YTsaurus (IPA: [waɪtiːsɔːrəs], pronounced wai-tee-saw-ruhs) is a distributed storage and processing platform for large amounts of data. It includes MapReduce computation model, a distributed file system and a NoSQL key-value storage.
System overview: YTsaurus purpose and key features of the platform.
Data storage
Storing data in YTsaurus: Cypress metadata storage, key system entities, static tables, transactions, data storage formats.
How to try?
Step-by-step tutorial on how to quickly deploy a YTsaurus instance.
Dynamic tables
NoSQL key-value database: transactions, query language, replicated dynamic tables.
API and reference
Commands and their parameters, SDK description, and sample code for platform interaction.
Data processing
Processing data with YTsaurus: scheduler, MapReduce paradigm, operations supported.