General information

This section contains information about the system of access control to tables and other Cypress nodes (users, groups, accounts, chunks, transactions, etc.).

Any user request passes through proxies that authenticate the user, that is, verify their authenticity. Based on the token contained in the request and obtained using the OAuth protocol, the proxy determines the name of the user who initiated the request. If no token is specified in the request, it is assumed that the request was made by the guest user. After authentication, the token is not used at the subsequent user request processing stages. For more information, see Authentication.

Authorization (granting permissions) is performed by the Cypress master server. The decision to grant or deny access depends on:

  1. The access type (read, write, etc.).
  2. The user who initiated the request.
  3. The object to which access is requested.

If access is denied, a message with details is generated: the name of the user to whom access is denied, the object to which access was requested, and the access type.

The YTsaurus system supports lists of users and groups. The common name for users and groups is subjects.

Each object in the YTsaurus system has an Access Control List (ACL). This list is stored in the @acl attribute of the object and consists of individual entries (Access Control Entry or ACE) where each entry contains a list of subjects, access type, and a number of other parameters listed in the table in the Authorization section.

Users, groups

A list of all registered users of the system is stored in Cypress at //sys/users. Each user has a unique name. If a request marked with the name of a non-existent user is received from a proxy, the master server returns a No such user error. This can happen because obtaining a token and registering a user in the system are two separate actions that are performed by different services (OAuth provides a token, while the YTsaurus master server handles registration).

A list of all registered groups can be found at //sys/groups. Each group also has a unique name.


Users and groups are located in the same namespace, which means that their names must not coincide.

Group members can be random subjects: both users and other groups. The system guarantees that the "membership in the group" relation does not contain cycles. In the process of authorization, decisions are made on the basis of a transitive closure. Thus, user A can be a member of group C either directly (being a member of group С) or indirectly (A being a member of group B and group B being a member of group C).

System subjects

In YTsaurus, there is a set of subjects that perform system functions. You cannot delete such subjects. System functions include:

  1. The guest, root, scheduler, and job users.
  2. The everyone, users, and superusers groups.

Subject attributes

The table below shows a list of attributes that are inherent to all subjects.

Attribute Type Description
name string Subject name (non-empty string)
member_of array<string> A list of names of groups to which the subject directly belongs
member_of_closure array<string> A list of names of groups to which the subject belongs (directly or indirectly)
aliases array<string> A list of names that can be used in the ACL as a reference to the subject

User attributes

In addition to the inherent attributes that are shared by all subjects, users have the attributes listed in the table below.

Attribute Type Description Mandatory
banned bool Whether the user is blocked No
access_time DateTime The time of the last request from the user. Yes
access_counter integer The total number of requests made by the user. Yes
request_rate double The number of requests per second from the user. Yes
request_rate_limit double The limit on the number of requests per second from the user. The default value is 100. Yes
request_queue_size_limit double The request queue size. The default value is 100. Yes
usable_accounts array<string> A list of accounts that the user is allowed to use. Yes

Group attributes

In addition to the inherent attributes that are shared by all subjects, groups have the attributes listed in the table below.

Attribute Type Description
members array<string> A list of names of group members (users and other groups).

Managing groups


On large clusters, only YTsaurus administrators can directly manage groups.

To create a new group, use the create command. When creating an object, you do not need to specify its path, but you need to specify the name attribute.

yt create group --attributes '{name=my_group}'

You can remove objects using the remove command. When a group is removed, it is automatically removed from all ACLs where it was present.

yt remove //sys/groups/my_group


The authorization module on the master server solves the following problem: should user U be granted access of type P for object O? There are two possible answers: to grant or not to grant. Let us review all three components (U, P, and O) separately.

Any system user can act as U. Note that U cannot be a group, although group membership is taken into account when making a decision. If U is root, the access request is automatically approved.

Access type P is also called permission. The permissions supported by YTsaurus are shown in the table.

Permission Description
read Means reading a value or getting information about an object or its attributes.
write Means changing an object state or its attributes.
use Applies to accounts, pools, and bundles and means usage (that is, the ability to insert new objects into the quota of a given account, run operations in a pool, or move a dynamic table to a bundle).
administer Means changing the object access descriptor.
create Applies only to schemas and means creating objects of this type.
remove Means removing an object.
mount Means mounting, unmounting, remounting, and resharding a dynamic table.
manage Applies only to operations (not to Cypress nodes) and means managing that operation or its jobs.

Object O means a random system object: Cypress node, user, group, account, chunk, transaction, and so on.

To make a decision, the system implicitly builds an effective access control list (effective ACL) for object O. An effective access control list is a combination of the access control list specified on the node and the access control lists inherited from its parents. Any access control list (ACL) is a list of access control entries (ACE). The order of entries in this list does not matter. The object can inherit its ACL, which is controlled by the inherit_acl = %true attribute. When inheriting, the inheritance mode (the inheritance_mode key in the acl entry) is defined for each ACE. The latter can be object_only, object_and_descendants, descendants_only, and immediate_descendants_only.

The object_only value means that this entry affects only the object itself. The object_and_descendants value means that this entry affects the object and all its descendants, including indirect ones. The descendants_only value means that this entry affects only descendants, including indirect ones. The immediate_descendants_only value means that this entry affects only direct descendants (sons). Each entry has a structure presented in the table.

Attribute Type Description
action SecurityAction Either allow (allowing entry) or deny (denying entry).
subjects array<string> A list of names of subjects to which the entry applies.
permissions array<Permission> A list of access permissions to which the action specified in the action attribute applies.
inheritance_mode InheritanceMode The inheritance mode of this ACE, by default object_and_descendants.

Once an effective list is built, the decision to grant or deny access is made according to the following schema:

  1. If there is at least one allowing entry for U and P and no denying entries for U and P, access is granted.
  2. Otherwise, access is denied.

“Entry for U and P” means that P is mentioned in the permissions list and either user U or at least one group in which user U is a direct or indirect member is mentioned in the subjects list. From that description, it follows specifically that if the effective list is empty, access will be denied.

Object owner and owner user

When user U creates an object, user U also becomes the owner of that object, which is shown in the owner attribute.


Only the superuser (member of the superusers group) can change the owner.

There is also a special fictitious owner user in the system. You cannot authenticate with it, but you can refer to it in the ACL as a subject. owner is replaced by the actual object owner when permissions are checked. This enables you to do such things as describe the "in this folder, only those who created the nodes can remove them" restriction by the ACE:{action=allow; permissions=[remove]; subjects=[owner]; inheritance_mode = descendants_only}. Remember to disable permission inheritance by specifying inherit_acl = %false.

Managing operations

Any operation has an ACL associated with it, similar to Cypress nodes. You can obtain this ACL from the attribute at runtime_parameters/acl of the operation.

Access permissions have the following semantics:

  • The read permission is responsible for reading the live preview of the output and intermediate data of the operation, as well as the "artifacts" of its jobs: stderr, fail context, and the input data of individual jobs.
  • The manage permission is responsible for managing actions that change the state of the operation, including Abort, Complete, Suspend, and Resume (the corresponding buttons are located in the upper-right corner of the operation page in the web interface), as well as for managing actions with jobs, including Abort, Abandon, and Send signal (the corresponding buttons are located in the drop-down menu on the right side of the Jobs page in the YTsaurus web interface).
  • Using Job Shell requires read and manage permissions at the same time , since having access via the console enables you to read or randomly change the job state.

You can specify the ACL for an operation when it starts. To do this, in the operation specification, indicate an "acl" section as follows:

yt.run_map(..., spec={"acl": [{
 "action": "allow",
 "subjects": ["u1", "u2"],
 "permissions": ["read", "manage"],

The user who started the operation and the default administrators are added to the resulting ACL of the operation.

How to use the ACL correctly

The access management schema presented above is very general and flexible. When using it, try to assign roles at the highest level with inheritance once, rather than manage access at the level of individual tables. ACL inheritance encourages grouping data with common access rules into folders.

In normal mode, you should have only allowing entries. Denying entries can be set to solve the problem quickly if it turns out that access is overextended. Then, the ACL should be revised, and the problem should be solved by adjusting the allowing entries.

We do not recommend mentioning specific users in the ACL. When access is granted, we recommend using groups with the same type of needs instead of individual users.

ACL inheritance should be used everywhere, except in places where the nature of access changes radically. For example, on the Cypress root, the default entry is set to allow all users (except guest) to read. When overriding access to parts of Cypress that store security-sensitive information, such as token lists, the access definitions must be redefined from scratch.

Checking the ACL

To check if a user has a certain permission to a certain Cypress node, use the check-permission command. Example:

$ yt check-permission yql write //tmp
  "action" = "allow";
  "object_id" = "1-3-411012f-1888ce1f";
  "object_name" = "node //tmp";
  "subject_id" = "c4-8aaa-41101f6-bec6113b";
  "subject_name" = "YTsaurus";

Requesting access

To gain access to an existing account or directory in YTsaurus, contact your system administrator.