SPYT in Jupyter


Before you can use Spark in Jupyter, you need to create a cluster. Currently working with Spark using Jupyter notebooks is possible only using inner standalone cluster.

If there is one already, you need to find out the values of proxy and discovery_path to be able to use it.

Configuring Jupyter

  1. Get network access from your Jupyter machine to the SPYT cluster, ports 27000-27200.

  2. Get network access from the SPYT cluster to the Jupyter machine, ports 27000-27200.

  3. Install a deb package containing java:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
  4. Install the pip package:

    pip install ytsaurus-spyt
  5. Place your YTsaurus token in ~/.yt/token:

    mkdir ~/.yt
    cat <<EOT > ~/.yt/token
  6. Place a file called ~/spyt.yaml with the Spark cluster location in your home directory:

    cat <<EOT > ~/spyt.yaml
    yt_proxy: "cluster_name"
    discovery_path: "$YOUR_DISCOVERY_DIR"

Updating the client in Jupyter

Update ytsaurus-spyt in Jupyter:

pip install ytsaurus-spyt

If the second ytsaurus-spyt version component is greater than that in your cluster version, new functionality may not work. Update your cluster per the instructions.