctl get-speclet.

A speclet is a set of options that are interpreted by the controller at clique startup. In particular, the controller generates the final configuration of CHYT instances based on these options.

An important difference between CHYT and original ClickHouse is that the settings are specified not in XML format, but in YSON format that is native for YTsaurus. The principle by which the settings are interpreted in this format is described below.

How the configuration is formed

The following information is used to form a configuration:

  1. The basic config from Cypress: //sys/clickhouse/config.
  2. Options described in the speclet.
  3. The native cluster connection configuration taken from the contents of //sys/@cluster_connection.


All clique instances always work with the same configuration and it is impossible to change the configuration without restarting the clique.

Available options

Here are the clique options that can be set by the set-option command (the default values are in square brackets):

  • active [%false]: If the option is set, the controller will try to run the Vanilla operation assigned to the clique. When the value is %false, the clique is inactive: it doesn't process queries or use any compute pool resources. Use this option if you want to temporarily disable the clique while preserving its configuration.

  • pool: Name of the compute pool where you want to run the clique's operation. To set this option, the user needs the Use permission for the specified compute pool. Setting this option is required if you want the clique operation to be run and administered by the controller.

  • enable_geodata [%true]: Automatically set up the system dictionaries needed for certain geo features in ClickHouse.

  • restart_on_speclet_change [%true]: If this option is set, the clique will automatically restart on any reconfiguration (upon speclet modification). Otherwise, you will need to restart the clique manually to apply its settings.

  • query_settings:A dictionary that stores the default settings for all the queries sent to the clique. For more information about query settings, see the relevant documentation section.

  • yt_config: A dictionary with the YTsaurus configuration for certain CHYT instances. This part of the configuration will be written to the generated instance configuration as it is. This setting is intended for advanced users. We don't recommend using this option, as this configuration has a pretty sophisticated structure. Use other options, whenever possible, to set changes to the configuration in a more straightforward way.

  • clickhouse_config: A dictionary with the ClickHouse configuration for certain CHYT instances. These settings affect the logic of the ClickHouse computation engine and are identical to the original ClickHouse engine settings. Similar to yt_config, this option is intended for advanced users. We don't recommend using it.

  • instance_count [1]: The number of clique instances.

  • preemption_mode [normal]: Preemption mode applied when running a clique's YTsaurus operation. This setting is intended only for advanced users. If you are not sure if you need it, we recommend keeping the default value.

  • instance_cpu [16]: CPU resources to be allocated to each clique's instance. This setting is intended only for advanced users. If you are not sure if you need it, we recommend keeping the default value.

  • instance_total_memory [71940702208 (67 Gib)]: RAM (in bytes) to be allocated to each clique's instance. This setting is intended only for advanced users. If you are not sure if you need it, we recommend keeping the default value.

  • enable_sticky_query_distribution [%false]: Distribute queries among instances taking into account the hashes of these queries. This increases the efficiency of cache use.

  • query_sticky_group_size [2]: The size of the group of instances selected deterministically by the query hash. A coordinator to execute the query will be uniformly selected among these instances. It is relevant only when enable_sticky_query_distribution=%true.

Advanced configuration of the instance's YTsaurus part

The YTsaurus part of the instance configuration resides in the yt_config option. With this option, you can configure advanced settings that don't exist as individual speclet options. The following sub-options are supported:

  • settings: CHYT-specific default query settings. Changing the setting in this section changes the default value for this setting for all queries in the clique.

  • table_writer: Table Writer configuration.

  • table_attribute_cache: Table attribute cache configuration. This cache significantly improves the responsiveness of CHYT, though at the moment it may lead to non-consistent reads (when data has already appeared in the table, but CHYT does not see it yet). To disable this cache, use the following configuration:

  • create_table_default_attributes [{optimize_for = scan}]: The default attributes with which tables will be created during CREATE queries in CHYT.

  • health_checker: The Health Checker configuration. Consists of 3 fields:

    queries [["select * from `//sys/clickhouse/sample_table`"]]: A list of test queries whose performance will be checked regularly.


    Queries from Health Checker are currently executed on behalf of user yt-clickhouse who must have the read permissions to access the table.

    period [60000]:The test triggering period in milliseconds.

    timeout [0.9 * period / len(queries)]: The triggering timeout for each of the configured queries. If the query does not fit into the timeout, it is considered failed.

  • subquery: The configuration of the main system part which coordinates the execution of ClickHouse queries on top of YTsaurus tables. Before configuring this part, read the article about query execution within a clique.

    min_data_weight_per_thread [64 MiB]: (in bytes) When splitting the input into subqueries, the coordinator will try to give no less than the given amount to each core of each instance.

    max_data_weight_per_subquery [50 GiB]: (in bytes) The maximum allowable amount of data to be processed on one core of one instance. This restriction is protective and protects clique users from accidentally running a huge query that processes petabytes. The constant of 50 GiB is selected, because such amount is processed on a single core in about dozens of minutes.

  • show_tables: The SHOW TABLES query behavior configuration. Enables you to configure the list of directories in which SHOW TABLES will show a list of tables.

    roots: The list of YPath paths of directories in Cypress from which the tables will be collected for SHOW TABLES.


The max_data_weight_per_subquery limit uses columnar statistics to account for column sampling from processed tables. Columnar statistics may be missing for old tables created before the statistics became available. For such tables, column orientation is not taken account in the limit. This means that when processing a very narrow slice of columns which forms 1% of the total table volume and is 1 GiB per core, CHYT will calculate that 100 GiB per core are processed. CHYT will not run such a query with the default settings.

If this scenario is required or you need to process large amounts of data, configure this setting to a random large value.

Advanced configuration of the instance's ClickHouse part

The clickhouse_config option is used to set up the configuration of the ClickHouse part. This option should be set so that it matches the standard ClickHouse XML configuration.

The rules for converting a ClickHouse XML configuration into a CHYT YSON configuration can be described as follows:

  • Any non-multiple configuration node in the ClickHouse configuration is a dict (map).
  • A multiple node is represented by a list (list).

Below is an example of converting an artificial XML configuration into a YSON configuration:

    foo = 42;
    bar = "qwe";
    baz = [
        {quux = 3.14};

Let's examine the clickhouse_config sub-options that may be of use in CHYT:

  • dictionaries ([]): The configuration of external dicts. The value must be a list of dict configurations. Each dict is configured by the map with the following fields that retain the meaning of the original ClickHouse configuration:

External dicts

CHYT supports all layout, structure, and lifetime settings of regular ClickHouse.


You can specify sources from original ClickHouse as the source, but they are not guaranteed to work. In particular, sources that require networking should technically work, but may face a lack of network access in practice.

There is also an additional data source type in which you can use static tables in YTsaurus. This type is called yt and has one parameter:

  • path: The path to the static table on the cluster which will serve as a data source for the dict.

As an example of connecting a YTsaurus table as an external ClickHouse dict, you can look at:

  • The CHYT configuration example that connects this table as an external ClickHouse dict.
  • Example of using an external dict in queries:
select dictGet('OS', 'OS', toUInt64(38)) as os_name,
    dictGetHierarchy('OS', toUInt64(38)) as hierarchy,
    dictGetChildren('OS', toUInt64(101)) as children

Configuration example

Below is an example of a complete configuration that can be set by the set-speclet command.

    instance_count = 1;
    query_settings = {
        extremes = 1;
    yt_config = {
        subquery = {
            max_data_weight_per_subquery = 1000000000000;
    clickhouse_config = {
        dictionaries = [
                name = OS;
                layout = {flat = {}};
                structure = {
                    id = {name = Id};
                    attribute = [
                            name = "OS";
                            type = "Nullable(String)";
                            null_value = "NULL";
                            name = "ParentId";
                            type = "Nullable(UInt64)";
                            null_value = "NULL";
                            hierarchical = %true;
                            name = "RootId";
                            type = "Nullable(UInt64)";
                            null_value = "NULL";
                lifetime = 0;
                source = {yt = {path = "//sys/clickhouse/dictionaries/OS"}};