Automatic sharding and dynamic table balancing

Sharding and balancing help ensure even load distribution across the cluster. This includes:

  • Table sharding.
  • Redistributing tablets between tablet cells.

Sharding is needed for the table tablets to become approximately of the same size, while redistribution between tablet cells helps ensure that tablet cells have an approximately even amount of data and/or load. Even data distribution is especially important for in-memory tables (with @in_memory_mode other than none), because cluster memory is a rather limited resource and a poor distribution can overload some cluster nodes. Load distribution, on the other hand, is essential for cases where the load on table keys is uneven, or if a certain type of load is a limited resource in your bundle.

You can configure balancing both on a per-table basis and for each tablet cell bundle. You can also configure balancing for groups of tables. Table configuration has a higher priority than group configuration, which in turn has a higher priority than bundle configuration.

The system has two types of balancers: the legacy balancer, which lives in the master process and supports only balancing by tablet size and a limited number of options, and the standalone balancer that also supports balancing by load. The external balancer is not currently supported in opensource.

Balancing strategies

  • Resharding by size. To evenly distribute table tablets across tablet cells, each tablet needs to be of a reasonable size. Large tablets are split into several smaller ones, and small tablets are combined with the neighboring ones.
  • Resharding by parameter and size (available only for clusters with a standalone balancer). To evenly balance the table by parameter, all table tablets need to be of approximately the same size and have approximately the same load. Tablets with a higher load or of a larger size are resharded, and smaller tablets with a smaller load are combined with the neighboring ones.
  • Balancing between tablet cells
    • In-memory tables. In-memory tables are balanced by minimizing the load on the most loaded cell (for tables with hunks, this is done on their non-hunk part). Only the total node memory usage across all tables is taken into account, the tablet distribution within each individual table is not optimized.
    • Disk tables. Disk tables are balanced by the number of table tablets by the bundle's tablet cells.
  • Parameterized balancing between nodes (aka balancing by load, available only for clusters with a standalone balancer). Minimizes the dispersion of the selected metric by node and, to a lesser extent, by cell. Per-table distribution is not taken into account, all tablets are considered equivalent.

Balancing configuration

Table groups

Available only for clusters with a standalone balancer.

To make configuration easier, the service supports balancing groups. Their configs are located in the groups field in the bundle config. If this parameter doesn't exist (it isn't created automatically), you need to create it. Inside the group, all tables are balanced together.

Creating a balancing group with certain values

You need to create an empty map in the groups field along with configs for balancing groups, subconfigs, and so on
yt set //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle_name>/@tablet_balancer_config/groups '{}'
, or create a group with the desired configuration right away
yt set //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle_name>/@tablet_balancer_config/groups '{alpha={parameterized={max_action_count=5}; schedule="minutes % 45 == 0"}}'

To put a table into a group named alpha, set the group field of the @tablet_balancer_config attribute to alpha.

Group configuration parameters

Name Type Default value Description
type legacy / parameterized legacy for legacy and legacy_in_memory groups, parameterized for other group types Balancing type. legacy can't be set for new groups
parameterized yson Parameterized balancing configuration. Learn more in the section on parameterized balancing configuration
schedule Arithmetic formula that includes minutes, hours, and numeric values If the value is set, it is taken from the bundle's config. Otherwise, it depends on the cluster configuration Balancing schedule. Once the formula value becomes true, this triggers the resharding of all the group's tables, and after that (usually within 10 minutes), movement between cells. See the examples in the Schedule section
enable_move boolean %true Enables movement between tablet cells. Balancing type depends on the group
enable_reshard boolean %true Enables automatic resharding. Balancing type depends on the group
Sample group configuration


This is not a recommendation. The example only lists possible options with random values.

"in_memory_stable" = {
    "enable_move" = %true;
    "enable_reshard" = %true;
    "schedule" = "minutes % 30 == 5";
    "parameterized" = {
        "max_action_count" = 100;
        "metric" = "double([/statistics/memory_size])";

System groups

From the balancer's point of view, system groups exist by default even if @tablet_balancer_config/groups doesn't explicitly list their configs. The default values for these groups are taken from the above table. All system groups are listed below:

  • legacy: Balancing between the tablet cells of disk tables.
  • legacy_in_memory: Balancing between the tablet cells of in-memory tables.
  • default: Includes all tables with enabled parameterized balancing where the group isn't explicitly indicated.

Tables are put into the first and second groups automatically if the group type and parameterized balancing for them are not indicated. Tables are put into the default group if:

  • The default group is explicitly indicated for the table.
  • The group isn't explicitly indicated but enable_parameterized=true is set in the balancing config.
  • The group isn't explicitly indicated, and parameterized balancing is enabled for the bundle by default (enable_parameterized_by_default=%true).

If the bundle's config indicates the default group name for in-memory table balancing (the default_in_memory_group attribute), the in-memory tables that were supposed to be put into the default category are put into the group specified in the config instead.

Per-table settings

A list of available table settings (//path/to/table/@tablet_balancer_config) is given in the table:

Name Type Default value Description
enable_auto_reshard boolean %true Enables/disables resharding
enable_auto_tablet_move boolean %true Enables/disables moving table tablets between cells
min_tablet_size int - Minimum tablet size for resharding by size
desired_tablet_size int - Desired tablet size for resharding by size
max_tablet_size int - Maximum tablet size for resharding by size
desired_tablet_count int - The desired number of tablets for resharding
min_tablet_count int - The minimum number of tablets for resharding by size, see note in text
group* str - Puts the table into a balancing group, see more in Table groups
enable_parameterized* boolean - Enables/disables moving tablets by load

* — Available only for clusters with a standalone balancer.

Sample table configuration


This is not a recommendation. The example only lists possible options with random values.

    "enable_auto_reshard" = %true;
    "enable_auto_tablet_move" = %true;
    "group" = "writes";

# use the rest wisely
    "enable_verbose_logging" = %false;
    "enable_parameterized" = %true;
    "desired_tablet_count" = 100;
    "min_tablet_count" = 5;
    "min_tablet_size" = 1000;
    "desired_tablet_size" = 5000;
    "max_tablet_size" = 10000;

Per-bundle settings

The settings are specified in //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle_name>/@tablet_balancer_config.
If the bundle and the table have conflicting settings, the table settings have a higher priority and will be used for balancing.

Name Type Default value Description
min_tablet_size int 128 MB Minimum disk table tablet size
desired_tablet_size int 10 GB Desired disk table tablet size
max_tablet_size int 20 GB Maximum disk table tablet size
min_in_memory_tablet_size int 512 MB Minimum in-memory table tablet size
desired_in_memory_tablet_size int 1 GB Desired in-memory table tablet size
max_in_memory_tablet_size int 2 GB Maximum in-memory table tablet size
enable_tablet_size_balancer boolean %true Enables/disables resharding by size
enable_in_memory_cell_balancer boolean %true Enables/disables in-memory table tablet balancing between tablet cells
enable_cell_balancer boolean %false Enables/disables disk table tablet balancing between tablet cells
tablet_to_cell_ratio double 5. Resharding by size limits the number of tablets in a table to the number of tablet cells multiplied by the value of this parameter
enable_parameterized_by_default* boolean %false Puts tables with no explicit group indication into the default group for parameterized balancing
groups* dictionary - Balancing group configs
default_in_memory_group* str - Default group name for in-memory tables for parametrized balancing

* — Available only for clusters with a standalone balancer.

Sample bundle configuration


This is not a recommendation. The example only lists possible options with random values.

    "enable_cell_balancer" = %true;
    "enable_in_memory_cell_balancer" = %true;
    "enable_tablet_size_balancer" = %true;
    "min_tablet_size" = 500;
    "desired_tablet_size" = 1000;
    "max_tablet_size" = 2000;
    "min_in_memory_tablet_size" = 50;
    "desired_in_memory_tablet_size" = 100;
    "max_in_memory_tablet_size" = 1000;
    "hard_in_memory_cell_balance_threshold" = 0.15;
    "soft_in_memory_cell_balance_threshold" = 0.05;
    "tablet_balancer_schedule" = "(hours * 60 + minutes) % 80 == 10";
    "tablet_to_cell_ratio" = 5.;
    "enable_verbose_logging" = %false;
    "enable_parameterized_by_default" = %true;
    "groups" = {
        "in_memory_stable" = {
            # ... parameterized balancing only
        "legacy" = {
            # ...
        "default" = {
            # ... parameterized balancing only
        "legacy_in_memory" = {
            # ...

Parameterized balancing configuration

Available only for clusters with a standalone balancer.

Name Type Default value Description
metric str - Balancing metric (parameter)
max_action_count int - Maximum number of tablets to be moved in one iteration
enable_reshard boolean - Enables the resharding algorithm by parameter and size instead of resharding by size

The metric for parameterized balancing is set by an arithmetic formula using per-table metrics. The metric must be positive for any given tablet. For the correct operation of the balancing algorithm, the metric size must be in direct ratio to the tablet load. The formula may include tablet size metrics. Each of the load metrics can have one of the following two suffixes: _10m_rate or _1h_rate, which are calculated as the exponential decay of requests within 10 minutes and 1 hour, respectively. In the table, all metrics are given for the 10-minute window.

Below you will find per-table metrics that can prove useful.

  • Data weight
  • Amount of data read by lookup requests
    double([/performance_counters/dynamic_row_lookup_data_weight_10m_rate]) + double([/performance_counters/static_chunk_row_lookup_data_weight_10m_rate])
  • Amount of data read by select requests
    double([/performance_counters/dynamic_row_read_data_weight_10m_rate]) + double([/performance_counters/static_chunk_row_read_data_weight_10m_rate])
  • Uncompressed size
  • Compressed size
  • Memory size (the amount of data occupied by an in-memory table, equal to either compressed or uncompressed size depending on in_memory_mode)
  • CPU time consumed by lookup requests
    double([/performance_counters/lookup_cpu_time_10m_rate]) |
  • Number of tablets (can be used if tablets need to be distributed equally across nodes without taking the load into account)

Resharding configuration

Resharding by size

  • If the desired_tablet_count parameter is specified in the table settings, the balancer will attempt to shard the table by the specified number of tablets.
  • Otherwise, if all three parameters (min_tablet_size, desired_tablet_size, max_tablet_size) are specified in the table settings and their values are valid (i.e. min_tablet_size < desired_tablet_size < max_tablet_size is true), the specified parameter values will be used.
  • Otherwise, the bundle's tablet cell settings will be used.


If all three tablet size parameters (min, desired, and max) are explicitly indicated, the following recommendation needs to be observed for the algorithm to work correctly: max / min must be equal to at least 2.5 or, better yet, 3. With smaller ratios, the algorithm won't be able to reshard the table to the optimal size and will continually change the size of tablets, interfering with your work.

The automatic sharding algorithm is as follows: the background process monitors the mounted tablets and as soon as it detects a tablet smaller than min_tablet_size or larger than max_tablet_size, it tries to bring it to desired_tablet_size, possibly affecting adjacent tablets. If the desired_tablet_count parameter is specified, the custom table size settings will be ignored and values will be calculated based on table size and desired_tablet_count.

If the min_tablet_count parameter is set, the balancer won't combine tablets if the resulting number of tablets is below the limit. However, this option doesn't guarantee that the balancer will reduce the size of tablets if their current number is too little: if you use it, you need to manually pre-shard the table to the desired number of tablets.

Resharding by size and parameter

This type of resharding is intended for collaborative work with parameterized balancing. Both algorithms use the same metric (parameter) that is specified in the balancing group's config. To enable this type of resharding, you need to specify the desired number of tablets (desired_tablet_count) in the table's config. Without this value, the algorithm can't predict the desired parameter values for each tablet's metric. You also need to set the enable_reshard flag value to %true in the group's parameterized balancing config.

The algorithm is similar to that for the resharding by size, except for the conditions at which the tablets are split and combined. When the algorithm detects a tablet that doesn't meet at least one of the min/max size or parameter requirements, this tablet is either split or combined with the neighboring tablets to bring it to the required size and parameter values if possible. The above-mentioned limits are calculated based on the desired number of table tablets.


Unlike resharding by size, this type of resharding doesn't take the min_tablet_count parameter into account, which means that the number of tablets in the table can drop down below the specified value.


To disable a certain type of lock, set the value of the corresponding attribute to %false (see the table below). You need to specify this value in the following configs:

  • For bundles: //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle>/@tablet_balancer_config/<attribute>
  • For groups: //sys/tablet_cell_bundles/<bundle>/@tablet_balancer_config/groups/<group>/<attribute>
  • For tables: //path/to/table/@tablet_balancer_config/<attribute>
Balancing type Bundle Group Table
in-memory move enable_in_memory_cell_balancer enable_move enable_auto_tablet_move
ordinary move enable_cell_balancer enable_move enable_auto_tablet_move
parameterized move - enable_move enable_auto_tablet_move
reshard enable_tablet_size_balancer enable_reshard enable_auto_reshard
parameterized reshard - enable_reshard enable_auto_reshard

Automatic sharding schedule

Sharding will inevitably unmount some of the tablets. To make the process more predictable, you can set up the balancer schedule. The setting can be per-cluster, per-bundle, and per-group.

The bundle schedule is located in the //sys/tablet_cell_bundles//@tablet_balancer_config/tablet_balancer_schedule attribute. The group schedule is located in the schedule attribute of the group's config.

Any arithmetic formula from the hours and minutes integer variables can be specified as a format. The balancing of the bundle's tables will only occur when the formula value is true (i.e. different from zero).

The background balancing process runs once every few minutes, so you should expect that the tablets can be in the unmounted state for 10 minutes after the formula becomes true.


  • minutes % 20 == 0: Balancing at the 0th, 20th, and 40th minute of each hour.
  • hours % 2 == 0 && minutes == 30: Balancing at 00:30, 02:30, ...

If no attribute value is specified for the bundle, the default value for the cluster is used. Example of a cluster-level balancing setup is given in the table below:

Cluster Schedule
first-cluster (hours * 60 + minutes) % 40 == 0
second-cluster (hours * 60 + minutes) % 40 == 10
third-cluster (hours * 60 + minutes) % 40 == 20

Implementation details

Movement balancing

Parameterized balancing


Per-table distribution is not taken into account, all the group's tablets are considered equivalent.

Balancing is applied to tables in groups other than legacy_in_memory and legacy.

Algorithm overview

The algorithm calculates the metric for each tablet and then, depending on the tablet distribution by cells and nodes, the metrics for cells and nodes are calculated as the sum of metrics of the tablets that they host, followed by step-by-step minimization
nodeNodeMetric2+cellCellMetric2\sum_{node}{NodeMetric^2} + \sum_{cell}{CellMetric^2}

In one parameterized balancing step, a tablet can be moved from one cell to another.

The algorithm won't run if tablet distribution by cells and nodes is adequate.

Balancing between disk tablet cells


The tablet size isn't taken into account, all the table's tablets are considered equivalent.

Balancing group: legacy

Algorithm overview

Tablets are evenly distributed across bundle cells independently for each table. If the bundle has empty cells, the tablets are distributed so that each cell contains approximately the same number of tablets.

Balancing between in-memory tablet cells


Per-table distribution is not taken into account, all the group's tablets are considered equivalent.

Balancing group: legacy_in_memory

Algorithm overview

Tablets are evenly distributed across bundle cells by memory_size. Per-table distribution is not taken into account.


Resharding by size

Performed by splitting and combining neighboring tablets. Each table is resharded independently.

Algorithm overview

The algorithm splits large tablets and combines neighboring tablets independently in each table. A tablet is considered too large if its size exceeds max_tablet_size. In this case, it can be split into several smaller tablets separately or together with the neighboring tablets so that the size of new tablets is approximately equal to desired_tablet_size. Tablets smaller than min_tablet_size are combined.

If min_tablet_count is specified for the table, and the number of tablets is less than the specified value, they won't be combined even if they are smaller than min_tablet_size. The parameter doesn't affect min/desired/max tablet_size.

If desired_tablet_count is specified for the table, the limits are calculated as follows:

  • desired_tablet_size = table_size / desired_tablet_count
  • min_tablet_size = desired_tablet_size / 1.9
  • max_tablet_size = desired_tablet_size * 1.9

For the algorithm to work properly, max_tablet_size / min_tablet_size > 2 needs to be true. Otherwise, the balancer will repeatedly perform useless actions that will hamper the table operation. Other configuration recommendations can be found in the relevant section.

Resharding by size and metric

Performed by splitting and combining neighboring tablets. Tables are resharded independently, except for the stage when planned actions are sorted by relevance.

Algorithm overview

The algorithm requires desired_tablet_count. This value is used in each table to calculate the following values:

  • desired_tablet_size = table_size / desired_tablet_count
  • min_tablet_size = desired_tablet_size / 1.9
  • max_tablet_size = desired_tablet_size * 1.9
  • desired_tablet_metric = table_metric / desired_tablet_count
  • min_tablet_metric = desired_tablet_metric / 1.9
  • max_tablet_metric = desired_tablet_metric * 1.9

The algorithm splits large tablets and combines neighboring tablets. A tablet is considered too large if its size exceeds max_tablet_size or its metric exceeds max_tablet_metric. In this case, the tablet can be split into several smaller tablets so that the size of new tablets fits the specified limits. The algorithm will split a large tablet even if its value for the remaining parameter is smaller than the desired one. Tablets are combined if they are smaller than min_tablet_size or min_tablet_metric.

If table resharding creates too many actions, exceeding the maximum number of actions per iteration, all planned reshards of this group are sorted by revelance, and only the most useful ones are performed. Other configuration recommendations can be found in the relevant section.