Performance and recommendations

When choosing between CH and CHYT, the question arises — which is faster and by how much?

We cannot give a general answer to this question, since the query execution speed depends on many factors, including the query itself, the number of resources, and the data storage schema.

The data in YTsaurus is not originally designed to execute OLAP queries. To get normal speed, you need to prepare them.
You are unlikely to achieve the speed of CH, but you can get closer, choosing the proper schema for storing data and queries to it.
But if you store data improperly, you can easily achieve query speeds hundreds of times lower than in CH.

Where the time goes

Below are the query execution stages that can be a bottleneck.

  1. Reading table and chunk metainformation, distributing a query to instances.
  2. Reading data from the disk.
  3. Transmitting data over the network.
  4. Data uncompressing and decoding.
  5. Version merging (for dynamic tables only).
  6. Converting data from YTsaurus format into CH format.
  7. Data processing by the ClickHouse engine.
  8. Converting data from CH format into YTsaurus format (for write operations only).
  9. Writing data in YTsaurus (for write operations only).

Depending on how the data is stored and what queries are processed, different stages can be a bottleneck.

Reading data

Below are the factors that affect the read query speed.

Processed data size

CHYT is primarily designed for fast (a few seconds) processing of small (about 1 GB) and medium (about tens of GB) data. You cannot use CHYT effectively to process TB of data. You can reduce the amount of processed data with a right data storage schema (using column orientation and sorting).

To build dashboards on top of a large amount of data, we recommend making separate tables with the necessary data and pre-aggregated values. For example, if the data is specified in milliseconds and you need to build analytics by days, you need to pre-aggregate the data to a day.

How to reduce the amount of computations on the fly:

  • For example, you can compute the date by the datetime field, but filtering by this field will be slower.
  • Avoiding unreasonably heavy queries. For example, sorting 100 GB, SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY by the column that has millions of different values, or using the JOIN operator for large tables. Such queries will always be processed slowly.

Reading large tables can bump into any of the query execution points from the list above.

Erasure coding

Erasure coding is intended for "cold" tables. In erasure coding, data takes up less disk space, but this has a negative impact on the read speed of such data:

  1. Each chunk is divided into 16 (or 9 depending on the coding algorithm) parts, which increases the amount of metainformation (point 1).
  2. Data is stored as a single copy, so parallel reading isn't possible (point 2).
  3. If the disk on the node is loaded, you cannot switch to read data from another node. And since the chunk is divided into 16 parts, the probability that reading at least one of them will freeze greatly increases.
  4. If data is unavailable due to a cluster node failure, it must be restored. This is a rather long and resource-consuming process. (points 2, 4?).

As a result, it takes much longer to read erasure-coded data and reading latency becomes more likely and less predictable. We strongly do not recommend building dashboards or making other regular queries on top of erasure-coded data.

Data storage format

Data in YTsaurus tables can be stored both in row-based (optimize_for=lookup) and columnar (optimize_for=scan) formats.


ClickHouse is a column-oriented DBMS, so we highly recommend using columnar storage.

Columnar data storage has the following advantages:

  • Converting data into CH format from the YTsaurus columnar format is many times (if not dozens of times) more efficient than from row-based format (point 6).
  • When columnar storage, only the requested columns will be read during the query. (points 2, 3, and 4).
  • Columnar stored data is better compressed, so it takes up less space (points 2, 3).


The ordinary change of the optimize_for/erasure_codec attributes does not convert old data into the new format. To change the format, run the merge operation with the force_transform=%true option.

Key columns

ClickHouse has indexes and sharding keys for efficient reading. In YTsaurus, the data storage model is a bit different, there are no usual indexes, but there are sorted tables. Queries on top of sorted tables use the sort key as a primary index (primary key) and the sharding key.

This enables you to:

  • Effectively filter and not read unnecessary data from the disk (point 2).
  • Make a query, in particular Sorted Join, more effectively.
  • Better compress sorted tables so that they take up less space (point 2).

Select the sort key based on your queries:

  • For example, if the queries look like
    ... where date between '2021-01-01' and '2021-02-01'

A good key will be date.

  • For queries of type
    ... where user_id = 1234
    A good key will be user_id.

In some cases, if you sort the table, there will be no effective filtering. The column is string and the DateTime <-> String transformation is not monotonic and unambiguous. The Int <-> DateTime transformation is monotonic, but such optimization cannot be generally applied with string representation. For example, 2020-01-01 00:00:00 and 2020-01-01T00:00:00 are the correct representation of the same time moment in ClickHouse, but when sorting with string representation, the 2020-01-01 00:00:01 value may appear between them, so the String -> DateTime transformation is not monotonic and you cannot use this optimization.

Number of chunks

The number of chunks affects several query execution stages.

The more chunks a table has, the more metainformation must be read at step 1. If a table has thousands of chunks, it may take several seconds to read metainformation. If there are many chunks in a very small table, reading each chunk becomes a random read and can be slow (step 2).
On the other hand, if there are too few chunks (for example, 1 chunk per 10 GB), all data is stored on the same disks, which will limit the concurrency of reads at step 2.

Use the Merge operation to enlarge the chunks.

Number of input tables

Similar to the number of chunks, but metainformation for a table is much heavier than metainformation for a chunk. Besides that, access permissions must be checked for each table separately. We recommend making no more than hundreds of tables. You better combine many tables into a single large one.

Number of columns

The number of columns in the table also affects the speed of data even if it is stored in the columnar format. The block size is selected so that the reader can read a block for each column and output the result. If you want the data to fit into memory in this case, the block size must decrease as the number of columns increases. When blocks are very small, reading becomes a random read (step 2). We recommend having dozens or a maximum of 100 columns. Thousands of columns are guaranteed to perform poorly.
Besides that, the large number of columns increases the amount of metainformation at step 1.

Dynamic vs static tables

Data in dynamic tables is stored in a different way and is not intended for full-scan reading. Additional expenses are required to read them:

  1. First, you have to read its own version for each value.
  2. Second, you must read all the key columns for each row even if they are not used in the query.
  3. Next, you need to merge all the rows with the same key, leaving only 1 most recent version. It's a very hard process with a lot of comparisons. In addition, the process is purely row-by-row, so even if the data is stored in the columnar format, it will have to be converted into the row-based format.
  4. After that, you need to convert the data back into the columnar format.

Merge can add x10 to the data read time.

We strongly do not recommend building dashboards or making other regular queries on top of large dynamic tables due to the inefficiency of reading.


SSDs have the obvious advantage of higher read speed and lower latency at step 2.

Optional columns

Most columns in YTsaurus are optional (required: false), Null can be stored instead of a value. In CH, this is not the case, most columns are not Nullable. Using optional speakers slows down almost all stages, from reading and converting data to processing in CH.

We recommend applying a more rigid schema and getting rid of optional columns when they are not required.

Data caches

CHYT has a large number of caches to speed up some query execution stages.
The main caches are compressed_block_cache and uncompressed_block_cache. Using the second one eliminates stages 2 and 3. Using the first one eliminates stages 2, 3, and 4 (uncompressing).
Small tables will probably be always read from the cache.
