Using a dynamic table as a queue

To implement a queue using dynamic tables, use ordered dynamic tables. Such tables are a sequence of ordered rows, with no key columns.

  1. Create a table:

    yt create table //path/to/table --attributes \
  2. Mount a table:

    yt mount-table //path/to/table
  3. Write data:

    echo '{first_name=Ivan;last_name=Ivanov}' | yt insert-rows //path/to/table --format yson
  4. Read data:

    yt select-rows '* from [//path/to/table]' --format json
  1. Create a table:

    import yt.wrapper as yt
    schema = [
            'name': 'first_name',
            'type': 'string'
            'name': 'last_name',
            'type': 'string'
     yt.create('table', '//path/to/table', attributes = {'dynamic': True, 'schema': schema})
  2. Mount a table:

  3. Write data:

    data = [{
            'first_name': 'Ivan',
            'last_name': 'Ivanov'
    client.insert_rows('//path/to/table', data)
  4. Read data:

    for d in client.select_rows('* FROM [//path/to/table]'):
    {'$tablet_index': 0L, 'first_name': 'Ivan', '$row_index': 0L, 'last_name': 'Ivanov'}

For more information about cleaning up and splitting ordered dynamic tables into tablets, see Ordered dynamic tables.