Working with Microsoft Excel tables

The YTsaurus web interface allows to upload small Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into static YTsaurus tables and export data from strict-schema static tables as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

Upload to a new table

To upload data and create a YTsaurus table at the same time, use the Create object menu on the directory page.

Be sure to set the Column names and the Types toggles to the correct values in the upload menu.

With enabled Column names, column names are displayed in the first row of an Excel spreadsheet. If a spreadsheet doesn't have a header row, the Excel column names, such as A, B, C, and so on, are used as column names in the YTsaurus table.

With enabled Types, there's a row with types. The row with types must follow the row with column names (if present). Types are defined in the type format (see type mapping).


If no types are specified, all columns use any as their type.

Uploading into an existing table

To upload data into an existing YTsaurus table, click the Upload button on the table page.


The Excel spreadsheet must include columns from the YTsaurus table schema. Additional columns in the Excel spreadsheet are ignored.

Use the Append toggle in the upload menu to choose the upload mode. The on state corresponds to rows being appended at the end of the YTsaurus table, the off state means that the table will be overwritten.

Upload limitations

  • Only the first sheet of an Excel workbook is uploaded.
  • Maximum number of rows is 1,048,576.
  • Maximum number of columns is 16,384.
  • Maximum input file size is 50 MB.


The interface provides a way to specify the required row and column subset.

The first row of the output contains column names, while the second one their types.


  • Strict-schema static tables.
  • Maximum number of rows is 1,048,574.
  • Maximum number of columns is 16,384.
  • Maximum output file size is 50 MB.
  • Maximum string length in a cell is 32,767; Strings longer than 32,767 are truncated.

Type mapping

Microsoft Excel supports 4 data types: Logical, Number, Text, and Error.

YTsaurus data type description Representation in type Representation in type_v3 Representation in Excel
An integer within the range [-2^63, 2^63-1] int64 int64 Number*
An integer within the range [-2^31, 2^31-1] int32 int32 Number
An integer within the range [-2^15, 2^15-1] int16 int16 Number
An integer within the range [-2^7, 2^7-1] int8 int8 Number
An integer within the range [0, 2^64-1] uint64 uint64 Number*
An integer within the range [0, 2^32-1] uint32 uint32 Number
An integer within the range [0, 2^16-1] uint16 uint16 Number
An integer within the range [0, 2^8-1] uint8 uint8 Number
A 4-byte real number float float Number*
An 8-byte real number double double Number*
Standard true/false Boolean boolean bool (different from type) Logical
A random sequence of bytes string string Text*
A valid UTF-8 sequence utf8 utf8 Text*
An integer within the range [0, 49673 - 1]
that represents the number of days since the Unix epoch,
with a representable date range of [1970-01-01, 2105-12-31]
date date Number**
An integer within the range [0, 49673 * 86400 - 1]
that represents the number of seconds since the Unix epoch,
with a representable time range of
[1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2105-12-31T23:59:59Z]
datetime datetime Number**
An integer within the range [0, 49673 * 86400 * 10^6 - 1]
that represents the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch,
with a representable time range of
[1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2105-12-31T23:59:59.999999Z]
timestamp timestamp Number***
An integer within the range
[-49673 * 86400 * 10^6 + 1, 49673 * 86400 * 10^6 - 1]
that represents the number of microseconds between two timestamps
interval interval Number*
An arbitrary YSON structure
that is represented as a byte sequence
and can't have a required=%true attribute
any yson (different from type) Text**


Number is a Double-Precision Floating Point value.

The number can have only 15 digits. When entering 99999999999999999 (10^17-1), the cell displays 99999999999999900.

Numbers exceeding this limit are exported as strings.


The value from the YTsaurus table is written to an Excel table cell as the Number type, without loss of accuracy. The date and datetime types are exported as Number with special display formats and appear in Excel as:

  • date2020-12-05
  • datetime2000-12-10 10:22:17


The value can't fit in Number.

Timestamp in milliseconds is exported as Number with special display formats (1969-12-30 00:00:00). For smaller units, it comes out as a string in the following format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999Z.


Text is a string type. Maximum strings length in a cell is 32,768.

In YTsaurus, a string may be longer: up to 128 * 10^6. Long strings are truncated.


Values are serialized as YSON. Long strings are truncated like in Text*.

Missing values

For missing values of optional types, an empty string is added to the cell.