Data representation in JSON format


Boolean value.

  • Type in JSON: bool.
  • Sample YTsaurus value: true.
  • Sample JSON value: true.

Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64

Signed integer types.

  • Type in JSON: number.
  • Sample YTsaurus value: 123456, -123456.
  • Sample JSON value: 123456, -123456.

Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64

Unsigned integer types.

  • Type in JSON: number.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 123456.
  • JSON value example — 123456.


4-byte real number.

  • Type in JSON: number.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 0.12345679.
  • JSON value example — 0.12345679.


8-byte real number.

  • Type in JSON: number.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 0.12345678901234568.
  • JSON value example — 0.12345678901234568.


Fixed-precision number. Only Decimal(22, 9) is supported.

  • Type in JSON: string.
  • Value example YTsaurus — -320.789.
  • JSON value example — "-320.789".

String, Yson

Binary strings. Encoding algorithm depending on the byte value:

  • [0-31] — \u00XX (6 characters that specify the unicode character's code).
  • [32-126] — as is. These are readable single-byte characters that don't need to be escaped.
  • [127-255] — \u00XX.

Decoding is a reverse process. No character codes in excess of 255 are permitted in \u00XX.

  • Type in JSON: string.
  • Sample YTsaurus value: A sequence of 4 bytes:
    • 5 0x05 — control character.
    • 10 0x0a\n line break.
    • 107 0x6bk character.
    • 255 0xffÿ unicode character.
  • Sample JSON value: "\u0005\nk\u00FF".

Utf8, Json, Uuid

String types in utf-8. Such strings are represented in JSON as strings with JSON characters escaped: \\, \", \n, \r, \t, \f.

  • Type in JSON: string.

  • Sample YTsaurus value: C++ code:

    "Escaped characters: "
    "\\ \" \f \b \t \r\n"
    "Non-escaped characters: "
    "/ ' < > & []() ".
  • Sample JSON value: "Escaped characters: \\ \" \f \b \t \r\nNon-escaped characters: / ' < > & []() ".


Date. Uint64, number of days in unix time.

  • Type in JSON: string.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 18367.
  • Sample JSON value: "2020-04-15".


Date and time. Uint64, number of seconds in unix time.

  • Type in JSON: string.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 1586966302.
  • Sample JSON value: "2020-04-15T15:58:22Z".


Date and time. Uint64, number of microseconds in unix time.

  • Type in JSON: string.
  • Value example YTsaurus — 1586966302504185.
  • Sample JSON value: "2020-04-15T15:58:22.504185Z".


Time interval. Int64, precision down to microseconds. Permitted interval values are up to 24 hours.

  • Type in JSON: number.
  • Sample YTsaurus value: 123456, -123456.
  • Sample JSON value: 123456, -123456.


Means that the value can be null. If the value is null, then in JSON it's also null. If the value is not null, then the JSON value is expressed as if the type isn't Optional.

  • Type in JSON is missing.
  • Sample YTsaurus value: null.
  • Sample JSON value: null.


List. An ordered set of values of a given type.

  • Type in JSON: array.
  • Sample YTsaurus value:
    • type — List<Int32>.
    • Value: 1, 10, 100.
  • Sample JSON value: [1,10,100].


Stream. Single-pass iterator by same-type values,

  • Type in JSON: array.
  • Sample YTsaurus value:
    • type — Stream<Int32>.
    • Value: 1, 10, 100.
  • Sample JSON value: [1,10,100].


Structure. An unordered set of values with the specified names and type.

  • Type in JSON: object.
  • Sample YTsaurus value:
    • Type: Struct<'Id':Uint32,'Name':String,'Value':Int32,'Description':Utf8?>;
    • Value: "Id":1,"Name":"Anna","Value":-100,"Description":null.
  • Sample JSON value: {"Id":1,"Name":"Anna","Value":-100,"Description":null}.


Tuple. An ordered set of values of the set types.

  • Type in JSON: array.
  • Sample YTsaurus value:
    • Type: Tuple<Int32??,Int64???,String??,Utf8???>;
    • Value: 10,-1,null,"Some string".
  • Sample JSON value: [10,-1,null,"Some string"].


Dictionary. An unordered set of key-value pairs. The type is set both for the key and the value. It's written in JSON to an array of arrays including two items.

  • Type in JSON: array.
  • Sample YTsaurus value:
    • type — Dict<Int64,String>;
    • Value: 1:"Value1",2:"Value2".
  • Sample JSON value: [[1,"Value1"],[2,"Value2"]].