Binary data in tables

This section contains information about how to use tables to store binary data.

General information

You sometimes need to save binary data from jobs.
The obvious solution is to write a file from each job to Cypress.
But this method has its drawbacks:

  • It creates a high load on the proxy.
  • A large number of objects appears in Cypress which makes working with them less efficient.

Therefore, it is preferable to write the binary data in a single table:

  1. The data is divided into parts and saved in separate table rows. This table must have a set of key columns that uniquely identify the file: name and path. Besides that, there must be a column responsible for the BLOB number with the data and a column responsible for the data itself. The table must be sorted by a set of key columns and by a column with the BLOB number so that point reads by the key that specifies the file name are possible.
  2. For a file, all BLOBs, except for the last one, must be the same size. The recommended size is 4 MB, and some commands, such as read_blob_table, are applied to it by default. The columns with data and the BLOB number must be named data and part_index, respectively.

Tables that meet the described conditions are BLOB tables.

BLOB tables are used within YTsaurus to store stderr and core files generated by operation jobs.
For example, the table with stderr operations has 3 columns: job_id, part_index, and data, the table is sorted by job_id and part_index.

The read_blob_table command

The special read_blob_table command is implemented for convenient data reading from BLOB tables.

The command takes the path to the table as input and outputs a binary data stream.
The command also checks that the indexes of read BLOBs start from zero and go without gaps.

The command has the part_index_column_name and data_column_name parameters that enable you to set the names of columns with the BLOB number and data, respectively. By default, these names are part_index and data.

Example of running an operation and reading the stderr of a job from a BLOB table:

# Starting a Map operation
$ yt --proxy <cluster-name> map --src '//tmp/table_in' --dst '//tmp/table_mapped' --format yson 'cat; echo something >&2' --spec='{stderr_table_path="//tmp/stderr_table";}'

2023-12-07 16:25:19,463	INFO	Operation started: http://<cluster-name>/?page=operation&mode=detail&id=11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4&tab=details
2023-12-07 16:25:19,561	INFO	( 0 min) operation 11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4 initializing
2023-12-07 16:25:22,961	INFO	( 0 min) Unrecognized spec: {'mapper': {'title': 'cat;'}}
2023-12-07 16:25:24,230	INFO	( 0 min) operation 11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4: running=0     completed=0     pending=1     failed=0     aborted=0     lost=0     total=1     blocked=0
2023-12-07 16:25:25,353	INFO	( 0 min) operation 11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4 completing
2023-12-07 16:25:27,527	INFO	( 0 min) operation 11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4 completed

# Finding out the job id
$ yt --proxy <cluster-name> list-jobs 11788844-52f37dd2-3ff03e8-ff3bf1e4 --format json | jq '.jobs[] | select(.type=="map").id'


# Reading the "errors" of this job only
$ yt --proxy <cluster-name> read-blob-table '//tmp/stderr_table["4c3fc84d-884fbde5-3ff0384-94b1"]'