SPYT in Java

Project configuration, dependencies, building

All the examples in this section have been collected with maven.

  • All the dependencies required to run jobs in a cluster are specified in the Vanilla operation at cluster startup. That is why the example shows all the dependencies as having been added in the Provided scope. They will be used for compilation only and will not be included in the .jar or run.
  • Since the release of Spark 3.0, the project has been using Java 11.
  • The code has been built using the mvn clean compile assembly:assembly command and posted to YTsaurus: //sys/spark/examples/spark-over-yt-examples-jar-with-dependencies.jar. You must always upload your code to YTsaurus as Spark does not distribute user files to workers.

Running examples

Each of the examples includes a single class inherited from SparkAppJava.SparkJavaApp initializes Sparks and exits without errors. This method is suitable for working with inner Spark standalone cluster. For launching Spark applications usingYTsaurus scheduler you should refer to standard Spark recommendations for creating SparkSession:

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession;

class MySparkApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
        SparkSession spark = SparkSession.builder.config(conf).getOrCreate();

        try {
            // Application code
        } finally {

Reading data from YTsaurus

  1. The job class is inherited from SparkAppJava. The auxiliary run method initializes SparkSession and calls the doRun abstract method. In main, we call this method from inside an instance.

  2. SparkSession is the entry point used to communicate with the framework. The most frequently called method is read that reads data from YTsaurus.

  3. spark.read().format("yt").load("/sys/spark/examples/test_data"): Read data in yt format from //sys/spark/examples/test_data.

The read operation returns a Dataset object aliased as DataFrame in Scala. DataFrames are Spark's internal representations of schematized tables. You can filter and join these, as well as add new columns. By applying operations like these to a DataFrame, you create a new DataFrame for subsequent use. A DataFrame includes several partitions that you can process individually. A DataFrame read from YTsaurus has as many partitions as the YTsaurus table had chunks .

The example here calls the DataFrame's show() method. The output is the first few rows of the DataFrame (20 by default) displayed to stdout. In the logs, the output will look like this:

|    1|
|    2|
|    3|
|    4|
|    5|
|    6|
|    7|
|    8|
|    9|
|   10|

Start is accomplished with the spark-submit-yt command. The arguments must include Spark cluster location information, the main class, and the .jar executable:

spark-submit-yt \
  --proxy <cluster-name> \
  --discovery-path //my/discovery/path \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --class tech.ytsaurus.spark.example.SmokeTest \

Using UDF

  1. The job class is inherited from SparkAppJava as in the previous example.

  2. Read a DataFrame from //sys/spark/examples/example_1.

  3. You need to write a UDF to parse the uuid and obtain a substring.

    • Create a parsing lambda function: (String s) -> s.split("-")[1].
    • Place it in an object wrapper using functions.udf.
    • Tell Spark that its output value is of type DataTypes.StringType.
  4. Filter a DataFrame on column id > 5.

  5. Apply the udf to the uuid column and call the new column value.

  6. Save the output to YTsaurus. By default, Spark does not overwrite existing tables but throws an exception instead. To overwrite data, use .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).

Output: //sys/spark/examples/example_1_map.

Start is accomplished with the spark-submit-yt command:

spark-submit-yt \
  --proxy <cluster-name> \
  --discovery-path //my/discovery/path \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --class tech.ytsaurus.spark.example.UdfExample \


  1. The job class is inherited from SparkAppJava as in the previous example.

  2. Read a DataFrame from //sys/spark/examples/example_1.

  3. Read a DataFrame from //sys/spark/examples/example_dict.

  4. Join on the uuid column. In this example, Spark will evaluate the size of the right DataFrame and decide that a map-side join is feasible. In Spark terminology, this situation is called a broadcast.

  5. Group the output by count to find the greatest id for each count. For groupings, Spark re-shuffles a DataFrame to place records with identical keys in the same partition. The number of partitions following a shuffle is defined by spark.sql.shuffle.partitions. By default, there are 200 partitions. You can change this value when you start a job.

  6. Save the output to YTsaurus. The saved table will have as many chunks as the DataFrame being written had partitions. There were many partitions (200) because of the grouping that had been made. To avoid creating many small chunks in a write, aggregate them into a single partition with repartition(1) before a write.

Output: //sys/spark/examples/example_1_agg.

Start is accomplished with the spark-submit-yt command. You also need to specify spark.sql.shuffle.partitions:

spark-submit-yt \
  --proxy <cluster-name> \
  --discovery-path //my/discovery/path \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=8 \
  --deploy-mode cluster \
  --class tech.ytsaurus.spark.example.GroupingExample \

Other examples

Example job start and output verification.


You need to add spark-yt-submit-client_2.12 to the dependencies. The client, in turn, has runtime dependencies on Spark classes. You do not need to add these dependencies to the build for jobs that run in the cluster. The Spark dependency must have the Provided value since the Spark classes are already available in the cluster. This dependency is only used to run jobs.

  1. SubmissionClient is a client to submit jobs to a specific cluster. The client finds the location of the master with discovery_path and communicates with it.
  2. The parameters of the job to be started are described in the launcher object. See the source code for a complete listing of the object's methods. The methods match the spark-submit parameters.
  3. Once you have submitted a job to a cluster, you can check its status with the client.getStatus method. The example shows the timeout to get the final output but it is optional.