Set of auxiliary functions for the HISTOGRAM
aggregate function. In the signature description below, HistogramStruct refers to the result of the aggregate function HISTOGRAM
, LinearHistogram
or LogarithmicHistogram
being a structure of a certain type.
List of functions
Histogram::Print(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Byte?) -> String
Histogram::Normalize(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, [Double?]) -> HistogramStruct
. In the second argument, the desired histogram area is 100 by default.Histogram::ToCumulativeDistributionFunction(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}) -> HistogramStruct
Histogram::GetSumAboveBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
Histogram::GetSumBelowBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
Histogram::GetSumInRange(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double, Double) -> Double
Histogram::CalcUpperBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
Histogram::CalcLowerBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
Histogram::CalcUpperBoundSafe(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
Histogram::CalcLowerBoundSafe(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double
has an optional numeric argument that sets the maximum length of the histogram columns (the length is in characters, since the histogram is rendered in ASCII art). The default value is 25. First and foremost, this function serves to view histograms on the console. Web interface performs their interactive visualization automatically.