TensorFlow UDF
Using TensorFlow computational graphs.
String, -- path to the computational graph serialized in the protobuf format (the only mandatory agrument)
Bool?, -- EnableMKLDNN, enable MKLDNN https://01.org/mkl-dnn
Bool?, -- MKLCBWRCompatible, enable SSE2 compatibility for MKL https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl
Bool?, -- MKLDNNUseWeightsAsGiven, false by default
Bool?, -- AllowSoftPlacement, true by default
Int32?, -- IntraOpParallelismThreads, 0 by default
Int32?, -- InterOpParallelismThreads, 0 by default
) -> Resource<TensorFlow.Session> -- pointer to the TensorFlow session with an initialized computational graph
Resource<TensorFlow.Session>, -- result of TensorFlow::InitSession
PassThrough:* -- arbitrary data passed through the function without change
*:* -- names of other fields correspond to computational graph input names that will be passed to TensorFlow,
-- and fields' data types correspond to tensor forms; a primitive data type corresponds to a scalar
-- tensor, a list — to a vector. Matrices are not supported at the moment.
Type<Struct<*:*>>, -- description of graph outputs that must be calculated like inputs
List<String>?, -- TargetNodeNames, an optional list of graph node names that must be calculated, but not returned
Uint32?, -- BatchSize, 128 by default
Uint32?, -- MinVectorSize, 1 by default. Lets you adjust input vectors to the specified length
-- if their input lengths differ and are less than or equal to the specified length.
-- If the argument isn't specified, vector lengths are adjusted to the maximum length within the batch.
) -> List<Struct<
PassThrough:* -- passed to the PassThrough argument without change,
*:* -- other fields correspond to the data type specified in the third argument
>> -- result
is a fairly complex polymorphic function designed to be executed in PROCESS. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you review the example below.
Usage example
Task: given email address, guess the gender of it's owner using the TensorFlow and pre-trained LSTM neural network.
data example
uid |
"ayse.betul@list.ru" |
8401912741484409541 |
"gkorchigina@advisegroup.ru" |
7443540151492739379 |
"derunova@hyva.ru" |
1206408241455208802 |
"n.tohtaeva@apex-realty.ru" |
8401934471495213920 |
"danya_kuzya11@topservice.od.ua" |
9354031741499148496 |
"e.a.abrosimova@hyva.ru" |
1206415791497489033 |
"muratguney@tut.by" |
84019341499566593 |
"juriy647@zakrepi.ru" |
7443595151476837533 |
"inginiringstroy@bodo.ua" |
120641461502424396 |
"homuncule@fenixrostov.ru" |
8401933951498412781 |
"vetal1984@72.ru" |
7443588691497078993 |
"botagoz@game-forest.com" |
1206414471493466146 |
"kent2010@etvp.perm.ru" |
8401933051457890411 |
"gordeeva@lider-exp.ru" |
7443585201492797494 |
"a.vakish@tut.by" |
1206414051498009965 |
"d.volia.pinsk@b-urist.ru" |
8401932351484247832 |
"juravleva.e@rambler.ru" |
7443577411470618706 |
"hr.pers.specialist7@prizyvanet.ru" |
1206412411504975868 |
"sales106@belydom.ru" |
8401929831460458776 |
"r.zinatullin@smum.biz" |
7443574961501375635 |
"dpm.spec.delivery.rent2@mgllojistik.com" |
1206412411502352831 |
"ekaterina@rc.yartel.ru" |
8401921921456190987 |
"alex.krause@aktivdengi.com" |
7443572251501358851 |
"acc.invest.other@smpvo.ru" |
1206412411498937658 |
"turris.secretary-r@n-h-s.ru" |
8401916371502363695 |
PRAGMA yt.DataSizePerJob = "128M"; -- as this computation is quite CPU intensive,
-- it's a good idea to request smaller
-- data size per job
PRAGMA file("email.pb", "<location of serialized graph>");
$session = TensorFlow::InitSession(
FilePath("email.pb") -- path to TensorFlow graph definition
PRAGMA library("char_table.sql"); -- treat attached file as source for imports
IMPORT char_table SYMBOLS $char_to_float; -- import lambda from library that converts chars of emails
-- the same way as it has been done during model training
-- Lambda function to preprocess emails:
$email_to_float_vector = ($email) -> {
$cut = FIND($email, "@"); -- keep only the login
$cut = MIN_OF($cut, 20u) ?? 20u;
$email = SUBSTRING($email, 0, $cut); -- cut long logins too
$email_bytes = String::ToByteList($email); -- String to list of bytes
RETURN ListFlatMap($email_bytes, $char_to_float); -- apply lambda
$input = (
$email_to_float_vector(email) AS input_1, -- the name of column
-- should match the name
-- of TensorFlow graph
-- input
TableRow() AS PassThrough -- special column name to pass
-- any data through the TensorFlow
-- batch mode, in this example
-- the whole input row
FROM emails_sample);
-- Conventions on border between TensorFlow and YQL:
-- - While name of input column should match the name of graph input,
-- it's type should match the tensor shape and data type.
-- - Supported data types: Float, Double, Int32, Int64, Uint8, Bool
-- - List<...> means vector, while just data type - scalar,
-- matrices and other shapes are not supported yet.
-- - This model has only one input, but there might be many.
-- - As you'll see below, the same rules apply to graph output.
-- - PassThrough column is currently required, but may become optional
-- in the future.
$processed = (PROCESS $input
USING TensorFlow::RunBatch( -- Apply TensorFlow graph in batches
TableRows(), -- Special name for the iterator over table rows
-- Description of graph output to compute:
-- - Each struct member represents one graph output.
-- - Name should match the one used during training.
-- - Mapping between tensors and YQL types is the same
-- as with input.
ListCreate(String), -- TargetNodeNames
128, -- BatchSize
20 -- MinVectorSize
network_output[0] ?? 0.0f AS score, -- the result of gender guess given email:
-- - close to 0.0 means female
-- - close to 1.0 means male
-- - close to 0.5 means "not sure"
PassThrough.email AS email, -- the original email
PassThrough.yandexuid AS yandexuid -- other column from input
FROM $processed;