
This section contains information about chunks — parts of a table or file that store data.

General information

Data stored in tables, files, and logs is split into parts that are called chunks. A chunk stores a continuous range of data.
Specifically, each chunk of the table contains a range of its rows.
A chunk is an unmodifiable entity: once a chunk is created, the data in it cannot be changed.

The chunk data is physically stored on the cluster nodes. YTsaurus master servers monitor the location of the chunks and keep them in replicated state.

YTsaurus master servers store only metadata. However, metadata has a significant size, so in order to limit the memory consumption by the master servers, the number of chunks available to the account is quoted.

Chunk size

Chunks are not monolithic, they consist of blocks so that you can read and write chunks in parts.
By default, static table blocks are 16 megabytes and dynamic table blocks are 256 kilobytes.

You can change the block size in the table_writer settings, the block_size attribute.

A chunk usually occupies hundreds of megabytes or several gigabytes on a cluster node.
The size of the chunks to be created can be configured via the table_writer section, the desired_chunk_size attribute.

We do not recommend making chunks too small. This leads to an increase in their number, which consumes the master server memory. Small chunks also slow down reading: the number of requests to the master and the disk that need to be made to read all the data increases.

Reading data

When the client calls the procedure for reading data from a static table, the following steps are performed on the proxy server:

  1. Getting a list of chunks that make up the table from the master server.
  2. Getting a list of cluster nodes where chunk replicas are located from the master server.
  3. Downloading data from cluster nodes and transmitting it to the client.

Writing data

Writing is performed in a similar way:

  1. Splitting the input data stream into parts.
  2. Designing each part in the form of a chunk.
  3. Transferring data to cluster nodes and binding it to a table.

Chunk format

There are two chunk formats in YTsaurus: row-by-row and column-by-column.
The chunk format is determined by the optimize_for parameter. For row-by-row format, optimize_for has the lookup value, for column-by-column format — the scan value.

Row-by-row format: optimize_for=lookup

In row-by-row format, each row is stored entirely in one block.
The row-by-row format is suitable for dynamic tables from which data is selected by key.

Column-by-column format: optimize_for=scan

The column-by-column format does not store information about the type next to each value and uses lightweight column compression techniques.
By default, the data of each column specified in the schema gets into a separate sequence of blocks within a chunk. This speeds up the reading of a small number of columns.

If you need to read one row or a small range of rows by key, you have to make as many disk accesses as there are columns in the table. To minimize disk accesses, you can use the group attribute in the description of columns in the schema, which will allow you to store related data in one block. For more information, see the Data schema section.


Using a column-by-column format without a schema makes no sense.

Example of specifying a format


yt set //tmp/table/@optimize_for scan

Setting the attribute affects only future chunks and does not convert tables (similar to setting the @erasure_codec and @compression_codec attributes).

To convert already written data into a new format, perform the Merge operation:


yt merge --mode ordered --src //tmp/table --dst //tmp/table --spec '{force_transform = %true}'

For dynamic tables, this is solved by forced compaction. Before using it, make sure to read the article on Background compaction.

Example of running the operation via the CLI:

yt set //tmp/table/@forced_compaction_revision 1

In addition, for columnar dynamic tables, note the group attribute in the column schema. If your use case involves frequent lookups of table rows without column filtering, it is a good idea to set the same group for all columns. For more information about groups, see the documentation page on table schemas.

Chunk owners

Cypress nodes consisting of chunks — tables, files, and logs — are called chunk owners.
A set of chunks belonging to the chunk owners is organized as a tree-like data structure. The leaves in this structure are chunks, and the intermediate nodes are chunk lists (chunk_list).

Besides the attributes inherent to all Cypress nodes, chunk owners have the following additional attributes:

Name Type Description Mandatory
chunk_list_id Guid Root chunk list ID. Yes
chunk_ids array<Guid> List of IDs of all chunks.
chunk_count int Number of chunks.
compression_statistics CompressionStatistics Statistics on data sizes and the types of compression codecs used. Yes
erasure_statistics ErasureStatistics Statistics on the types of used erasure codecs and data sizes. Yes
optimize_for_statistics OptimizeForStatistics Statistics on the types of used chunk types (optimize_for). Yes
multicell_statistics MulticellStatistics Statistics on the distribution of chunks on master servers. Yes
uncompressed_data_size int Total uncompressed data volume of all chunks (not including replication and erasure coding). Yes
compressed_data_size int Total compressed data volume of all chunks (not including replication and erasure coding). Yes
compression_ratio double Compression ratio, the ratio of compressed volume to uncompressed volume. Yes
update_mode string The way to change data under a transaction: none, append, or overwrite. For nodes outside a transaction, it is none. Yes
replication_factor integer Replication factor (equals 1 for erasure coding). Yes
compression_codec string Compression codec name. Yes
erasure_codec string Erasure codec name. Yes
vital bool Whether the chunks of this node are vital No
media Media Replication factors and other medium settings. Yes
primary_medium string Primary medium. Yes

Data vitality

The YTsaurus system divides chunks into two types: vital and non-vital. By default, data in the system is vital (the vital attribute is true) and its loss is a serious incident. Data loss can occur due to failure of cluster nodes.

Non-vital data is data whose loss is not critical. YTsaurus cluster settings are such that inaccessibility of non-vital chunks does not trigger monitorings and exploitation intervention. Typical examples of non-vital data are intermediate results of operations: the scheduler will notice losses and perform recomputation. For non-vital data, the vital attribute is false.


The system does not consider chunks written without erasure coding and having a single replication factor to be vital.

Data may be lost when cluster nodes fail. To avoid this, three copies of data are stored in YTsaurus by default.
However, if multiple hosts fail, the system may lose access to all copies. If computations were interrupted when vital data was lost, restart them.