
This section describes the annotations of tables, directories, and other Cypress nodes.

Purpose of annotations

Annotations are a way to provide a table, directory, or any other Cypress node with a short description.

Formally, such a description can be random text up to 1 KB, consisting of non-control ASCII characters, but we recommend sticking to Markdown format.


Annotations are stored in the memory of the YTsaurus master servers. We recommend limiting the content of the annotations to one or two sentences and links to more detailed documentation.

The annotation attribute

All Cypress nodes have the annotation attribute with the YSON string value. You can set the value, as for the other attributes:

yt set //home/project/path/table/@annotation '"This table contains valuable data."'

Removal is performed in the usual way:

yt remove //home/project/path/table/@annotation


The annotation attribute is always present, but it is null by default. Removal resets the attribute to null, but formally it still exists.

Thus, checking the existence of the annotation attribute always returns a positive result and is therefore useless. Instead, check that the attribute is null.

This behavior peculiarity is related to inheritance.


The annotation can accompany both a table and an entire subtree. To add a subtree annotation, set it to the appropriate directory. Any node recursively contained in it that does not have its own annotation will then display it in its annotation attribute.

In other words, the annotation attribute is inherited: it always displays the nearest non-zero annotation of the ancestor. The search starts with the node.

To understand which ancestor the displayed annotation belongs to, use the annotation_path attribute. It is read-only and contains the full path to the corresponding ancestor or to the node if it is annotated.

Support in the web interface

The web interface supports annotations and accepts the Markdown format — the YFM dialect supported by the @doc-tools/transform package.
Annotations are displayed in the Navigation section, on the Annotation tab of the selected node. To edit an annotation, click Edit metadata and go to the Description tab.
