User-defined SQL functions

Creating and deleting SQL UDFs

CREATE FUNCTION: Creates a function from a lambda expression. Functions created this way are available to all users within the used clique, but not outside it.

CREATE FUNCTION linearEquation AS (x, k, b) -> k*x + b;
SELECT number, linearEquation(number, 2, 1) FROM numbers(3);

DROP FUNCTION: Deletes a user-defined SQL function.

DROP FUNCTION linearEquation;

Both commands require the Manage permission for the clique.

Using functions in queries

UDFs are stored in the clique state, so you don't have to recreate them in every query. You can call a UDF in the same way as any built-in ClickHouse function.

If someone recreates a UDF currently in use while a query is being executed, the calls to this function may use different implementations. There is no guaranteed way to know which one will be selected on each clique instance.

Listing all SQL UDFs in a clique

SELECT name, create_query FROM system.functions
WHERE origin = 'SQLUserDefined'


name create_query
linearEquation CREATE FUNCTION linearEquation AS (x, k, b) -> ((k * x) + b)