Creating a web service

This section describes an example of creating a simple web service using dynamic tables.

Backend for a small comment storage and display service will be built within the example. You can consider it to be a simplified analog of Reddit.
For this purpose, an HTTP-based stateless service will be developed on top of a consistent, fault-tolerant, and scalable repository of topics, comments, and likes.

Technologies and tools used:

  • Service source code in Python 3.4 and higher.
  • Replicated dynamic YTsaurus tables in synchronous replication mode will be used as a repository. Work with dynamic tables is implemented via the RPC proxy.
  • The Flask framework will be used as the basis for the HTTP API.


This example does not stipulate the development of the following components: authorization, rate limiting, and service monitorings.
The described example is intended primarily as an introduction to the use and capabilities of dynamic YTsaurus tables, not for the development of production high-load web services in Python.

Click here to download code examples.


Service requirements:

  • All comments stored in the service must relate to one of the topics.
  • Comments within a topic must be organized as a tree. Each comment, except for the root comment of the topic, must have one parent.
  • Each comment must be characterized by the parent_path string. It is the path from the ancestor IDs of a given comment in the tree.
  • The username, number of views, and creation time must be stored for each comment.
  • The API must enable you to:
    • Create, edit, and delete comments.
    • Select all topic comments or a subtree of comments within a topic.
    • Select the most recent comments by a given user.
    • Select the most recently added topics.

Expected characteristics:

  • Up to 50,000 comments within a topic.
  • A typical comment is no more than tens of thousands of characters.
  • The service must be horizontally scalable by load (RPS) and data volume.

API methods

In case of POST requests, the request parameters are passed in the request body as a JSON document. In GET requests — as an URL. In all cases, the request result or error comes in the response body as a JSON document. Possible HTTP response codes:

HTTP code Description
200 The GET/POST request was successfully complete.
201 The value was successfully added.
400 Incorrect request. For example, some mandatory parameters were not set.
404 The object or objects for a specified criterion were not found. For example, an attempt to add a comment to a non-existing topic.
409 Conflict when making changes to a dynamic table.
503 The service is currently unable to process the request. For example, the meta-cluster is updated and/or the dynamic tables were unmounted.
524 Timeout exceeded when working with dynamic tables.

In case of any error with 4xx and 5xx codes, a JSON document in the {"error" : "message"} form comes in the response body.

Writing data — adding, editing, deleting comments — will be implemented via POST, reading — via GET. guid is used as a comment ID: this approach will ensure an even load on dynamic table shards.

Call signatures

  • POST: /post_comment: Adding a comment.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    topic_id guid No If the topic ID is not specified, a new topic is created.
    parent_path string No Path to the parent comment. Can be specified if topic_id is not specified.
    content string Yes Comment content.
    user string Yes Username.

If successful, code 201 and a document in the {"comment_id" : "<guid>", "new_topic" : True | False} form are returned.

  • POST: /edit_comment: Editing a comment.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    topic_id guid Yes Topic ID.
    parent_path string Yes Comment path.
    content string Yes New comment content.

    If successful, code 200 and an empty document are returned.

  • POST: /delete_comment: Deleting a comment. The comment is not actually deleted from the database in order not not to violate the tree comment structure. Instead, a special flag is set in the comment parameters and it means that the comment was deleted, after which the comment can no longer be edited.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    topic_id guid Yes Topic ID.
    parent_path string Yes Comment path.

    If successful, code 200 and an empty document are returned.

  • GET: /topic_comments: Getting a comment in the topic. A view counter is stored for each comment and it is incremented by one each time a topic comment is requested.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    topic_id guid Yes Topic ID.
    parent_path string No The path to the root comment can be specified if only a subtree of comments for a specified topic is to be obtained.

    If successful, code 200 and a document with a list of the following comments are returned:

    [{"comment_id" : "<id>", "parent_id" : "<id>", "content" : "<large_text>", "user" : "<user_name>", "view_count" : <N>, "update_time" : "<UTC_time>", "deleted" : True|False}]

    Returned comments are sorted by parent_path, so the responses to the comment come immediately after it and are ordered by creation time.

  • GET: /last_user_comments: Get a list of user comments sorted in reverse chronological order. It is assumed that there will be a page in the service web interface where the user can view all their comments.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    user string Yes Username.
    limit int No Limiting the number of returned comments.
    from_time UTC_time No Return only those comments with update_time greater than this parameter. The from_time parameter is specifically used instead of offset, because the YTsaurus query language does not support the OFFSET keyword in queries.

    If successful, code 200 and a document with a list of the following comments are returned:

    [{"comment_id" : "<id>", "topic_id" : "<id>", "content" : "<large_text>", "user" : <user_name>, "view_count" : <N>, "update_time" : <UTC_time>}]
  • GET: /last_topics: Get the topics in which comments have recently been updated. A topic is a root comment. It is assumed that this request will be used by the homepage of the service and the list will be shared by all users. Pagination support is required.

    Parameter name Type Required parameter Description
    limit int No Limit on the number of returned topics.
    from_time UTC_time No Return only those comments with update_time greater than this parameter. The from_time parameter is specifically used instead of offset, because the YTsaurus query language does not support the OFFSET keyword in queries.

    If successful, code 200 and a document with a list of the following comments are returned:

    [{"topic_id" : "<id>", "content" : "<large_text>", "user" = <user_name>, "view_count" : <N>, "update_time" : <UTC_time>}]

Description of data tables

You need to define a required set of tables and their schema. When designing the schema, consider the features and limitations of dynamic tables:

  • Each dynamic table has a unique primary key. You can use the primary key to obtain writes by calling the lookup command.
  • Dynamic tables support transactions, including those between different tables in the snapshot isolation model.
  • Dynamic tables do not support secondary indexes. Efficient searching or filtering is only possible by the prefix of the primary key using the range output mechanism. Otherwise the request may result in full scan of the table.
  • Horizontal scaling of dynamic tables is performed through sharding. A table shard in the system is called a tablet. It is specified by a continuous range of primary key values. For sharding to be effective, reading and writing must be evenly distributed across the tablets.
  • Secondary indexes can be emulated by creating additional tables by the corresponding primary key. In this case, the master table and the index table must be written to within the same transaction.

The main table needed to store content — topic_comments — is needed. Read queries to such a table will be generally limited to a single topic, so we recommend making the topic ID the first key component. You can output consecutive integers as the topic ID or generate them based on the current time. However, this will mean that when new topics are created, they will be given very close numbers, and since new comments are more likely to appear in new topics, the entire writing load will be on one tablet.
Therefore, to ensure that the tablets are loaded evenly when the table is scaled, a randomly generated guid is used as the topic ID. The numbers of comments in creation order are used as the IDs i the topic — this can create close keys, but if the size of the topics is not too large, sharding by topic guid should be sufficient.

The parent_path key column also stores the path to the comment in the topic: for the root comment — its id, and parent_path of each subsequent comment is derived from parent_path of its parent by adding / and the parent ID to it. For example, parent_path of the comment with the #id1 ID written in response to the root comment with the 0 ID is written as 0/#id1. This path arrangement enables you to quickly filter comments in the subtree when calling the topic_comments method: if parent_path of the root comment in the subtree is the S string, parent_path of its child will have the S/#id1/.../#idN form. It will contain S as a prefix. Therefore, if you lexicographically order the comments in the topic by parent_path, any subtree will correspond to a continuous block of comments starting from the root comment of the subtree. Thus, assigning parent_path as a key column enables you to avoid performing full scan of the table to select comments in the subtree.

The ID of the parent comment is additionally stored for each comment. This is needed to assemble comments into a tree when displaying them. Besides that, the topic_comments table stores a comment view counter, for which an aggregation column mechanism is used. This mechanism enables you to increment and decrement the value of a column without reading its previous version.

The topic_comments table

Column name Type Key column Description
topic_id guid Yes Topic guid.
parent_path string Yes Comment path.
comment_id uint64 No Comment ID. Its sequence number when adding to the topic.
parent_id uint64 No ID of the comment, in response to which this comment was written. Matches comment_id for root comments.
user string No Username of the user who left the comment.
create_time uint64 No Comment creation time in POSIX Time.
update_time uint64 No The time when the comment was last updated in POSIX Time.
content string No Text of the comment.
views_count int64 No Number of views, aggregation column.
deleted boolean No The flag that the comment was deleted.

To select writes in the /last_user_comments call, the topic_comments table is not suitable. User comments may be located in different topics, which means that a full scan of the table is required to execute such a query. YTsaurus does not support secondary indexes, so they also cannot be used.

Therefore, a second, auxiliary user_comments table is required where the username is used as the first primary key component. For reasons of even load balancing in future sharding of the table, add a computed column to the beginning of the key — hash user_name. The farm_hash function specified in the expression field in the table schema (see table creation code) is used for hashing.

The user_comments table

Column name Type Key column Description
hash(user_name) uint64 Yes Computed column.
user_name string Yes Username of the user who left the comment.
topic_id string Yes Topic guid.
parent_path string Yes Comment path.
update_time uint64 No The time when the comment was last updated in POSIX Time.

You need to decide how to process the /last_topics call efficiently. A simple way is to query the topic_comments table with grouping by topic_id. But this approach requires re-running full scan of the largest table. Therefore, it makes sense to create another small topics table where topic_id will store the last update time of the topic, i.e. any of its comments.

Although this entire table will be viewed, it is much smaller. This will enable you to apply a number of optimizations. For example, upload the entire table into memory or increase the query concurrency by increasing the number of tablets. Moreover, the response to such a query can be cached, because it will be the same for all users. This table will also store the number of comments in the topic so that when a new comment is added, its ID can be obtained.

The topic table

Column name Type Key column Description
topic_id string Yes Topic guid.
update_time uint64 No The time when the comment was last updated in the topic.
comment_count uint64 No Number of comments in the topic, including deleted comments.

Creating and mounting tables

This example uses synchronous replication with one synchronous and one asynchronous replica and automatic replica mode switching. This mode provides the strictest consistency guarantees as with unreplicated dynamic tables and does not require manual replica mode switching.

Creating a replicated table includes the following steps:

  1. Creating a special replicated_table object on the meta-cluster.
  2. Creating replica tables on other clusters and their corresponding table_replica objects on the meta-cluster.

All tables must be created with the same schema. The ssd_blobs medium is used to store data. The choice of an SSD medium is driven by the required timings and meta cluster write flow. All replicas will first be created inasync mode. After the tables are mounted, the synchronous replica will be selected automatically.

The actions described above can be performed either via the CLI — via the yt create and yt set commands — or via Python wrapper.

For this example, a script was written to create the required tables. This script reads the required parameters in the command line arguments. This enables you to use the script both production and testing environments. Script parameters:

  • meta_cluster: A cluster with a replicated table.
  • replica_clusters: Clusters with replicas.
  • path: Path to the project working directory.
  • force: A flag used to re-create tables if they already exist. Without it, no changes will be made.

Example of running the script after building it via ya make:

./create_tables --path //path/to/directory/ --meta_cluster <meta_cluster_name> --replica_clusters <replica1-cluster-name> <replica2-cluster-name> --force

Service quotas

Create a dedicated tablet_cell_bundle and an account with an SSD quota. To ensure fault-tolerance of the service, you should have 3 clusters: a meta-cluster and 2 replica clusters. But for training purposes, you can perform all operations on a single cluster. It will act as a meta-cluster and two replicas (synchronous and asynchronous).

Developing service code

Installing the required packages

Install Flask and WTForms. WTForms will be used to validate parameters.

Installation commands:

sudo pip install flask
sudo pip install wtforms

Defining the required functions

Environment variables will be used to pass parameters to the program. This approach will then enable the application to be easily moved from the testing environment to the production environment.

The required environment variables:

  • CLUSTER: The name of the cluster on which replicated tables are stored.
  • TABLE_PATH: Path to the directory with tables.

Setting the required environment variables:

export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
export TABLE_PATH=//path/to/directory

Create a function to add comment information to all tables. It can also be used when editing comments and when adding a comment for an example.

Implementing the find_comment call

T function to search for comments in the table takes the topic_id and parent_path values as arguments. This enables you to quickly find a comment using the lookup_rows method, because the values of all key columns of the topic_comments table are known.

An example of getting information about the recently added comments:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import yt.wrapper as yt
import json
import os

def find_comment(topic_id, parent_path, client, table_path):
    # In lookup_rows you need to pass the values of all key columns
    return list(client.lookup_rows(
        [{"topic_id": topic_id, "parent_path": parent_path}],

def main():
    table_path = os.environ["TABLE_PATH"]
    <cluster-name> = os.environ["CLUSTER"]
    client = yt.YtClient(cluster_name, config={"backend": "rpc"})

    comment_info = find_comment(
        client=client, table_path=table_path,
    print(json.dumps(comment_info, indent=4))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Program output:

        "update_time": 100000,
        "views_count": 0,
        "parent_id": 0,
        "deleted": false,
        "comment_id": 0,
        "creation_time": 100000,
        "content": "Some comment text",
        "parent_path": "0",
        "user": "abc",
        "topic_id": "1dd64501-4131025-562332a3-40507acc"

Implementing the post_comment call

The first implementation of the post_comment call is a function that takes all parameters as arguments and returns a JSON string as a response. The dynamic table queries are gathered into a single transaction. Added exception processing when accessing the YTsaurus system.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import yt.wrapper as yt
import os
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime

# Auxiliary function to get the number of comments in a topic from the topic_id table
# If the specified topic can't be found in the table, returns None
def get_topic_size(client, table_path, topic_id):
    topic_info = list(client.lookup_rows(
        "{}/topics".format(table_path), [{"topic_id": topic_id}],
    if not topic_info:
        return None
    assert(len(topic_info) == 1)
    return topic_info[0]["comment_count"]

def post_comment(client, table_path, user, content, topic_id=None, parent_id=None):
    # Handle the YtResponseError exception that occurs if the operation fails
        # Adding a comment involves executing several queries of different types,
        # so they need to be assembled into a single transaction to ensure atomicity
        with client.Transaction(type="tablet"):
            new_topic = not topic_id
            if new_topic:
                topic_id = yt.common.generate_uuid()
                comment_id = 0
                parent_id = 0
                parent_path = "0"
                # The comment_id field is assigned the comment's order in the topic as its value
                # This number matches the current size of the topic
                comment_id = get_topic_size(topic_id)
                if not comment_id:
                    return json.dumps({"error": "There is no topic with id {}".format(topic_id)})

                parent_info = find_comment(topic_id, parent_path, client, table_path)
                if not parent_info:
                    return json.dumps({"error" : "There is no comment {} in topic {}".format(parent_id, topic_id)})
                parent_id = parent_info[0]["comment_id"]
                parent_path = "{}/{}".format(parent_path, comment_id)

            creation_time = int(time.mktime(
                "topic_id": topic_id,
                "comment_id": comment_id,
                "parent_id": parent_id,
                "parent_path": parent_path,
                "user": user,
                "creation_time": creation_time,
                "update_time": creation_time,
                "content": content,
                "views_count": 0,
                "deleted": False,
            }], client, table_path)

            result = {"comment_id" : comment_id, "new_topic" : new_topic, "parent_path": parent_path}
            if new_topic:
                result["topic_id"] = topic_id
            return json.dumps(result)
    except yt.YtResponseError as error:
        # yt.YtResponseError defines the __str__ method, which returns a detailed error message
        json.dumps({"error" : str(error)})

Implementing the user_comments call

The function includes only one select_rows query. user_comments is used as the main table, because it is sorted by the user field and is most effective for retrieving comments of a specified user. An additional topic_comments table is connected to this table using JOIN to get full information about the comments. In the ON section, topic_id and parent_path must be specified explicitly so that the data from the additional table can be retrieved efficiently by key. The WHERE and LIMIT sections are used to set the required filters and the ORDER BY section is used to specify the order in which the most recent comments must return first.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import yt.wrapper as yt
import os
import json

def get_last_user_comments(client, table_path, user, limit=10, from_time=0):
        # user_comments is used as the main table that enables you to filter writes by the user field
        # An additional topic_comments table is connected via join
        # and it enables you to get full information about the omment
        comments_info = list(client.select_rows(
            topic_comments.topic_id as topic_id,
            topic_comments.comment_id as comment_id,
            topic_comments.content as content,
            topic_comments.user as user,
            topic_comments.views_count as views_count,
            topic_comments.update_time as update_time
            from [{0}/user_comments] as user_comments join [{0}/topic_comments] as topic_comments
            on (user_comments.topic_id, user_comments.parent_path) =
            (topic_comments.topic_id, topic_comments.parent_path)
            where user_comments.user = '{1}' and user_comments.update_time >= {2}
            order by user_comments.update_time desc
            limit {3}""".format(table_path, user, from_time, limit)
        return json.dumps(comments_info, indent=4)
    except yt.YtResponseError as error:
        return json.dumps({"error" : str(error)})

Running the application. The application is created via Blueprint application factory. A special Flask.g object where the application context is configured is used to pass the client and table_path parameters. The connection settings are passed via the HOST and PORT environment variables. is used by default. Logging is also configured: one message is written to the comment_service.log file at the start of the query and another one at the end of the query. The YTsaurus system debug logs are redirected to the driver.log file.

A separate YTsaurus client must be created for each query so that it is possible to process queries concurrently in the future. An individual driver version is created for each client, which wastes additional resources. To avoid this problem, one common driver object is created at application initialization and then this object is connected to each created client by specifying the corresponding option in the client.

WTForms forms are used to validate query parameters. For each method, you need to create a separate class form that specifies the query parameters, their type, and other issues.

It is assumed that the code is saved in the file.

export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
export TABLE_PATH=//path/to/directory
export HOST=
export PORT=5000

Query examples

Use curl to send queries, use the jq utility to format JSON output.

Listing 22 — Installing utilities
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo apt-get install jq
Listing 23 — Creating topics with multiple comments
# First topic:
curl - s - X
POST - d
'user=abc&content=comment1' '' | jq.
  "comment_id": 0,
  "new_topic": true,
  "parent_path": "0",
  "topic_id": "d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b"

curl - s - X
POST - d
'user=abc&content=comment2&topic_id=d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b&parent_path=0' '' | jq.
  "comment_id": 1,
  "new_topic": false,
  "parent_path": "0/1"

curl - s - X
POST - d
'user=def&content=comment3&topic_id=d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b&parent_path=0' '' | jq.
  "comment_id": 2,
  "new_topic": false,
  "parent_path": "0/2"

# Second topic:
curl - s - X
POST - d
'user=def&content=comment4' '' | jq.
  "comment_id": 0,
  "new_topic": true,
  "parent_path": "0",
  "topic_id": "d9de3eac-fa020dab-4299d3b5-cb5fd5b8"

curl - s - X
POST - d
'user=abc&content=comment5&topic_id=d9de3eac-fa020dab-4299d3b5-cb5fd5b8&parent_path=0' '' | jq.
  "comment_id": 1,
  "new_topic": false,
  "parent_path": "0/1"
Listing 24 — Editing a comment
# Editing the second comment
curl - s - X
POST - d
'topic_id=d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b&content=new_comment2&parent_path=0/1' '' | jq.
Listing 25 — Deleting a comment
# Deleting the fourth comment (a root one in the second topic). The fifth comment will not be deleted.
curl - s - X
POST - d
'topic_id=d9de3eac-fa020dab-4299d3b5-cb5fd5b8&parent_path=0' '' | jq.
Listing 26 — Outputting comments
# Outputting the last two comments made by user abc
curl - s - H @ headers
'' | jq.
    "comment_id": 1,
    "content": "new_comment2",
    "topic_id": "d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b",
    "update_time": 1564581207,
    "user": "abc",
    "views_count": 0
    "comment_id": 1,
    "content": "comment5",
    "topic_id": "d9de3eac-fa020dab-4299d3b5-cb5fd5b8",
    "update_time": 1564581173,
    "user": "abc",
    "views_count": 0
Listing 27 — Outputting a comment subtree
# Outputting all comments in the first topic within the subtree of the second comment (which includes only this comment)
curl - s - H @ headers
'' | jq.
    "comment_id": 1,
    "content": "new_comment2",
    "creation_time": 1564581113,
    "deleted": false,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "update_time": 1564581207,
    "user": "abc",
    "views_count": 1
Listing 28 — Outputting a list of topics
# Outputting all recent topics
curl - s - H @ headers
'' | jq.
    "content": "comment4",
    "topic_id": "d9de3eac-fa020dab-4299d3b5-cb5fd5b8",
    "update_time": 1564582660,
    "user": "abc",
    "views_count": 0
    "content": "comment1",
    "topic_id": "d178dfb1-b721a596-4358abc9-ed93ae6b",
    "update_time": 1564581207,
    "user": "abc",
    "views_count": 0
Listing 29 — Examples of bad queries
# Providing an incomplete set of arguments: topic_id is not specified in a query to topic_comments
curl - s - H @ headers
'' | jq.
  "error": "Parameter topic_id must be specified"
Listing 30 — Example of an error message
# If YTsaurus cannot be queried, the following error message is returned:
  "error": "Received driver response with error\n    Internal RPC call failed\n        Error getting mount info for _home/dev/username/comment_service/user_comments\n            Error communicating with master\n                Error resolving path #f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f\n                    No such object f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f\n\n***** Details:\nReceived driver response with error    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.618617Z\nInternal RPC call failed    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.601953Z (pid 745355, tid 4359a68cbe5897dd, fid fffee7436fa6bd03)    \n    service         ApiService    \n    request_id      3dc-764489c-69ebdf66-942f638f    \n    connection_id   7-e996d4e8-7b3a20cb-a9093d41    \n    address    \n    realm_id        0-0-0-0    \n    method          SelectRows\nError getting mount info for _home/dev/username/comment_service/user_comments    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.601569Z (pid 745355, tid 372673d539e8466f, fid fffee7436e8d8609)\nError communicating with master    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.601413Z (pid 745355, tid 372673d539e8466f, fid fffee7436e8d8609)\nError resolving path #f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f    \n    code            500    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.602199Z (pid 471427, tid e8efa5c24fc65652, fid fffe806472536cdb)    \n    method          GetMountInfo\nNo such object f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f    \n    code            500    \n    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.602147Z (pid 471427, tid e8efa5c24fc65652, fid fffe806472536cdb)\n"

# To output the error in a more readable form, you can replace "jq ." with "jq -r .error"
Received driver response with error
    Internal RPC call failed
        Error getting mount info for //home/dev/username/comment_service/user_comments
            Error communicating with master
                Error resolving path #f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f
                    No such object f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f

***** Details:
Received driver response with error
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:31.449413Z
Internal RPC call failed
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:31.434137Z (pid 745355, tid 4359a68cbe5897dd, fid fffee743122257c3)
    service         ApiService
    request_id      3df-add3dc38-3fd547ae-d9ab851f
    connection_id   7-e996d4e8-7b3a20cb-a9093d41
    realm_id        0-0-0-0
    method          SelectRows
Error getting mount info for //home/dev/username/comment_service/user_comments
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.601569Z (pid 745355, tid 372673d539e8466f, fid fffee7436e8d8609)
Error communicating with master
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.601413Z (pid 745355, tid 372673d539e8466f, fid fffee7436e8d8609)
Error resolving path #f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f
    code            500
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.602199Z (pid 471427, tid e8efa5c24fc65652, fid fffe806472536cdb)
    method          GetMountInfo
No such object f0b5-5c916-3f401a9-dda0ef6f
    code            500
    origin in 2018-09-28T10:33:17.602147Z (pid 471427, tid e8efa5c24fc65652, fid fffe806472536cdb)